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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. @Dafni No the lander engines have not been changed since v0.91. Update on the Outside Endurance ring docking port: I'm trying to decide the best idea here... I have a docking node part as per the pictures I posted above.. but..... As it is not Angled, to match the Ranger, docking for the Ranger is very awkward. I know the part I have is not really like the original in the movie... but it makes the most sense to allow enough clearance for docking. See pics on current docking port with ranger attached as well as what the one in the movie looked like. I'm not thinking of trying to replicate the original one, simply for the clearance reason. I am wondering if perhaps a second docking port that is angled for the Ranger is a better option? Looking for input?
  2. No. I have no intention of moving them earlier in the tech tree. I believe they are well balanced. (Stock Tech Tree): The CRY-0300 and CRY-0300R become available at "Space Exploration". The CRY-1300 and Glykerol Tank at "Specialized Construction", and the CRY-2300 at "Advanced Metalworks". I don't believe moving them earlier in the tree makes sense, what do others think? BTW: You can always change them in your own install.
  3. @cubinator @Denko666 @Table Working on the outer docking node part as requested. It will be a separate docking node part that will attach to four points on the Endurance Ring (therefore optional). PICS: Oh and the next version will have new emissives, flame and smoke trails for most of the engines... Spoiler pics:
  4. Glad you like it. That's what the CRY-0300R is for. Put it inside your cargo bay.
  5. These are great fun nli2work. Love your models. And yes, good to see you back.
  6. That is a subjective question. I would suggest you download it and decide for yourself. Yes Probably and it is do-able. But most likely post KSP 1.1. If anyone can source the sounds that would help.
  7. Thanks for that. Hadn't noticed it before. Took a look earlier at some references. I think there are two options. 1) add the docking nodule onto the main ring as one part and you can attach the existing docking ports, or 2) as you suggested. Have a new part that can attach to the outside of the ring, kinda like a big docking port part.
  8. That's true (RL and wife and kids always come first). Still I managed to fix my broken transition to flight mode and now Ampyear ESP and other vessel data persists right through from craft file, to editor, to flight to save file. I also got some functional icons etc going (enough for now given 1.1 will mean a GUI re-write anyway). All that's left now is iron out the actual ESP processing bugs. Hope to get something out for the long weekend (for those that have Easter).
  9. Fixed for KSP 1.0.5 for those still using this. Download from GitHub here. Source/changes also on Github. Update: The version Above so far also works in KSP 1.1 Pre-Release versions. But it is not persisting the link status of the strut and seems to break quite easily. I'll add this to my list.
  10. I've seen the movie at least 3 times... I see what you mean now,. Generally I haven't paid that much attention to them or in the movie where Dr Mann was actually trying to dock to.. I had always assumed it was somewhere on the centre ring where the Rangers go. It's very hard to find a half-decent reference shot. Even on the models used in the movie.. I'll look into changing the ring model to include them.. but the docking ports would remain separate parts (endurance docking port).
  11. Sorry but are you asking for a docking port? or a part connect node? to be added to the outside of the ring? and you want it to explode? I'm not going to add a built in docking port to the ring... I 'might' consider adding a part connect node/s. But it would be an alternative config (not standard) people can add if they want. As for exploding parts... That's another mod. Try KIS explosives.
  12. I have a working copy (1.0.5) of my own if anyone is interested let me know
  13. Update on the next version progress... A few set-backs. I had to re-think and re-write most of how I persist data between vessels and across scenes in order to keep all the AmpYear (and new ESP) settings from one vessel to another and between the editor and flight. Mainly because in the editor a vessel does not actually exist until it is rolled out and there is no easy way to keep the references between a ship file in the editor and a vessel in flight. I also need to cater for saved craft files to save the AmpYear settings into the craft files so it won't forget what ESP settings you set for each saved vessel in the editor and when launched. Still have a few bugs to iron out, including a completely broken transition to Flight mode, but slow progress is being made. Unfortunately I won't have much time this week (real life and real job), but hopefully will have some time to finish it off over the Easter break this coming weekend. Stay Tuned!
