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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Currently the Emergency Shutdown Procedures is fully autonomous. There is a toggle in the Subsystems menu that allows you to turn it on or off. There is currently no manual way of Activating the Subsystem. It is automatically activated (if on) when ALL EC runs out on the vessel. This does NOT include ReservePower. The changes I've got in DEV will then deactivate the support modules that have been selected in the PartsList and remember their pre-shutdown state. When power has returned (yes currently this is a bit flawed, because it has no limit or time check, which I was going to implement) it will return any previously supported parts to their pre-shutdown state. I've been thinking about how best to implement this. Either adding additional priorities to the modules (more complex) or a simple timed mechanism (but to restore parts to active in what order).. so probably what's needed here is a combination of the two checking before activation of each module that there is enough EC to handle it (very tricky to do). Or perhaps the restart can be a completely manual process whereby you can bring up the parts list and activate them (with a button) one by one... Or in priority groups. I'll look at the manual shutdown as another button.. Or perhaps a config setting so you can configure what EC level you want it to kick in, rather than zero.
  2. An Update: Work continues on the expansion of the Emergency Shutdown Procedures. I've implemented ability to store/save and remember part states (active/open/etc) when the Emergency Shutdown begins. I've also implemented GUI update to allow setting for each part/module in each vessel in the Emergency Shutdown Procedure or not. Still need to implement persistence of this across game sessions (save/restore into save file) for each vessel. Implemented Emergency Shutdown Procedure to use the new settings per part/module to automatically activate when an Emergency Shutdown begins and then restore it's pre-Emergency state once power is restored to the vessel (Emergency Shutdown cancelled). You can change the setting before the Emergency Shutdown is cancelled (if you are fast enough ) and it will respect that setting. Not ALL parts/modules are supported. Only Stock and supported mods (where I can change their state). Here are the currently supported modules: "ModuleDeployableSolarPanel", "ModuleWheel", "ModuleLight", "ModuleDataTransmitter", "ModuleReactionWheel", "ModuleResourceHarvester", "ModuleResourceConverter", // Stock Part Modules "ModuleNavLight", // Aviation Lights Mod "Curved Solar Panel", //Near Future Solar Mod solar panels "ModuleRTAntenna", //Remote Tech antennas "SCANsat", //SCANsat "TacGenericConverter", //TAC-LS Converter units "ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter" //Antenna Range Transmitters RCS, SAS, Power Turn and the AmpYear and KabinKraziness Subsystems are all supported as well. Pic of W.I.P.: Looking for some feedback on what people think so far? Do people feel the need to set default values of the modules themselves? (currently you can't, all the supported modules are defaulted to ON, or INCLUDE in ESP processing).
  3. You're right.. and looks like I fixed it way back (had forgotten). But I've gone ahead and improved it anyway for next version as the way it was wouldn't work well if the user changed the planets (like installed Kopernicus during a save) and you never can control what people are going to do. I've got the Orbital Science telescopes functioning as TST telescopes. But want to do a tweak to TST code to allow control of the animations a bit better. EDIT: Actually although working the transforms are orientated the wrong way in the models.... pondering fixes other than getting @DMagic to change the models. I could... but, messy. @DMagic is it possible in your next version to add empty transforms to the big and small brother models for the aperture that point out from the aperture (Z axis out in blender)?
  4. Thanks for this. (Nifty ) Very very handy. BTW: your download links are busted. I did get it from Github. I echo the other suggestion, being able to resize or close/open would be very handy as when I am debugging or testing I run in windowed mode and it takes up a lot of real estate. Another suggestion - would be very handy if it listed attached Animations as well.
  5. Lucky I picked this up.Shame no one ever reported it on the TST thread.. I did not know about this problem. In fact this code is original from when I took over the mod. I'll fix it in the next TST version.
  6. Like Papa_Joe suggested... I have written several wrappers already in DeepFreeze, Ship Manifest, Roster Manager, and AmpYear mods. Look here for some examples: https://github.com/JPLRepo/DeepFreeze/tree/master/Source/APIs First: PropertyInfo pi = ExecutorType.GetProperty("enabled"); return (bool)pi.GetValue(null, null); To get the property you need to also specify the bindingflags on your getproperty. And like others have said, to get the value you need the actual instance of the class. which depends on what kind of class it is.. singleton or not... Usually if it's not, there needs to be a static "Instance" property which is actually set to the instance of the class that you can retrieve. See Sarbian's response above for your specific problem with MJ. If this is not clear, or from the examples drop me an PM or reply here.
