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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. I am trying to get a release out. but other things keep taking priority. I have already added a pop-up dialog for when something is discovered that should resolve the issue of the player missing the discovered message which will be in the next version. I still don't believe that cacteye would work with RB and the RB telescope does not. Have you tried my Tarsier telescopes? I've run another test and the TB-75 and Tarsier telescopes finds bodies for me just fine.
  2. Work around for what exactly? Givem that the cacteye mod is actually just using the same code/module from Research Bodies that RB uses for it's own parts I can't understand this logic. If one works, they would all work. As cacteye is just using the RB partmodule code. EDIT: Perhaps it's as I suspected earlier. and just the range parameter. Has anyone tried increasing the maxTrackDistance for the TB-75. What is the cacteye one set to? Sorry I'd check myself, but short on time lately.
  3. Tarsier Space Technology Tarsier Space Technology is a set of parts with enhanced science capability. This is a replacement thread as the original I created in 2015 was accidentally deleted. Please take Note of the Changelog. The original author of this mod @tobyb121 has given me full permission (back-dated to Jan 2015) to take over and continue to develop and maintain this mod given he simply no longer has the time to do so himself. He has also given me complete permission to change the license agreement. Anyone wishing to see this permission can get in contact with me via Personal Message here on the forums. The original content and Credit for this mod goes to tobyb121. TST Menu: Has it's own Menu support to manage all your TST parts per vessel and stored science in TST parts. Allows you to more easily select target Celestial Bodies or Galaxies from Menu lists. The GUI/Menu and the Toolbar/Stock AppLauncher icons will only appear when you have TST parts on your active vessel. Also now has Settings Menu available at the SpaceCenter (see Changelog V5.9 for more info). Parts: ChemCam - Analyse the surface composition of planets by shooting them with lasers. Space Telescopes x 2 - Peer deep into the solar system and to distant galaxies. Science Hard Drive - Store science in hard drives to maximize your science point A video by TinyPirate: ChemCam Analyse the surfaces of planets using a high powered laser. Uses biomes where available. Save your images to share on the forums!! (now saves in two sizes, camera size and Full Screen). Fully integrated into the tech tree. Will Generate contracts for collection of data from different biomes in Career games. Space Telescopes Look deep into the Kerbal system (you can see to Eeloo and beyond from the comfort of your home planet's orbit)!! Science experiments depend on what you're actually looking at!! (I welcome suggestions on experiment results). Target cross-hairs to help find distant planets and galaxies. Save your images to share on the forums!! (now saves in two sizes, camera size and Full Screen). Servos for fine control (use I,J,K,L to look around). Extra info displayed on what telescope is looking at. Can collect science from EVA and transfer to command pods and transfer to the SSD's. Two telescopes with different zoom capability integrated into the science tree. Look at distant galaxies and take photos of them for science. Will Generate contracts for collection of pictures from each body in the Kerbol system and beyond in Career games. When you also install the ResearchBodies mod can be used as a Body Scanner (function of ResearchBodies) and taking pictures of bodies will add discovery points in the ResearchBodies Mod. Science Storage Drives Store science data on hard drives to maximize science value. Don't need to save up electricity to transmit data home. 2 great sizes: 120 Mits and 480 Mits. Can now collect and STORE data in EVA. The small drive supports KIS (Must have Module Manager installed for this). ResearchBodies Integration If ResearchBodies mod is installed then:- Telescope and ChemCam contracts will NOT generate for bodies that have yet to be discovered. If you take a picture with a Telescope of a body that is yet to be discovered AND transmit/recovery it, it will become discovered. Pictures taken of un-discovered bodies will display as "Unknown Body" in the science experiement review window. Subsequent pictures taken and transmitted/recovered of a already discovered body will add 20 research to that body. The TST Telescopes act the same as the ResearchBodies telescope, IE:they have the Research button in their right click menu and will discover bodies they are pointed at in the same way as the ResearchBodies telescope does. The TST GUI camera-window "Show Bodies" list will NOT show un-discovered bodies or galaxies. This mod supports KSP-AVC for a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin Installation: Please ensure you delete your GameData\TarsierSpaceTech\ folder if installing over an older version. Just unzip into your KSP directory Requires Module Manager if you want KAS/KIS/ResearchBodies support (optional). KIS if you want to use it (optional). Toolbar if you want to use it (optional, also requires Config file change, see the changelog). ResearchBodies if you want to use it (optional). Download the latest release from SpaceDock, CurseForge or Github SpaceDock runs and makes mods available to you based purely on donation. If you don't want to pledge to me at least Consider pledging to keep SpaceDock going if you use it. Source code here. (original MIT license included in distributions) If you like my mods and you