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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Under the MIT license I Rebuilt for KSP 1.1.3 - only changes I made were numerous fixes since this was last updated to make it work in KSP 1.1.3. MIt license included in download ZIP. Still requires Blizzy ToolBar (I did not add code to use the stock applauncher, let's see if the author returns first). Forked Source code: https://github.com/JPLRepo/KSPPersistentTrails/tree/master Download Zip file here: https://github.com/JPLRepo/KSPPersistentTrails/releases/tag/V1.3 I'm not taking over this mod or supporting it. I fixed it to work in KSP 1.1.3 and tested it and it appears to be working. Let's see if the author comes back.
  2. Oh dear... we've opened a can of worms... For heat generation take a look at Part.AddThermalFlux
  3. As the author hasn't been on the forum since start of March, I'm guessing no. I'll take a look later on today at re-compiling it, unless someone else finds the time before me.
  4. @Papa_Joe might be working on exactly that for his Ship Manifest Mod at the moment (multiple transfers). You might want to stay tuned over on that thread. EVA, that could be problematic.
  5. Good Luck for the future Ted. You've done great things for KSP and I'm sure you will continue to do great things where ever the journey takes you next.
  6. It doesn't matter... The plugin just looks for fields that START with "ToolTip" any following numbers, characters, repeats, doesn't matter. IE: wildcard matching on "ToolTip*"
  7. So do we have a curator for the Community Driven Loading Screen ToolTips?
  8. yes they are... What I was saying is you won't really trim that much, removing the config files for the parts though means they won't appear in game. Are you still playing 32 bit? otherwise, it won't save you a lot. but will save you the hassle of missing a file, etc. Totally up to you.
  9. There are a lot of shared files, so you won't save a lot. Easiest approach is to just delete the config files for the parts you don't want and leave the assets folder there.
  10. Yes just go into the config files for the parts you want to keep and take note of the textures they use in the MODEL nodes in their internal configs. EG: for the Ranger you would want the Ranger.cfg, rangerEngine.cfg, Rangerinternal.cfg: You need to keep all the files as per the model= and internal= parameters for the Ranger, and so on.
  11. Could be the empty node, actually, without the curly brackets, surprised the part even loads. But the error appears to be with the ModuleEngines, yes that config looks very old. It's missing a number of fields. It's actually failing in AY.AYController.ProcessModuleEngines will a null reference (something isn't defined). I'd say something isn't supplied in the config file... but it's seriously messed up with that empty node. Does it still occur without the empty node? I'll look at tightening up the error processing. Thanks.
  12. Yep. Nope. It is much more efficient to have them in one folder so they can share textures.
  13. nice pictures. EDIT: On further perusal are you asking for some support? or have a bug to report? If so, Please follow the instructions in the OP. Require logs at a minimum.
  14. Changes in Progress to the Flight Menu. Default bodies (based on difficulty) also appear in the Observatory menu as well now (of course they come fully researched): Thanks. All Good, testing with the updated Asteroid Day mod with upcoming ResearchBodies update is working fine so far! A few testers would come in handy to help me make sure all is good with the new version. PM me if you have the time to test the upcoming updates.
  15. Thanks, yep a bug. Fixed for the upcoming release. Getting closer, still testing and bug squashing.
  16. So might be worth reporting on Tweakscale thread with a log?
  17. If you are using FAR, make sure you also have MM installed. I'm not sure what you are asking for. The docking ports already have undock buttons in their part right click menu.
  18. Ok it does scale but not as expected. 1280 width: 1920 width: I think if you stick to 1280 is the safest... Which means you have about 90? 93 chars to play with? I dunno, I ran out of fingers and toes, and the dog didn't have enough either... Mods are not available on console as I understand it.
  19. Well we won't have to worry too much about the poor old console players.. locked into their stock KSP with no mods.
  20. "Press Z for Beans" makes total sense to me. Seems like @Deimos Rast & @LabRats are working on a new Community Driven ToolTips list. Excellent!!! Thanks @TriggerAu for the input too. Terrific! This is exactly what I had in mind when i dreamt this up last week. EDIT: Not sure, but shoving some long test strings into a file should determine that for you. There is no char limit, just what will fit on the screen. So throw some test strings in there and start counting.
  21. Sounds like you are volunteering. LOL. No pressure. Just joking. Perhaps @LabRats wants to be the curator for the community ToolTips Repository file?
  22. Had to do the custom extension, etc, as it runs BEFORE MM has a chance to do anything. Let's see if it becomes a problem. That's a fair bit of work. Currently it will support a community driven config file. Similar to the community science file. Are you volunteering to start up the community Tips list?
  23. Apart from a few milliseconds(seconds). - it really depends on how many tips you add, but it's negligible, there is NO other impact to loading times. It will already support a community driven tips list, and in fact, that was part of my thinking in creating this.
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