  7. And he arrives before I even get a chance to offer congratulations. Well, congrats! Seriously, nice work. From reading your changelog with Deep Freeze, I understand some things are still in a bit of an interim with regards to Ship Manifest (or maybe that was CLS). Specifically, well, I know how much ya'll love selected slices of logs, so here is precisely that: My only in game time consisted of flying a small pod for a couple minutes; didn't try to crew transfer or eva. The only thing relevant about the parts involved is that they...maybe haven't been updated since 0.24. I hadn't intended on actually submitting this until I tried it without said parts and could replicate it, but since JLRepo once again showed up in a flash lightning, I feel like I kind of have to now that the entire crew has been assembled. *sigh* I can and will provide my log (about to eat dinner). And as always, I'm trying (such as it is) to provide you guys with support, not the other way around. If you fix an issue I'm having great, but I have zero expectations. Mod authors, and you two in particular, provide a tremendous amount of value, and I believe in doing what I can to support that - which is why I am always in certain people's threads providing feedback, bug reports and suggestions. Now, with that out of the way, is there anything you'd like me to do, besides not installing dodgy mods (it was a one time thing, honest!) and uploading a log? Did this occur only once in the log? on initial scene start (like flight mode)? To confirm my suspicions. I think it's a timing issue on scene startup.. Or maybe not. If Not, yes full log please.
  8. Yes so messages like "DeepFreeze-SMWrapper" is DeepFreeze managing it's interface into SM. You'll see other messages like "ShipManifest-DFWrapper" - which would be Ship Manifest managing it's interface into DF. Doesn't really matter where you raise any issue around DeepFreeze - Ship Manifest. Here or DeepFreeze. Papa_Joe or myself will investigate and if we find it's something to do with the other mod we will let you and each other know (we are in contact pretty regularly anyway).
  9. There are plans to integrate with mods like Keepfit and KRASH... Development has slowed on this mod until KSP 1.1 is released. But is by no means stopped. Stay Tuned!
  10. Thanks man. Look out for the next version with less fixes and more enhancements!
  11. New version imminent. To coincide with update to Ship Manifest updates. Stay tuned next hour. Version 0.20.4 released. See the Changelog in the OP for full details. As always, Delete OLD versions completely before installing the new version. This is not save game breaking as all point releases should be. Important things to note: This version has been released to coincide with Ship Manifest V5.0.1.0 and will work only with that version or above from now on. DeepFreeze is no longer using the old Ship Manifest hard-reference API. DFInterface.dll has been removed as well, you no longer need this or SMInterface.dll. There is a bug related to Crew Transfers if you are using Connected Living Spaces and Ship Manifest that causes a kerbal to be lost if you are using CLS passable = NO setting on parts. So I have temporarily changed the settings for the CRY-0300 and CRY-0300R to be passable if you are using CLS until Papa_Joe can fix this bug.
  12. just finished adding a 'Isolate Reserve Power' button for the next version. Now Working on expansion of the emergency procedures to have a new GUI so you can customize it.
  13. I feel humbled and honored. Glad you like it that much. And v0.93 should have been 0.91 but now it's all working again, so everything is good again.
  14. I've started a WIKI. See the "Attaching the Rangers" page. Hope this helps.
  15. V0.93 released. See the OP for download. Changelog: Fixed Texture on Lander - Specular. Added Attach nodes to the top and bottom of the Lander. Fixed RCS ports on Lander and Ranger. Adjusted the Ranger VTOL forward. Fixed Docking Nodes, they now attach/detach (couple/de-couple) and have "Control from here" ability. It is now possible to build the entire Endurance without any Sub-Assemblies. Tip for attaching the docking nodes: Hold Alt/Option key when placing them, continue holding Alt/Option and rotate them the right way. If they are not green move the mouse outwards a little bit until they turn green and release. Should attach nicely. For the Ranger angled ports first attach docking nodes to a Straight attach point on the ring centre. Attach two Docking nodes the right way around and then attach the Ranger. Then select the innermost docking port and place it on the angled attach node.
  16. I think I've finally fixed the docking ports! I'll try to get an update out in the next 24 hours.
  17. I added radio buttons so you can toggle the inclusion of the stored EC and ReservePower as well. I'll fix the text alignment before next version.
  18. I've got a fix for the lander RCS ready. Also fixed it's shader -should have been specular. I've also added attach nodes to the top and bottom of the lander, which I think will make it easier to make the endurance and attach it without using subassemblies (still to test that though). I'm also trying to figure out what is going on with the docking ports, because they are misbehaving. So more work there to figure out what is going on with those. I can't replicate whatever the FPS issue is with the inflatable habitat, seem to work fine for me. I will do a pass over everything again to make sure I haven't missed anything else once I sort out the above before I do another point release.
  19. That's because the current version does not take into account stored EC or stored ReservePower. That screenshot I posted is a dev version I just whipped up an hour ago to include it. If that seems reasonable I'll include it in the next version.
  20. Oh ok. and is that screenshot to your liking regarding the DarkSide calcs?
  21. Who's ignoring it?? Next Version will include ARP icons for ReservePower and Teflon.. You can always create your own as well. https://sites.google.com/site/kspalternateresourcepanel/home Would this be better?
  22. I hear ya. Solution Architect (end to end architecture, software and hardware) these days (over 10 years now) Long gone are my development and support days (another 10 years) but KSP modding scratches that itch.
  23. I'll check out the docking ports.. but they should be working... and the habitat... As for the Lander.. I just realized the original model has no downwards thrusters in order to translate up.... I'll have to add some. EDIT: in the meantime you can wack some linear RCS ports on the bottom of the legs.
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