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Everything posted by shoe7ess

  1. Hey KSP fam, I was wondering if there was an add-on out there that allows one to search for parts while in the R&D center in order to find out which node they are in (like in the VAB/SPH)? I know it's always possible to open up the part.cfg file and check out the TechRequired (though sometimes it's re-arranged due to the various tech tree mods switching up node locations), but I just wanted to find out if an add-on like this existed. I play with a pretty heavily modded (mostly part mods too) game, so it's difficult sometimes to find out where to invest my science points because I want to unlock a certain part without going over each node (sometimes they are re-arranged via MM patches too so they aren't always obvious). Anyways if it exists I'd appreciate a link, tried searching a handful of combinations of terms in google to find something like this but came up empty. If it doesn't exist, well, then there's an idea for an add-on Thanks!
  2. That's friggin awesome! When it flew overhead was there any major lag drop like you would see if you tried to dock with something that large? Either way I'm excited for this weekend when I'll have time to play around with this.
  3. Now I'm wondering. I don't play with aircrafts too much, I really love building space stations and stations on other planets. I play with a lot of RO mods like real chutes and real fuels and the like and was wondering whether a) this plugin will allow me to see a station going over the KSC if it's at like 100kM with a lot of lights (also, if it's a larger station if that would cause more lag, even if I'm on the launch pad and b) if either the MM patch (which I had no idea those settings had been added) or the plugin would work better for large-part crafts, stations, etc. I figure at some point I'd have to disable the plugin or change the MM patch so I can get close enough before the lag kicks in, but think being able to see satellites going by (maybe) overhead (also use distant object enhancements) would be pretty awesome. I just re-read what I typed and don't know how to word it better, I hope you understand what I'm trying to ask
  4. So for some reason the parts from this pack (I believe they are all constrained to the US-Rockets pack) on 1.2.2 load up with some missing textures for me. Not even all of them, just parts: i.e. LR-79 Rocket Engine is textured, but the LR-79 vernier rocket engines show up all white, similarly the S-3 vernier engine texture doesn't load, and Aerobee 100/150/300 but not the Aerobee sounding rocket motor. I've looked through the configs to see if there was something missing, but found nothing that should have caused a loss of some textures (screenshot provided below). I've had missing textures in the past from the RN soviet rocket engines, but this is the first occurance in 1.2.2 for me with any part pack (and I'm using a lot of mods). Maybe someone here may have an answer/fix? http://imgur.com/a/JWsG2#jfBqcYA So the aerobee sr booster at the top is meant to be all white as well (this is a legitimate question, no sarcasm)? *Edit* Looked up a few versions of the old Aerobee SR's and (it's hard to get a HQ picture) it does look to be pretty white. Some showed a gold-like tint towards the top, some with designs down the side, but I assume the texture is based off the straight-white version. Sorry if I thought the usual white-textures were a bug, even though an all-white texture usually means the .dds didn't get loaded properly. You could have just said "This is as designed/intended like the answer I had received", at which point I would say "thanks, I didn't know that it was on purpose" and be on my way, but to insinuate I am purposely posting "bogus bug reports", especially when I asked for an answer or a fix, makes it seem like I'm trying to sabotage this mod is a stretch. I have come across bugs on other mods and after debugging for a day or two and finding that the issue is caused from something that the mod itself doesn't cause, but a compatibility bug or something similar, I always state and report back what I've found out. Just be kind in your responses. I didn't feel I was attacking your mod when I posted, I legitimately thought I had missing textures. Anyways, thanks, I'll check out the parts on the pad next time I boot it up. Also, there is a bug (legitimate) with connecting parts of this mod to nodes where if moving a part (usually the root) around and placing pieces back onto the root they become stuck to your mouse and can be place near-ish to the part they were originally attached to, but red-greyed out. It's fixed if the part is saved and re-loaded, but the offset (because it's about impossible to line the greyed portion out dead center of a node) is still there, however you can then take off the offset parts and re-attach to the node and it works as usual. Happened to me about 3 times while building my first sounding rocket with the Aerobee probe part as the root. Thanks for the answer, I didn't see the grey when checking out the parts.
