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Everything posted by Yemo

  1. Thank you very much! I will take a look at CryoEngines and at the procedural parts configs. Isnt the name of the LxdHydrogen+Oxidizer tank type option too long for that field in the VAB? Apropos procedural parts, the procedural probe core somehow went missing. It will return in the next small update tomorrow. And apropos tanks, I recently went through some stock tanks and I can only say *censored! The mass/volumes do not have any balance at all. For example the monoprop tanks... Together with all the mass, volume, reaction wheel, EC, cost imbalances I wonder how people can play career at all. It is like hitting yourself on the head. Repeatedly. All the time! I also did take a short look at github. It seems it does not allow me to configure the zip file, which it produces for a release (at least from the web-interface), as far as I can see. Which is pretty horrible for a release/dev platform. It always wants to add the version number to the folder within the zip file. Which of course is totally unacceptable for KSP. I see other github mods not having that issue, if anyone knows how to fix this, please tell me. - - - Updated - - - Oh, and I m also thinking about reintroducing automatic record contracts for SETIcontracts. Of course fewer and less OP. Any suggestions? Maybe altitude with jet engines (although I already recommend a contract pack for jets). Speed records for air breathers/rockets. They should be relatively simple and mainly for the early career.
  2. Hm, strange, I have a radially attachable reaction wheel available (still pretty strong with 1kN torque). Is it added by VenStockRevamp? How can anyone play without VenStockRevamp for non RSS? I like the SETIctt probe cores with their 0.3 kN torque inbuilt, seems to be enough for sats and gives good fine control. And for the launch stages, you can add a stack reaction wheel which falls off with the boosters. Cant wait for RLA engines again, I m really lacking balanced variety.
  3. In conjunction with SETIctt (which just changes the CBK config with regards to action groups and hiring costs and so on).
  4. I suspect, that your tech tree got an update (SETIctt) and that they are now available later. Unfortunately it is a "feature" of ksp 1.0.x tech tree modding, that you do not keep your researched parts but they still show up as researched in the tech tree...
  5. SETIctt + CustomBarnKit for this specific instance. CustomBarnKit is the plugin which allows to change those values (and action groups from the start and so on) if the default config values are changed. SETIctt changes the default config for 40k hiring costs (+ action groups and some other stuff). I recommend the SETI-ModPack-1-Basic from the SETI thread.
  6. You could also try plaing around with the fillet settings on one of the shapes to make round takes out of one procedural part.
  7. And the NanoRover "Unicorn" @162kg Including a light on the other side and the gravimax behind the battery. Easily fits like that inside a 1.25m cargo bay.
  8. I m currently working on some example craft. The modular MicroRover @0.37t Easy to extend by putting stuff between the chassis frames. Vertically fits inside 1.25m diameter. And the more specialized MiniRover @2.2t, wet Complete with LFO/Mono Propulsion for VTOL and getting up again after toppling over on Mun/Minmus.
  9. Version numbers might be ok/good for lets plays/mission reports, but they are very bad for mod packs (.ckan files) and mod recommendations. Very detailed mission report! Hm, there are quite a lot of exceptions in that log. You might want to take a look at the exception detector plugin. I also noticed quite some null refs concerning clouds. I remember there was something about clouds. Maybe something with texture compression. If only I could disable the version number from being added to such lists/.ckan files. Which reminds me, I forgot to add Stock Bug Fixes to the ModPack. Download: SETI ModPack 1 Basic v0.9.3 (for KSP 1.0.4) * Stock Bug Fix Modules added to the list
  10. Could you set that automatically, if BackgroundProcessing.dll is detected? Which deals exactly with the non-EC generation issue.
  11. Whoops, thought it already had been (and that there was a leftover when editing command parts or so). Must be getting confused with all the different mods at the moment.
  12. Hey, I really like your export .ckan function for making a modpack. Unfortunately I have to manually remove the version lines for each mod. Is there a way to do that automatically?
