Thanks, I'll give both of these a shot and I'll let you guys know how it turns out, again, really appreciate the help, ATM allowed me to have the most amazing experience with 23.5, just trying to get there again Edit/Followup: Welp, I owe you guys, a lot... I went ahead and compared the atm.cfg of each version and saw no difference. Removed the Squad folder and config files alike based on rbray's recommendation, added the forced openGL target, but then I found something strange. The compression wasn't nearly as high on the 4.2v as on the 23.5, so I copied over the compressed textures from that atm folder and pasted it over the 4.2v, then tweaked my terrain settings a bit, and now I'm starting at an allocated 2.1Gb. Only problem I face now is all the new textures that StationScience changed (and maybe DavonIndustries, can't remember) and I should be golden. Yet another testament to the helpfulness and community here at the KSP forums. Much thanks!