  5. So for some reason the parts from this pack (I believe they are all constrained to the US-Rockets pack) on 1.2.2 load up with some missing textures for me. Not even all of them, just parts: i.e. LR-79 Rocket Engine is textured, but the LR-79 vernier rocket engines show up all white, similarly the S-3 vernier engine texture doesn't load, and Aerobee 100/150/300 but not the Aerobee sounding rocket motor. I've looked through the configs to see if there was something missing, but found nothing that should have caused a loss of some textures (screenshot provided below). I've had missing textures in the past from the RN soviet rocket engines, but this is the first occurrence in 1.2.2 for me with any part pack (and I'm using a lot of mods). I thought about the reflection MM config causing some issue, but the parts there (as far as I know) render fine. This is in x64 by the way, with no launch commands. Maybe someone here may have an answer/fix? I love the parts of this mod, but I'm a stickler for great looking rockets, and missing textures always drive me nuts. I can attempt to open in opengl mode to see if it fixes the issue, but I don't know if this will break any of my other mods (I have tried -forced3d11 because I was testing a ReShade config at the time, but have opened it without any ReShade/launch commands and the problem persists). Thanks in advance! *Edit* This doesn't seem to affect the later game parts like the Titan, as far as I can tell it is contained to parts of the \Thor \Scout and \Aerobee subfolders and some parts therein.
  6. Actually, that's incredibly helpful. Thanks for the tip Starwaster, I'll be setting up kerolox tanks for BDB this weekend, and move onto LH2 afterwards. *Edit* Didn't see your post there Jso, those configs work perfectly. Now all the tanks I'm using work perfectly with the BDB 1.1.0 pack (without the configs, the fuel tanks don't offer any choice for fuel for some reason, probably due to a conflict with another mod I'm using). Thanks Jso!
  7. Actually, that's incredibly helpful. Thanks for the tip Starwaster, I'll be setting up kerolox tanks for BDB this weekend, and move onto LH2 afterwards.
  8. Request: I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask for this, but I'm wondering if we could get some MM patches to make RF compatible with Bluedog Design Bureau. The engines for BDB are all setup to use real fuels, but the tanks use B9PartSwitch, and the only fuels are LF/O and LH2/O. The fuel tanks are nicely modeled and textured in BDB as most are analogues of real life rockets. Problem is if you want to use real fuels these fuel tanks are basically best used as just structural pieces. If I had the time I would add in at least kerolox setups for each tank so that they can be used with most of the BDB engines, but alas I'm pretty busy and the most time I have for KSP is on Sundays (my day off). Thanks! Also: If there is a patch that makes it easy to convert the volume of each tank so I can make a simple patch to add kerolox to each tank without having to set the volume of each tank individually I'd appreciate it. If this is the case, this may be easier and less time consuming than I initially think.
  9. Request: I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask for this, but I'm wondering if we could get some MM patches to make RF compatible with Bluedog Design Bureau. The engines for BDB are all setup to use real fuels, but the tanks use B9PartSwitch, and the only fuels are LF/O and LH2/O. The fuel tanks are nicely modeled and textured in BDB as most are analogues of real life rockets. Problem is if you want to use real fuels these fuel tanks are basically best used as just structural pieces. If I had the time I would add in at least kerolox setups for each tank so that they can be used with most of the BDB engines, but alas I'm pretty busy and the most time I have for KSP is on Sundays (my day off). I'll place this same request in the regular RF thread because I'm not sure where exactly the best place to make a request is between the two. Thanks!
  10. Hey Jso, I'm familiar enough with most RO mod configs as well as creating MM patches, so I can help contribute if it leads to Real Fuels compatability. My jumping off point would be acquiring any and all existing RF configs(recent *working revs only *by working I mean themost up to date configs for the latest version of BDB that supports them). I'll check through your .github and make a pull request (or just ask you for the docs you had working and expand
  11. So back to RF for BDB... is it possible to add an MM patch in order to add all modular fuel tanks to the BDB tanks? One of the tank is already cyrogenic so I think this would be the easiest solution for me. However, I saw that this latest build should have at least a few working RF configs on some tanks yet I get no Fuel levels, making all fuel tanks structural for the newest version (of course, much more expensive and heavy than most structural pieces of the same size lol) If anyone has and can post an MM RF patch config file for any of the fuel tanks I'd greatly appreciate it. I still have issues writing up MM configs for MFT >.>
  12. So if I want RF and I want BDB, what other mods would you suggest to go along with the BDB cyro tanks?
  13. Hey, So I updated to the newest release and for some reason Real Fuels Stockalike is not working with the BDB fuel tanks. None of them have a Max Volume, however the version I was using before (V1.0.1) was compatible. Is there a patch somewhere or do I need to be asking this on the RF Stockalike thread? *Edit* I just downloaded the newest version of Real Fuels as well as the latest config releases for RF Stockalike, and also downloaded the latest version of B9 Part Switcher. I'm going to see if this fixes it and report back. *Edit 2* Still no luck. I checked the logs and the B9 part switch looks like it's doing it's thing but I have no volume on any fuel tank. Log: Full .log file (not sure which parts are the most useful) *Edit/Update 3* Went ahead and reverted it back to v1.0.1 and now the tanks have a Max Volume but only is available in LFO or LH2/O, even though the BDB engines are set up to use Real Fuels. I can't recall, but I'm assuming this is how the tanks were set up before, I just never used one I guess.