  13. Forgive my ignorance, but whats wrong with 1. Install CKAN 2. Refresh 3. Select Outer Planets Mod 4. Go to Changes 5. Launch KSP
  14. For the general modular "wedge" design, UniversalStorage comes pretty close, though it is not procedural, more like steps, and the shape is given. I m not quite sure your proposal is doable with current restrictions (especially concerning the selectable shapes), though it looks very interesting and does provide inspiration for partial implementations. For example Universal Storage could use a solar panel wedge or a cover (at least for the hexacore). Maybe even a probe core wedge. I also really liked the schematic, even though you only provided it as an example of what would be possible if the full proposal could be implemented. So until someone comes up with a way to do that, I recommended the design idea as an addition to Dr. Jet's Chop Shop.
  15. Looking forward to it! About PP, it also makes starting probes much less hideous, effectively allowing for an HRB visual replica of a V2 due to the procedural probe core. But I certainly understand your reason for not using them, more like a lego modular principle (though thinking back about lego, I often wished for some special parts). - - - Updated - - - For your mod lists, I found a CKAN screenshot to be invaluable (and time efficient), even if it does not cover every mod.
  16. I always played with FAR, so I m really used to that. I found that it is really simple once you unlearn your bad habits from playing stock, like not tweaking control surfaces and landing planes without airbrakes and so on. Though at the moment there seem to be some bugs, so currently I use stock for myself. Sorry to hear about Procedural Parts, I guess it is a matter of preference. For me it is a question of scope and gameplay preference. I mostly like the design and planning phase of a mission. Eg something like: How to build a Mun lander with 30 parts max and less than 9tons, using only 45 science nodes. Or something like that. For such games I install PP, B9P, TAC, RemoteTech and everything. Then I have another install which focuses more on the exploration part and less on planning and vessel design. When I just want to fly a mission. For that I prefer USI LifeSupport and eg AntennaRange. It contains PP and B9P as well, but often it is just simpler to tweakscale the premade swept wing or so, than to fiddle with B9P. I just sometimes just want a wing does not have to be perfect. Same goes for tanks and PP. Which is one of the reasons why special winglets and wings (swept wing) are not in the clutter node. Apropos swept wing, I feel that for most designs, the CoL of the swept wings is too far back... I want the old swept wing back. Simple, useful, versatile. Damnit...
  17. Hey, I really like your Mk3 parts from the minipacks and I would like to recommend them for SETIctt using a .ckan metapack, since it is extremely useful for an early Mk3 cargo plane.
  18. Maybe you could ask Lack from SXT about joining his Mk3 parts with yours?
  19. Whoops, thought the suncatcher was the tracking. Then only the one module, consisting of the three foldable door panels. Without tracking, they face the same direction anyway when deployed. NearFuture Solar has some speciality solar panels which are non-flat. Otherwise, players can just stick tweakscaled flat panels (either stock or your rover panels) on the 3 fixed sides. Would be the easiest solution, and would still provide a great, unique part to the catalog.
  20. For SETIctt, I recolored a ProceduralParts texture to be somewhat in line with stock aircraft parts (called it WhiteFuselage). It is extremely simple, but it works surprisingly well:
  21. Yep, all 3 hatches would work together. No suncatcher, just rigid. The 3 non-opening walls could be made out of solar panels as well, to provide minimal emergency power if the vehicle does not face the the sun head on (so that the door panels work).
  22. Yep, the color of the hubs is a bit off, at least when viewed in the VAB. I also recommend using the Space Station Expansions parts from Nertea as a reference. I would just make the solar panels rigid as shown above (only foldable to become the side farings), but retractable. For interplanetary craft, the direction from which the sun comes is relatively stable anyway. And for a lander probe, it would work as well. It would be a part of the mission challenge, to account for EC/the direction of your craft/the choice of landing sites/orbits. Eg it would work fine for probes, where the direction of the sun is relatively stable for the time of the mission if you choose a polar orbit. It would not work for ComSats, since eventually you would have to correct the direction of your spacecraft. But then again, it would be an interesting speciality part.
  23. Ion is greek, roughly for "going" (present participle of "to go"), maybe you could derive names from that context.
  24. Proposal: Solar Panel wedge eg containing a trapezoid solar array, so that the outer segments are larger than the inner ones, since there is less room available the further you go into the wedge.
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