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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Have you thought about how this might be the first step in allowing you to move your kerbals around in IVA? Thinking about how KSP has been developed over time? and, although it may be useless to you, others may actually enjoy it.
  2. Noticed you using arp mod there. Have you seen this pack: https://github.com/Olympic1/Icon_Packs_KSP/releases It adds a bunch of icons for different resources. Which has reminded me I thought I had one for AmpYear for arp already, but actually it's my DeepFreeze mod. I'll do an icon for arp in next version and submit it to Olympic1 to include in his pack as well.
  3. Well actually Transparent pods have been around since around 0.23 (Actually I seem to recall it was even earlier than that), when sfr did it first. then when he disappeared mihara re-did it in Raster Prop Monitor. and it still works in 1.0.5 today (I know because my mods use it and I have been adjusted it and made it more efficient for MOARdV). And it will be in 1.1.,,, well maybe... if 1.1 has it built in than that will change things. I'm asking someone from the inside to confirm if in fact 1.1 changes the orientations of the models and IVAs so the IVA layer is now the same as the external layer.
  4. As I stated yesterday... would love to know if this means Squad has done away with the different orientations of the IVA layer. Also, Raster Prop Monitor TransparentPods has given us transparent windows for a while now (for those mods that use it). And there is FreeIVA as mentioned above as well.
  5. I'm more curious about whether this means squad has finally done away with the crazy orientation of the Iva layer and made it the same as the external layer.
  6. Ship Manifest no longer uses DFInterface.dll to interface to DeepFreeze. In fact nothing does. you can delete DFInterface.dll if you want. @Papa_Joe is investigating... and I took a look at the log provided earlier and could see no errors related to SM or Deepfreeze i that particular log file has had been reported. Are you sure that this error is occurring NOW with the latest SM and DeepFreeze installed? Because as Papa_Joe had said earlier, this did occur for a brief period but thought we had fixed it. In fact the last update he did I thoroughly tested the DeepFreeze integration and it was working fine. I ask also because like I said the log you supplied did not contain this error. Yep I would say Ship Manifest is not checking for parts that change their crew capacity (given I've spent some time looking at the code) and only and only sees what their CURRENT capacity is at any given time.
  7. Just released V0.92. Fixes the Ranger docking port. The ranger and lander RCS. The Ranger landing legs are now proper landing legs, activate using the "G"ear key. To enable this, this mod now includes a custom part module for the ranger legs. Source code link in the OP. Thanks to @Shadowmage for his amazing SSTU mod and permission to adapt his part module code. Added AVC version checking support.
  8. Update on the RCS and ranger legs issues. I have sorted out the ranger and I've managed to fix its legs so they work like real landing gear using a custom part module. I just need to test everything and hope to get an update out in the next 24 hours or so.
  9. That's not necessarily a bug.. but I did not look at Career mode tech tree assignments at all. Happy for anyone to provide input here on where they think things should be or not... I'll put it on the list to look through them and see none are invalid and they are reasonably balanced. IF anyone wants to also do a CTT config, etc I would be happy to distribute it as part of the mod as well.
  10. For those who are brave enough (know what they are doing) you can get a fixed Ranger Docking port and Fixed Lander RCS ports here. Take the rangerDock.mu and landerbody.mu and put into /GameData/Endurance/Assets folder replacing the two existing files. Ran out of time to do the Ranger today...
  11. On the ranger engines, they are configured to spool up and have an acceleration speed setting I n air breathing mode. I haven't changed this from Benjee's original setup.
  12. Thanks. I'll check the RCS and engines for the ranger and RCS on the lander and viper. The legs on the Ranger are an issue.. see the Future plans section in the OP. I'll see what I can do without spending too much time on them given KSP 1.1 will mean they will have to be totally re-done again anyway. I noticed the animation for the legs the way it is currently setup has a delay, so try toggling it and wait a few seconds... then try it a couple more times, it eventually works. The gear through the runway is because they are not proper landing legs/wheels.
