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Everything posted by Drakenex

  1. I know what is to return wasted from work and seat again on the PC to do personal stuff, big big thanks for your dedication Mr Wolfie. Looking awesome! One question, are you going to add retros to the middle of the main Altas core?
  2. Fixed fixed and fixed, back to FS for the chute for now. Download on the OP. Thank you very much! Official beta tester I name you!
  3. yes, buggy bug that need to be fixed by Squad, but no worries my friend, nothing is going to stop me for coloring your KSP!! Edit: Fixed! Now you can launch the Buran in real colors and the ETS Vulkan too (kinda at least)
  4. Please try it, contains Energia WIP too Dropbox
  5. ohoh! by that logic the Soyuz parachute will also be using the wrong texture, I'll fix that. And yes, while giving the black TKS a ride some kerbals gave his lifes I'm also kinda confused as to what you mean by this; Please tell me the part name, I don't texture Mir docking port, neither Beale. One more bug and you're my official tester hehe (kidding)
  6. Glad you like it! let me know if you have any ideas. Looking into it, thanks! @sslaptnhablhat Antenna: fixed Fairing: fixed Power Bank: fixed Docking module: not sure, is not part of this pack, may be is not textured? Improved some more things Dropbox Please give it a ride and let me know!
  7. No problemo, let me try Edit: Worky worky!!!! Big thanks, now to HxD all your .mu hehe
  8. Nope, for example: @PART[TLV_2_Engine_1] { %MODULE[ModulePartVariants] { primaryColor = #A6A6A6 secondaryColor = #565656 baseDisplayName = Default baseThemeName = TantaresGrey VARIANT { name = Soyuz MS displayName = MS themeName = TNIC primaryColor = #4a7248 secondaryColor = #4a7248 TEXTURE { materialName=TLV_2_Engine_1 mainTextureURL = DnD_Alt/LV/TLV/Texture_TLV_General_MS3 } TEXTURE { materialName=Nozzles1 mainTextureURL = TantaresLV/Parts/SOYUZ/Texture_TLV_2_Engine_1_Nozzle } TEXTURE { materialName=Vernier1 mainTextureURL = TantaresLV/Parts/SOYUZ/Texture_TLV_2_Engine_1_Vernier } } May be those are not the correct material names?
  9. Well, I was a happy man drinking my beer and updating configs but I've just hit a wall ... it seems that "ModulePartVariants" function doesn't have a method to select which mesh you want to apply the texture switch, so, because all TLV rockets use a separate texture for the nozzles and verniers, said function changes them to the main texture too, creating a big mess. There's a way to select materials but not meshes. Anyone knows how to do that? If there's no way around that I guess I'll have to make a hybrid (fugly) release. @Electrocutor @cakepie@Beale any idea? Thanks!
  10. Detailed parts is what makes BDB excellent. Don't forget about the tutorial, I'm improving my texturing and no one better that from the master
  11. After countless retires managed to dock the science module "Eurolab" just using the canadarm and the alternate Skylab is finished!
  12. Working perfect on 1.4.3 with IR 2.0.14
  13. Keen eye!! Custom made decals for the Nebula mod and the flag uses CA ones
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