  14. Yep, there is a mistake in the config file for tech tree for that part which means it isn't appearing in the tech tree in career mode. If you edit this file (with any text editor) /GameData/Endurance/Parts/ENDURANCE\mountEndurance.cfg Change: TechRequired = experimentalRocketry to: TechRequired = heavierRocketry I'll update it in the next version.
  15. Errr... Looks like the part loads fine.... artLoader: Compiling Part 'Endurance/Parts/ENDURANCE/mountEndurance/ENmountEndurance' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'GeometryPartModule' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARAeroPartModule' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FARPartModule' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) PartLoader: Part 'Endurance/Parts/ENDURANCE/mountEndurance/ENmountEndurance' has no database record. Creating. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'ENmountEndurance' No errors there... But then there are lots and lots of errors.... The first spam of errors look like this error. The second set of endless spam of errors ERROR Object reference not set to an instance of an object IN ModuleLifeSupport Not sure what life support that is from. TAC I think.. But I noticed you have TWO life support mods installed. TAC LS and USI LS. But you also have lots of other errors... Even one of my other mods Tarsier Space Tech.. which you have version 4.5 installed (current version is 5.8). You also have Interstellar errors, Module Manager errors (4 versions of that installed). You are running the correct latest version of KSP, but with all those outdated mods it's a wonder anything is working. I'd recommend cleaning up your KSP install. Removing or updating outdated mods, cleaning up multiple versions of mods and make sure everything is up to date (including FAR and KoS) then let me know if you still have a problem.
  16. Because you aren't looking in the fuel tanks section in the parts list? No seriously, if it ain't there I'd only be guessing without a log file to determine if it isn't loading for you correctly. Sorry no log supplied so can't offer much more than that.
  17. @Brigadier Q1. Yes. Q2. Calc. - ESP is an additional function that will shutdown and restart the modules based on Total Mains Power percentage (defaults, but user can change). Suggestion 1 -Done. Don't forget the main AmpYear window shows the ACTUAL power production and consumption based on what modules you have selected to be included. Suggestion 2 - Done. A settings screenpic might help to explain: Suggestion 1 & 2 implemented:
  18. Post a log (particularly while in IVA pressing the buttons), pictures, full explanation of what the problem is and I will take a look. But a full log will help track it down. If like you said, you have deleted something, then it will show early in the log on startup. Before that you could try re-installing RPM first to see if that fixes it.
  19. Progress Update, from Yesterday. Emergency Shutdown Procedures now have a manual button to begin the procedures immediately. There are now High.Medium.Low Priorities for all supported modules that can be assigned default values in the settings file. You can override the default settings and assign priority to individual modules per vessel. These priorities will be used to deactivate modules based on amounts set in the settings for low, medium, high priority modules. I have not begun making changes for the startup, so that is next. I'm thinking of having the same system for a pre-defined amount of EC production/stored before the system starts up high priority modules, medium, low in that order. I have made a lot of other behind the scenes coding changes to simplify things for the move to KSP 1.1. I've also coded Tooltips on all the GUI screens. Pic of WIP:
  20. @Deimos Rast Sorry forgot about this.. Will look on the weekend to remove it, but a quick browse of your log file indicates it is DeepFreeze trying to interface to Ship Manifest once in the Space Centre and again in the Editor, which is harmless. and yes this should move over to the DeepFreeze Thread.
  21. Well yes I do. I've taken over the mod from benjee over here. But you know that already. This is in case anyone else stumbles across this thread with the same question.
  22. I added Wiki pages for the Lander, Ranger and Viper. Hope they help a bit around the features and what parts are meant to attach. Personally I use Throttle Controlled Avionics. They all work fine in FAR for me... Yes the Ranger is very powerful.. maybe a bit too powerful... I will look at balance of all three over the coming weeks for the next release. Yes I had planned to look at them all. I can ascend the Ranger from the lanuchpad and into orbit in a matter of minutes... Don't forget these are Sci-Fi (futuristics ships with futuristic characteristics and engines). but I'm not sure it is meant to be that powerful given it needed a booster to leave Earth.
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