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Everything posted by Vitasalato

  1. @Crzyrndm @mikegarrison Really guys I've tried to set up a launch of 66t (same fuel tanks), and i can't find any PRO for the Cryo. Ok they have a slight better TWR ('cause is 100t lighter), but they have worst D-v (not so much) even if they have a lot better ISP, and the there is nothing that encourage so much to ignore the high cost. I didn't do the math, and i don't have the time to do that, so i'm not sure if there is a real problem of bad equivalent fuel amount (between LF-OX and LH-OX with the same tank) but i feel that is something wrong. I mean how its possible that with the same TANK, the one with LF-OX (heavier) and low ISP (in compare with Cryo) that have better D-v then the one with LH-OX and better ISP engine? In my opinion that is something that as to be fixed, but if some of you have done the math and proof that what I'm saying is wrong, I'll be very happy.
  2. I love this parts, thanks! Now i've just to wait that space station parts and labs start producing heat!
  3. Hi, i love this mod and the idea of high ISP engines, but i think that it might be a problem. I've measured with mechjeb the DeltaV of some stock engine and one Cryo, and the result is not what i was looking for. Both stock engine have a higher DeltaV with lower ISP. This is true using the same fuel tank for all the engine, and the same MASS of fuel. Take a look at the album to see some numbers. Where is the problem? http://imgur.com/a/Onzp8
  4. Great work with the Shielded Mk2 docking port Instead why your part overeat so easily? Why you don't putt the same Max temp of other stock parts?
  5. Hi very nice mod, but have you ever think make a part like a Nose(tail)-DockingPort ? It would be nice for some SSTO
  6. Hi very nice mod, but have you ever think make a part like a Nose(tail)-DockingPort ? It would be nice for some SSTO Instead, I've noticed that the "Two-state aerospace intake" can't change status in the hangar. One last thing about the NUKE engine. Why you don't make some kind of aerodynamics protection, removable like fairings or just mobile? I know that is a lot of work, so i'd like to hear the opinions of all of us.
  7. Hi! Any chance to get a nice butt, where to place engine, in shuttle-look-like?
  8. Actually it was a wish, it wasn't my intention to be sarcastic. I admit that it wasn't easy to get that. He would agree with that Seriously i hope that no one got offended
  9. It's just that i don't think that is a problem of compatibility. Hope that I'm wrong
  10. The design of the Ranger is awesome, but simply it won't fly. With the new FAR .15 is simply not stable and aerodynamics. Over mach 0.5 is very unstable, the ship just want to fly backward where is more aerodynamic, so it keep rolling in all directions. I think that the major is the missing ruder, that make the ranger a spinning top, and there is nothing to compensate. Another problem is the nose. It's like a wall, and i think it should be more narrow. I've doubt even on the utility of the "wings". Just thought, i know that the model is a perfect replica of the one in the film, and it's awesome, but it doesn't mean that it should fly nice. I think that the creator can create a better ship that can actually fly. It could become useful for real.
  11. Oh true! I've always though that two "wings" was moving parts.
  12. Fine, installed again and now works fine. The "VoxelBoxeGate" not solved, good work on that!
  13. Hi great mod, it will be so useful! But i've some problems, with FAR .15 i've the same problems of @Vegemeiste. I've even a worst issue, in fact on the runway the part is ignored, and me game act like if there was no gear. Thanks
  14. Hi great mod, thanks! Just a request, could you add the monopropellent to the resources? It could be useful in some case.
  15. Great, that what i was hoping! All right, when I asked the question, I knew the risk I was taking no reading older posts
  16. Hi, great mod first at all! Just a simple question and excuse me if i'm not the first, is this mod the closest to the real aerodynamics mechanics or the new stock aerodynamics fine? And you will continue this mod? basically i'm waiting to play for FAR and deadly reentry news
  17. This mod looks amazing, thanks! Otherwise are you working to introduce control surfaces? The Ranger is not very manoeuvrable.
  18. Dude I love you! This is exactly what i was looking for from a long time! By the way, if you want the perfect stabilization use this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107802 it automatically adjust the engine thrust, so the center of thrust is always aligned with the center of mass. Just like the F35.
  19. Hey have a look here! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100445-Dreamer-SNC-Dreamchaser-Mod-V1-2-UPDATED%21-Now-with-%28some%29-FAR-support%21
  20. Hi! Someone could explain me in what status is this mod? There is just one developer?
  21. Hi beautiful mod, that's exactly what I need to transport my kerbals in to orbit! But I'm having some trouble. The landing gear don't work properly; they don't open but the the craft is in horizontal it stay lifted form the ground like if they were there. It's not an animation problem, because trying to retract and deploying it doesn't change anything, and if i try to takeoff everything crashes. The lifting surface control doesn't work too; without reaction wheels the ship don't have control. Instead its fly very well. .90 version Last thing why you don't add 3 more seat to the version without payload? This ship is created to send in orbit 7 people after all.
  22. Great! This is what I've been looking for my VTOL
  23. Alright I'll test it later. And from the moment that I have 3 kerbals in a high elliptic reentry orbit (standard kerbin size), I'll test the Beta too. -Update- Ok now it works fine! With 3.2 Km/s reentry velocity at 60 km of altitude, the ablation is of 444/1000 2,5 m heatshield. with the new heating model. Disabling this option the ablation is about 24/1000. Don't know if you need of this data that probably you already have. Of course using the Beta.
  24. Thanks for the help, but that's the problem. I've set the settings like the post say: "Set it to Hard and click on the Debug Menu item in the settings menu. Set the top 4 items to 1 except for shockwave exponent. Set that to 1.12. Set [heat] multiplier to 20", but just nothing change. I've tried to increase the temperature exponent, and when the temperature reached 1700 degrees the shield start burning up than over the max temp of 1800 all explode, but the ablative shield doesn't decrease (enough) it don't go to zero (before all explode). I've even try to set to zero the ablative shield resource, and during the reentry everything it's gone fine. Another thing, now with this setting during a standard launch at 200m/s at 3000m some parts start heating up and explode, and this shouldn't appends (I think). But the thing that i wanna know if I'm the only one that see the double part-menu (right click to the part, just to be clear) or it's some kind of bug, because it shows up 2 different temperature.
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