  13. The docking port definitely is missing a collider, I checked it this morning and I've fixed it already, but not going to release another version day 1 just with that one fix. I'll check the RCS but I was pretty sure I checked that on the ranger lander and viper.
  14. Just confirmed.. this is a bug. I missed the collider on this part. I'll do a fix today some time.
  15. New craft files will need to be built by someone (if anyone is so inclined) otherwise I'll get around to it. DON'T try to use craft files from previous versions of this mod. They either won't work, break, do really strange stuff. Maybe slightly... It needs a tweak in the next version. But it's a lot better than before, previous version it just flipped straight over. oh and if anyone is trying to view my OP on an iPhone/mobile/tablet - yeah something went screwy when I created it and the word wrap is broken... I've tried about 5 times to fix it but I've given up. Put that one down to the glitchy new forums.
  16. Ok @ShotgunNinja has made some adjustments for KSP 1.0.5 to BackgroundProcessing and it's available here. All you need is this DLL file. (click "View Raw" to download it) and then put it into your /GameData/BackgroundProcessing- directory. Make sure you DELETE your existing /GameData/BackgroundProcessiing- file in the same directory.
  17. Have you reliably been able to reproduce this? or have a save that reliably produces this that you can share. See my comments on the GitHub issue. I've made some error handling updates to the code (for next version). But not a lot more I can do about this one.
  18. Thanks! And thank you for your input and time as well. All up getting this going again with the limited source files I had took in the range of 50-70 hours. Hope it was worth it and lots of people enjoy!
  19. This mod is intended to recreate, visually and functionally, the Endurance spacecraft from the movie 'Interstellar.' It implements parts to construct the Endurance ring, with highly efficient magnetoplasma engines and a modular design that allows for multiple configurations of the ship to your mission requirements. Construct the ring in the VAB and launch it to LKO, before docking advanced Ranger and Lander vehicles to it. Both the Ranger and Lander act as SSTOs and feature detailed, Raster Prop Monitor integrated IVAs. This is a continuation (re-build and fix for KSP 1.0.5) of the original version by @benjee10 (Old thread) As the mod was severely broken by KSP 1.0.5 enforcement of convex colliders, benjee10 did not have the time to re-build the mod. benjee10 has given me hIs blessing to continue his mod for him. All credit for the original version goes to benjee10 and his original team. As this is a continuation the license remains: CC BY-NC 4.0 Features: Giant ring outfitted with Habitat, Logistics and Engine modules. Capable of transporting 2 Landers and 2 Rangers across the solar system. Super-efficient plasma thruster engines. Multiple docking ports for visiting vehicles. This mod is designed to function with (configs provided): JSI Advanced Transparent Pods, Kerbal Inventory System, Raster Prop Monitor, Kerbal Attachment System, USI-LS, TAC-LS. NOTE: You do not need these mods for this mod to function, but without them your game-play experience will be greatly reduced. Parts Included: Base Building Parts: MB-25 Freight Transport Module MB-75 Deployable Habitation Unit MB-50 Mobile Analysis Unit (fully fledged science lab) Large Location Ownership signifier Advanced Unpressurised Storage Cuboid Experiment Cluster box part. Endurance Ring Parts: EC-215 Logistics Module EC-200b Command Module Endurance Deep Space Engine DSPS x300 Fuel Assembly MB-2 Habitat Assessment Unit (science) EC-151 Structural Ring Infirmary module The Lander: Lander Fuselage (built in engines) Lander Lift Engine (VTOLs) Small Ship (Viper): Viper Composite Fuselage (built in engines) Medium Ship (Ranger): Ranger fuselage XP-F40 "Cooper" Aerospike Thruster Docking Ports: Ranger Docking Port Endurance Docking Port Endurance Outer Docking Node Endurance Outer Ranger Docking Node FUTURE VERSIONS: Ranger - Fix it's landing legs (after KSP 1.1 drops as it will have big changes to wheels and legs) KER and MJ do not see the Rapier and Lander Engines in their displays Fix symmetry on all parts. Endurance habitat is a placeholder IVA - it's actually using the crewCabinInternals Fix Endurance Command IVA. - Needs re-work. How do I build the Endurance? and other related matters???? A W.I.P. WIKI page will help. Reference Picture of the Endurance Bug reports and Feature Requests: Be a COOL PERSON and help me by raising bugs and feature requests on GitHub here. For support please ensure you are following these instructions. From now on I will NOT respond to requests for support if you have not at least attempted to follow these simple steps. NO LOG = NO SUPPORT. When I ask for a LOG I mean this LOG: KSP versions 1.8.0 and above: Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log - This folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information). Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log Linux: The log is written to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use Zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Known and Confirmed issues: Ranger Landing legs sink into the ground - I am unable to find a reliable way to fix this and many have had issues with landing legs. Assume further updates to KSP will provide fixes for this. For now it is what it is. Download the latest release from: (links here) SpaceDock, Curse Forge or GitHub SpaceDock runs and makes mods available to you based purely on donation. If you don't want to pledge to me at least Consider pledging to keep SpaceDock going if you use it. For a comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin This pack includes a modified part module for the inflatable Habitat module adapted from PorkJet's Habitat Pack. This mod includes a modified part module to allow the Ranger landing legs to function in KSP 1.0.5+ (barely in KSP 1.1+). Code Adapted from shadowmage's awesome SSTU mod. The code for the adapted Modules can be found on GITHUB here. The license for the module code remains the same as the SSTU mod license which is: GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0 (licenses included in download). Example Craft files can be downloaded here. See the included txt file on how to install and use them. Will add to the official release next version. Added to the V1.2 Distribution. Thanks to @skylon7 for creating them! If you like my mods and you want to show your support, then you can support me on Patreon: Installation: Please ensure you delete your \GameData\Endurance\ folder if installing over an older version. (NOTE: this version only works on KSP 1.1.3 and UP). Just unzip into your KSP directory. Requires Module Manager if you want the following mods supported (optional). B9 tank support for the major LS mods (USI, TAC, Snacks, Kerbalism). FAR KIS KAS JSI Advanced Transparent Pods Raster Prop Monitor TAC-LS USI-LS Kerbalism WBI I highly recommend the use of Throttle controlled Avionics for flying the VTOL enabled craft (Ranger and Lander). ChangeLog: This Mod is authored and maintained by: @JPLRepo - Models & Textures, Configs, Implementation @JadeOfMaar - Endurance Reconfig, many mod integrations and other fixes. New Plumes, etc. Thanks go to: Testing: @googbo & @Dafni Some Re-textures and input: @xxhansonmaxx Re-factor of the Endurance ring to fix Lag issues and other input: @MerlinsMaster Config file tweaks and example Craft files: @skylon7 LICENSE: CC BY-NC 4.0 Endurance Part module Code License: GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0 Originally Created by (versions up to 0.90): @benjee10 - Models & textures zekew11 - Implementation Shryq - Ranger IVA Implementation & Ranger (up to v5.0) xxhansonmaxx - IVAs InsanePlumber - DDS Conversion Jasseji - KIS migration Awesome flags by Akron!
  20. Yes it does. There are two partmodules and it has built in camera gyros.
  21. Perhaps the animations on the telescopes could be turned off as a partmodule setting, then in the MM cfg I have created it can change that setting to off. Forgot to mention before I have already made the code changes previously to have the transforms as cfg file settings, so no code change on the TST side is required (had forgotten that I had done this). It's just a MM cfg to add the TST partmodule. EDIT: If you did this you probably still want them to initially orientate to point outwards / straight when they are opened. TST has code to search a transform for an Open and Close animation clip so it can open and close them itself if you had an animation with 2 clips assigned to a transform. So I'm thinking a cfg file setting to turn off the Orbital science mode and an Open and Close clip transform then TST can take care of the rest (with an optional MM cfg file). As an option for players. Let me know what you think. Can PM me as well. EDIT 2: Sorry it only needs an Open clip... which it plays in reverse to close.
  22. 1) Thanks fixed. 2) Glad you resolved your problem.
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