want to show your support, then you can support me on Patreon: file:///C:/Users/JamieLeighton/Desktop/%5B1.2.1%5D%20Tarsier%20Space%20Technology%20with%20Galaxies%20%28V6.6.1%29%204th%20November%202016%20-%20Add-on%20Releases%20-%20Kerbal%20Space%20Program%20Forums_files/ZnlLmEw.png SUPPORT: Known Issues: Game engine Floating point arithmetic errors. Tips for taking pictures: Here is the approach I use which seems to work fairly well. Target the object you want to photograph using the map view or using the bodies/galaxy lists from the Camera window. Switch on autopilot 'SAS' and set it to 'Target' mode. this will roughly align you with the target. Switch on the highlight target option in the window will help you to find the object. Wait until the SAS has settled down. Once its roughly aligned change the autopilot to 'Hold' mode. This reduces wobble a LOT. Now fine tune your zoom and using the fine tuning servos attached to the telescope using the translate keys, I,J,K,L. Take your picture. If you still have wobble issues doing this method, you can try also using timewarp quickly forward one step and back to normal time. This will stop the jitter briefly (as timewarp disables physics). Or, you can try adjusting the Fine Tuning of the Gyro wheels and SAS PID controllers (as per V5.4.1 update). The issue also varies depending on your vessel location, the location of the object you are looking at, how far it is away from you, the relative speed of the target object and your telescope. Hope this helps. I will continue to investigate other ways to help reduce this game limitation. For a good read on WHY this happens you can start here. You can also try something resembling a molniya orbit, which is an extremely elliptical type of orbit. Try an orbit with periapsis around 80 Km and apoapsis near the edge of Kerbin's SOI. On such an orbit, the orbital speed near the Ap is extremely low and this reduces the wobble very significantly. And choosing a polar orbit has another advantage - other celestial bodies don't get obscured by Kerbin, when you're at the apoapsis. Be a COOL PERSON and help me by raising bugs and feature requests on GitHub here. For support please ensure you are following these instructions. From now on I will NOT respond to requests for support if you have not at least attempted to follow these simple steps. NO LOG = NO SUPPORT. When I ask for a LOG I mean this LOG: KSP versions 1.8.0 and above: Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log - This folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information). Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log Linux: The log is written to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use Zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Changelog: Authors: Original versions up to v4.5c by: @tobyb121 All versions v4.5d and beyond: @JPLRepo
  4. There should be no problems if you: Use a static class to hold your events and initialize them. Fire them from teh partmodule or subscribe to them in the partmodule. And yes, reflection is used.
  5. Wish granted. V1.4.5.0 has been published. See OP for changelog. If you were using previous version with KSP 1.2+ I suggest you upgrade to this version as I found a rather large bug which was reporting the wrong amounts for EC consumption values due to misinterpreting how the new KSP 1.2+ stock resource calcs worked. Edit: Also fixed Remote Tech integration.
  6. OOoohhhhh.. Yes. Woops!!! Big bug in AmpYear. Working on a new version to fix this. https://github.com/JPLRepo/AmpYear/issues/62
  7. Wouldn't say that either. What I'm saying is unless someone can give me a reliable reproduction steps. I can't reproduce it and debug it. The steps you gave me I have tried and I did not get an issue. That is not to say there isn't an issue. It could be there are other factors that you are doing that you having told me....
  8. I have been unable to repro. Without a reliable repro I cannot debug.
  9. OK so looking at your save file I can see the following Kerbals and vessels: These are Rescue Kerbals part of a contract and rescue part/vessels and shouldn't be tracked: Sheldun Kerman - Cancelled contract. Interesting. I can see this is a bug. TAC LS is not cleaning up cancelled contract vessels and kerbals. So I have already coded a fix for this. Listhis Kerman - Cancelled contract. Same again. Milbrett Kerman - This appears correctly in-game. Milbrett's Pod - This appears correctly in-game. These are normal Crew Kerbals and vessels should be tracked: Jebediah Kerman - This appears correctly in-game. Untitled Space Craft - This appears correctly in-game. This crew not sure what is going on here: Harfurt Kerman - they are not a recovery kerbal but they are also Unowned (not crew). - appears in PreLaunch state in-game. Harfurt's Scrap - is actually the vessel Harfurt is in and it's current status is that it should be tracked. - Which it is. But not sure how it got in this state. I attempted to do your recovery steps listed in above post. And everything worked fine for me. Steps 1 through 7. and the result. the only thing I can think of is if the vessel in orbit that you own, in the case of the picture below "Rescue 1" is actually within loading range (2.2Km) of the rescue vessel "Joelo's Shipwreck" when it spawns (when you accept the contract) or you actually Switched to the rescue Vessel (as soon as you do the rescue vessel becomes one of your vessels and TAC LS will begin tracking it). So the only thing I found was cancelled contracts are not removing their related kerbals. Which I have coded a fix for and will be in next version. In theory though, those orphaned Kerbal records should be cleaned up the next time you restart KSP.
