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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Sorry but not enough info. Not encountered this but I have no info on what I am looking at. You have a mod that had transparent Windows? How is that achieved. I would think you are looking at an incompatibility depending on what your mod is doing. I don't consider it a bug with JSIATP but more likely an incompatibility as I said.
  2. No you can't sorry. And terrain is procedurally generated. Also, KSP doesn't use Unity 5.6. Can you raise a specific bug report for where you see the terrain issues. Attaching a save to the bug report as well with a vessel right next to them would be extremely helpful as well. Thanks!
  3. Different versions though until KSP is upgraded to the version of Unity that has the free TMPro embedded in it. Just for you to be aware of.
  4. You would be pleased to know then that the terrain has been fixed in the pre release, and was explained in the KSP Weekly's as an issue related to floating point changes made in the game engine. vertex overlap had nothing to do with it.
  5. Why don't you take the challenge? I can divulge no further information on these rarities. They are after all an Easter Egg.
  6. If you follow the instructions in this post to collect and share your log files then people will be able to help you:
  7. GameEvents.onVesselChange is fired when you switch vessels. GameEvents.onVesselWasModified is fired when a vessel is modified for various reasons. One of those reasons includes when the fairings are deployed. When that occurs, you could check the vessel passed in. Then you could look at the Part Modules and the ModuleProceduralFairing.Panels list. If it's empty, guess what?
  8. The best way to work with how it works would be to create a partmodule that upgrades change the stats of and the module then acts differently based on those stats. So at first it does nothing, etc.
  9. No logs. No bug report. See OP. No logs. See OP. Nope. There's a reason for it in stock. and no it does not address it.
  10. Yes that could happen. Particularly on command pods as they would have TAC LS resources defined in them. And if you have CRP installed without TAC LS and load them then yes they would appear.
  11. No. I don't see the point in that. Any list would be quickly out of date. Mods get changed daily. Mod code is not tested with all other mods (obviously) and mods in general do not get rigorous testing (even this one). So bugs occur and problems in one mod can quickly cause problems in other mods. I am not saying a mod is incompatible. I am saying a mod is causing an issue. I am unaware of any 'incompatible' mods. Having said that, it makes no sense to me to have more than one life support mod installed in one install. But that's not what we are talking about. this is something that happens all the time. What I am suggesting is the old method of halving the installed mods with TAC, and repeating the problem. If it still occurs, halve again and so on. If it stops look at the ones you removed. Add them in one by one repeating the test. Eventually you will find which mod is causing the problem. I can certainly look at any issue that is found between this mod and another mod. Once it's found.
  12. You have bunches of mods that are not compatible with KSP 1.2.2 installed. There are many errors. I would suggest you review your install, what mods you have installed. Refresh your KSP steam cache files, etc. Hard to say... I see nothing obvious in your log before this occurs. You do have a lot of mods installed. I will harden TAC LS to handle Null Refs but that will not fix your problem. My guess is a mod interaction and can only suggest trying the old half my mods and try again method until you can narrow down which mod is causing the issue.
  13. "Part Action Window" is correct.
  14. You can't add PartModules via the Part Upgrade system. You can change the stats of a PartModule though.
  15. There is barely any difference in leaving all of CRP there or not. CRP is really just configuration files that are loaded into the game. They would barely use any PC resources and I would be extremely surprised if you noticed any difference. Have those resources defined in the game are totally irrelevant if you don't have any parts installed that use those resources. So also doing a read back. I think we have two bugs that have been reported. 1) Setting the resource parameters via the difficulty settings are not persisting correctly for a save. 2) TAC is doing something silly when displaying crew/vessels information (particularly for unloaded vessels). It helps folks if you can raise these issues on the github issues log for the mod and supply me with as much info and logs etc as possible. This just helps me save wasted time investigating and trying to reproduce errors so I can fix them and usually what happens is I spend my spare time doing that, and not actually fixing it before I run out of spare time.
  16. There are more languages planned. I'd hate to see someone waste hours/weeks/months translating thousands and thousands of strings.
  17. I am not working on this mod presently. The mod requires some effort to rebalance parts and that is all (Scroll back).
  18. Sounds like a Bug. Will investigate thanks. Once you have started a game you can change the game parameters same as the stock ones. So via the pause menu - settings - Difficulty options button at the top.
  19. sorry.. but what is the distance? Trillions of meters? I'm thinking of adding part upgrades to the telescope in the final release. (or maybe the next dev version). Also if you use the telescopes from my TST mod the big one has more range.
  20. I'm not sure what you are thinking there. I'll have to think about making the distance measurements doubles. But that's got other issues. Basically for now you can only research bodies in the same system if you are using mods that are creating other stars.
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