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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Ok here's the dice guys. Please do not post links to dll files in this thread. The reason is I do not have the luxury of time of dealing with people raising issues on this thread for dll's and code I did not produce. Yes I know this mod has been WIP for a while, and I did make statements before the Holiday season that I was going to do so. But things conspired against me. I'm close to putting out a release. But distractions like this just waste more of my time. The dev version I released still works in 1.2.2 so there is no need to be re-compiling and posting links to dll's. Thanks. EDIT: By the way, parts of that dev build code are All Rights Reserved. If you read the link in the OP and the post that it is linked to it clearly states that. But to clarify that I've added it to the OP in Big bold letters. So Please remove your links thanks.
  2. Try setting the following values and let me know if that seems right (sorry but just struggling to find the time to test things myself): UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.5 SpecialistBonusBase = 1 ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill EfficiencyBonus = 1 and I've confirmed that I have a fix for this issue. Thanks for the save files that saved me a bunch of time. Once someone can confirm the converter values seem more reasonable (as per prev) I can do an update.
  3. I believe the individual waste tanks were removed some time ago before I took over maintenance of the mod. I *think* about the time the current textures were done, but I could be wrong.
  4. Sounds like a good mod idea. A mod could do this and keep the stock ones in the mix as well.
  5. Yeah so I'm not sure why you think this is anything to do with TAC LS? Because of the info msg above the error? It's not related. The stack trace is indicating something is broken in the KerbalEVA part module or a module attached to the kerbal vessel (yes kerbals on Eva are vessels) Given the gigantic list of mods you have and the fact no one else has reported this on this thread I'd be thinking it's another mod. But I have been wrong. as its late here and I can't even open the log properly on my phone I'd suggest you start trying to narrow the field of mods you have installed to find the culprit. Copy your install. Remove TAC LS, start a new game and repeat the steps to see if it still occurs. Let me know if with all those other mods but no TAC LS installed if it doesn't occur any more. Otherwise it's one of all those other mods you have installed. Half the number of mods installed and keep trying until you find the culprit.
  6. I would suggest going to the TAC LS thread and searching it for "greenhouse" There are also links on the TAC LS wiki page https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/wiki/Description
  7. Can you tell me where you see that? The OP and download pages do not mention any issue between DeepFreeze and TAC-LS. There was one a while back. But I fixed it some time ago and removed it from the known issues. For the two MM patch queries. As to why - that is in time forgot as that was something the original author did. I think having LS resources including EC only on command pods makes sense.
  8. What issue with Deepfreeze and TAC LS? yes I wrote Deepfreeze and now maintaining TACLS. LS is only added to crewed parts as crew are the only things that consume LS resources. The rescue contracts is a bug with knowing which contracts are rescue contracts. It's a stock thing and I have save files that you supplied (thanks)but have not had the time to investigate yet. If the resources are the same ones TAC LS supports then you can. In fact there are other mods that do this already and are linked in the wiki and discussed previously in this thread. That comment about a greenhouse part from the wiki was written by the original author of this mod. I didn't know it was there.
  9. Because you can't. It's part of the stock code that is not public. how did you get the file name btw? You were given the answer above. You can write a mod to do what you are wanting. It's not a cfg file variable. So I'm wondering what are you enquiring about?
  10. That doesn't sound right does it. I must admit to not spending a lot of time looking at it. I'll check it again. In the meantime you can change the part configs to : UseSpecialistBonus = false for the converter parts. Thank You. I'll be able to debug it now.
  11. Yes they were nerfed. Probably what is missing here is I neglected to update the part descriptions. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/74 With no specialist (in this case all the TACLS converters now need an Engineer specialist) the base efficiency is 0.05% With an Engineer that goes up to 10% for a one star.Then +5% for each additional start. if you don't want the specialist function you can change the part configs to : UseSpecialistBonus = false for the converter parts.
  12. Can anyone supply a save file? from before the contract is accepted?
  13. So the latest version of USI LS (v0.5.17.0) that RoverDude released earlier has the fix I submitted in it so with that version it should now work with DeepFreeze.
  14. There is that. But also I haven't released it fully and posted lots of pics and instructions. What you could do is identify the Kerbin Side or Kerbal Konstructs packs installed and which pack it might be and ask the author to move the buildings.
  15. Ah ok. Kerbin Side or Kerbal Konstructs I'm guessing. Nothing much I can do about that unfortunately as the Observatory is actually integrated and modded in as a KSC Facility (just like the stock ones) whereas those other mods are not.
  16. Ah yes, I was going to mention for Omicron you could use this mod and not have external seats. If you want more info PM me.
  17. Because if I released it now there are too many other things not finished or with bugs. What version are you using? Observatory is available as a new KSC building in the dev build I released.
  18. That is correct. You must return to the space centre and go to the Observatory. Your new planet should be there. You can then start to research it. If you stay in flight the display does not update to show the discovered bodies. I have fixed this but I think it's not in the publicly available dev builds.
  19. Please supply your full save file thanks with the contract and issue. thanks. EDIT: As I am time poor if you the player can help me by supplying your save file/logs and detailed steps of how the problem occurs that saves me a bunch of time investigating and trying to reproduce problems and debug. It would appear on the surface that the problem here is there is some edge case where rescue kerbals are only referred to by their first name in their rescue contract. Currently TAC LS is checking their Full name in the contract and not finding this edge case. If I can get some save files and logs I can confirm how and when this is happening and apply a fix. In the meantime you can work around it by manually editing your save file (Always back it up first!) and changing recoverykerbal = true and recoveryvessel = true for any affected kerbal's and their related vessel. (I've highlighted the fields in the above example).
  20. It's never really fully supported it because of the unique resources KSPIE uses. So to fully support it I'd have to make changes to support the KSPIE specific resource and then do the SI conversions for display as everything is in EC units in AmpYear. The SI display is converting those. Having said that. It 'should' support anything using FNModuleCryostat and FNGenerator, but if they aren't working either it's probably because of changes you've made to those and I haven't looked since 1.2.
  21. The USI stuff is because it keeps chopping and changing and last I looked still had a lot of bugs. So while it's in so much flux I'm reluctant to make any changes as I may have to just re-do them again. Another user has already submitted a pull request to support it. But because of the reasons above I have not looked at it yet. Hopefully USI's latest set of changes will settle down in a while and I'll sit down and do the changes.
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