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Posts posted by njmksr

  1. Never fear, this challenge has not been forgotten... 

    (Potential) RULE CHANGES:

    >Strict VTOL is no longer a requirement. STOVL or STOL, however, is.

    >PAC-3 and laser damage is to be nerfed.

    >Gun damage is to be boosted.

    If you all don't like these rule changes, they're subject to change anyway. Just tell me :wink: 

    And my latest craft, the TALON, is on its way... probably done in 2 weeks or so (life happens). It's pretty innovative arsenal-wise...

    Btw @Mycroft I'll add you to the OP soon.


  2. 1 hour ago, corsario_ll said:

    hi everybody, more than a year I know the game now and I'm still stuck on and after so much time spent playing and enjoying the mods that have done for would give my help to those who need a designer to continue the wonderful world Kerbal Space Program leave a sample of my work on a small link (this very outdated but you can see something of my work).


    although not many samples I have a great experience in design for video games


    That's great! I've been looking for some 3d modelling and texturing guys to help me out with a mod!

    PM me for details.

  3. 13 hours ago, steedcrugeon said:

    All good feedback! I had upped the thrust from the Retros as it had originally been to little to slow It down. I might have to delve deeper into how the Landertron does its business so I can adapt it to suit. I really need to get this one to work as it is the trickiest one. Although it would not be the one recommended for use on kerbin, that'd be the mk1A (hoping to put that one into the test parts folder this evening when I get the nodes sorted).

    Up for some more testing when the parts have been updated?

    What you've done so far looks awesome!

    BTW I think I could get you the GET-REKT over the weekend.

    I can help with testing too.

  4. 1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    I wish you the best of luck. :P Lol. I'm sure enough that your planes will work as they are, man.


    That's another fabulous piece of machinery. And I happen to have a fort for it to attack or defend if I ever need a defense vessel, lol. Now I'm tempted again to knuckle up.

    What's that lower third / title mod you have installed? I've wanted a long time now to see a screenshot with it and ask the poster what it is.

    Historian. It's wonderful.

    And the Freedomizer is a bit of a handful. It needs KJR and TCA to fly.

  5. On 10/7/2016 at 7:01 PM, drtricky said:

    Now presenting, the USHS Majestic!




    6 203mm IJN Guns with 370 shells
    8 5" 38 Caliber USN Guns with 3600 shells
    10 Goalkeeper CIWS’s with 7200 rounds of ammo
    32 Airborne Lasers with 74250 units of electricity
    4 Hydra-70 Rocket Turrets with 32 Hydra-70 rockets each
    4 Jernas missile turrets, each with:

    7 AIM-120 missiles
    1 PAC-3 Interceptor missile


    Mods needed (besides BDA): Large Boat Parts pack, Naval Artillery System, Tweakscale, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement


    This is why I love the KSP community. 

    KSP: Making Things Fly That Really Shouldn't By Adding Moar BoostersTM Since 2011


    Also, the TALON flies! Still working on its handling, but it flies...

    Also, should the rules be VTOL or STOVL? VTOL would mean that it must be able to hover, but STOVL would mean it just needs some form of downwards thrust.

  6. 7 hours ago, Adelaar said:

    Well sadly, no... Mostly because I can't verify if modded wheels are overpowered or underpowered. I guess it's fine if the entry is for the wacky racers, or an upcoming challenge I have in mind. But not for the normal race, sorry!

    I mean if I take a modded rover but put stock wheels on it

  7. 9 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    Very cool, and legal, it obviously flies.

    Which brings me to another point, if you guys want these fights to be interesting then i suggest a reduction in missiles and an increase in projectile weapons, as it stands over multiple runs with the first competitors he who fires the first PAC 3 wins, countermeasures especially chaff are noted as being quite effective,  but given the general lack of maneuverability displayed by craft of this mass it's only a matter of seconds before being shot down...... Thoughts??

    As Contest Overlord, I would like to propose this change: 


    + Up heat tolerance by a factor of like 4 for all parts

    - Nerf the PAC-3 and the ABL System

    Boost guns

    + Boost Countermeasures (electronic or physical)

    Boost engines (more thrust, faster craft)

    I don't think we should remove any weapon, but we should instead balance them.

  8. 12 hours ago, nascarlaser1 said:

    I have version 1.0, which was out for 1 day only, and I've never bothered to update. Next week when 1.2 drops officially, I will finally upgrade.

    Sorry then, we officially run on v. 1.1.3


    Also, eYlEDd4.png

    @SpannerMonkey(smce) @AdelaarGrab the Twenty One Pilots t-shirts, 'cause we're a...

    Hot Topic!



    Get it? It's a pun! 


    I'll show myself out

  9. 3 minutes ago, nascarlaser1 said:

    Thxs! They might not be jets with weapons, but I can make a giant semi controllable missile that takes out ground units, and if you can convice the planes to stay still for a few minutes it could in theory hit them too :P.


    Also, what's the bold mean? I am confused.


    EDIT: I don't mind if it is not in a competition. for competitions, I might just make a challenge myself.

    You should always be able to get mods.

    And you wouldn't be able to enter a missile into the competition. If it fulfills the rules, you can post it as a creative AHWP (non-competition) but if it fulfills competition rules, it's a competition AHWP and may enter in battles.

    It has to be V/STOL!

    3 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    You know technically we could enter the Raven and hold the lead forever muwahaha  it fulfills the rules only needs two mods yeah we win :)




    Would be somewhat boring though

    But as a hint to what TALON is about, it's an FAV as opposed to my previous ACV

  10. 3 minutes ago, nascarlaser1 said:

    I can't get mods right now

    What? That's possible?

    3 minutes ago, nascarlaser1 said:

    Also, can I make stock weapons for this??

    I wouldn't recommend entering a pure stock craft into a BDA competition, but if you have the guts to do it, go right ahead. Don't bring a booster to a missile fight.

    IDK how we would do competitions with it though.

  11. 20 minutes ago, nascarlaser1 said:

    can someone make a video of the battles? They would be fun to watch. The bigger things would probably fail in a video due to lag, but the small ones would be fun to watch them tear each other apart :0.0:.

    That's something we're going for. Due to the preliminary nature of the battles I doubt @SpannerMonkey(smce) has any video footage yet.

    24 minutes ago, drtricky said:

    not even njmksr's super strong struts mod is able to keep them on. 

    Dear Lord, do we need something stronger than the HyperStrut? I never thought this day would come...

    I'll keep that in mind for Reforged-- add extra zeroes.

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