  10. What is a log going to tell? I am struggling to understand what @The Kerbal that could is trying to say is wrong. Can you upload some screenshots onto Imgur or the like and post a link?
  11. It's a known bug(feature tm). The camera is flickering between external and internal perspectives.
  12. This is with what version? As testing I conducted on the latest version did not have this issue.
  13. Yeah that's a lot of mods. But without logs and reliable reproduction steps not much I can do as unfortunately time does not allow me to sit for hours trying to reproduce your error.
  14. Err communitron 32? What mods are you using? Logs please. Cause DTS-M1s are working fine...
  15. Sorry folks but I still haven't found the time required to finish this off. as per this post: I need one or two volunteers who know how to manipulate part config files to tweak the CoM, CoL, etc of the lander and ranger bodies and have the time to play with it to get it right. I've had a few people volunteer already, but when given the task, they've fallen by the wayside. PM me if you have these skills and are interested.
  16. That's a bit of work as I'd rather not have a hard reference and to achieve this would require me to create a reflection class. I'll dig around see if I can figure out what's going on and find the easiest solution whether it's DeepFreeze or USI LS. EDIT: I have found the issue it's in regards to how USI LS tracks vessels. I have figured out a work-around from the DeepFreeze side so I am just testing that and will do a point release in the next few hours. EDIT#2: Yeah so my work-around just won't work. Neither with RD's suggestion simply because there is a bug in USI LS. Submitted PR to USI LS to fix bug. https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI-LS/issues/200
  17. I've had a number of players who use this mod and my DeepFreeze mod post on my DeepFreeze thread. I've done some investigations and believe the bug is in USI LS and nothing is wrong with DeepFreeze calling the correct USI LS method. As this was working before and DeepFreeze hasn't changed, my money would be on a problem in USI LS. I've raised a github issue. https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI-LS/issues/200 Here is the DeepFreeze post:
  18. Thanks. There's absolutely nothing in that log indicating a problem with DeepFreeze. Does it occur if you only thaw ONE kerbal? I guess I have to find the time to install USI LS in an install and actually test to see if it's a DeepFreeze problem or not. What would speed that up greatly is if you could repeat what you just did but turn DeepFreeze Debug logging ON in the settings menu before you freeze/thaw them. Would give me more info. EDIT: I just tried this with USI LS v0.5.16.0 and DeepFreeze v0.23.2. Vessel with two kerbals and a 2.5M life support container. Put into orbit..Froze kerbals. timewarped off 300 days. Thawed kerbals. No such issue.... So anyone having this issue, I will require a KSP Log with DeepFreeze Debug logging switched ON and steps to reproduce, save files even would help. EDIT/UPDATE #2: Ok, I have reproduced the problem. but it does different things for me. It seems to be when you freeze ALL kerbals on a vessel with USI LS installed. I've raised a inter-operability issue on the USI-LS repro as this is not a DeepFreeze issue that can be fixed from the DeepFreeze side. https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI-LS/issues/200 And I posted on the USI LS thread:
  19. Yeah, I mis-read it, so these distances shouldn't be an issue. With Kopernicus installed the range of the TB-75 is 540,000,000,000m
  20. So that's roughly 16,000 Million Kms? I'm starting to see the issue here. Sorry so what is the maximum distance between two bodies in the GPP pack? Metric system please (as that is what the game uses).
  21. I don't recall saying there was a bug in DeepFreeze or a pending fix release for DeepFreeze? Someone also reported a similar bug back in December. But no one has supplied me with their log files or raised a report on github so I have not looked at it. I don't personally use USI LS, for some bizarre reason (see Sig), so until someone supplies information (logs) that can be used to determine there is actually a bug in DeepFreeze that needs fixing.... If that makes sense.
  22. I just had an incredibly lucid thought, no idea why this didn't occur to me before. What are the distances involved in this GPP planet pack, I mean actual distances in km's (as I've never used it)??? It could be they are simply too great for the settings of the telescopes.
  23. Planets are not invisible. they are greyscaled and scaled down as ResearchBodies currently does. What I was talking about is making the Map nodes disappear, so you don't even see the "Unknown body" icon until they are discovered (which I have already successfully done). this does mean you can't target them. So I am working on contracts that will augment the discovery process. although you will still be able to point at them and discover them (if you are able to locate them). I'll be making a big push over the weekend to try and get as much as I can done on this mod. sorry it's taken so long. But with the holiday season and I have a day job, and a night job (Squad). So It's taking longer than i would like, just finding enough blocks of free time to get things done. Hopefully won't be too much longer.
  24. Errr. nope. I wouldn't be. There are no contracts in any of the currently available versions of Research Bodies... it's coming(tm)
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