  14. I'm re-downloading it now. Adding RealFuels and RealFuelsStock to the game made all the engines work. One thing that for whatever reason allowed a few engines to work from various mods was changing the engine module name from EngineModuleFX to EngineModule, which fixed a handful (not sure this was the cause, but some engines worked afterwards so maybe it was a realplume MM config that somehow got copied from my 1.1.x install or something strange like that), however they then all looked like they were firing at full thrust before, during, and after launch (not very pleasing to listen to or watch). So I removed SXT and everything worked but a few engines (including an early squad engine), however I believe another mod was interacting with that part in some way, just don't know which. One line of the KW Rocketry engines was suffering from the issue as well even without SXT, and when I went in and removed the staging icons it actually allowed a few of the "dead" engines to work, but still had one I couldn't get propellant read-outs for. Now that RF is released however, it has fixed whatever mod(s) were causing the issue. I want to let it be known that I do not believe your mod was the cause of the issue in any way, instead it was just the most noticeable/affected from whatever bug(s) I was experiencing. I'm playing with mods built for 1.2.1, 1.2.2, and 1.2.3, so at this point I'm not worried about trying to find the exact cause, especially since no one else seems to be experiencing it. When all of the mods I'm using are updated for 1.2.3 (probably right before 1.3 comes out :P) I will create a new install through Steam and add a few mods at a time according to my download history to narrow it down. If it's not user error I'll start an issue tracker through github, depending on the mod. Thanks for your help through this, and I apologize if it inconvenienced you or anyone else in any way.
  15. I may give that one a try. What I ended up doing is using the % function per each of the new probe modules for all parts, so basically if it doesn't have Module name = X it adds in the module, otherwise it leaves it alone. To tweak it to RSS I just gotta change the effective ranges either per squad probe (in which case I'll be using your example for sure) or just give all probes the same optimal range (gotta make sure my scanning probes have an optimal range far enough in space to make sense in RSS). Thanks for the reply, the examples/tutorials I found on setting up arrays all confused me too much to bother, but now I understand it a lot better so I can use it for other MM patches as well
  16. I could use some MM setup help. I'm used to making MM configs, but this one is a little tricky. I'm using a lot of probe packs and trying to add in the new 1.2 probe modules. What I'm trying to do (since I'm playing in RSS) is create two MM configs. One for non-squad probes, and one FOR squad probes (editing optimum range for the squad probes). For testing, I'm using a non-RSS with the following MM: @PART[*]:HAS[@vesselType[Probe],!author[Squad]]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleProbeControlPoint&ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FINAL Below it I have the Modules added in that the code above looks for "ModuleProbeControlPoint, etc.". I feel like the problem is trying to set it up so it knows the author isn't squad, I feel like I may have it set up incorrectly, but not entirely sure. That or the & in the !MODULE section. Could someone take a look and fix what mistakes it has?
  17. As an update to the issue, it seems when I remove the staging icon (which as far as I can tell isn't used anymore, looking through the squad engines), it tends to correct the issue.
  18. You are the man. I shall sacrifice 100 Kerbals in your honor. This is the first mod I ever added to my game, so I have some serious sentimental attachment to it, so glad we have a great community and it got picked back up
  19. For sure man, I'm working on getting the double-post removed, because it's causing my PC to lag like crazy and I have a beast, I apologize for that
  20. I apologize, I don't know the protocol for posting logs, I'll use pastebin next time. I usually figure these issues out on my own, but this one is a little strange. Yes, this is for my 1.2 game as my 1.1 game has a billion mods in it and I wouldn't know what part of the log that you needed for that. Like I said, the 1.1 version has so many mods that you'll likely point to a compatibility issue, but I know it's not from another mod as it worked last time I played (no part mods have been added since). I fixed up the MM so I will see if it fixes the issue, if not I will just start with SXT as the only mod in my 1.2 and add in the other engine mods I use 3-5 at a time until it breaks and I find out what what could be causing the issue. For future reference, which part of the log file do you need?
  21. It was the latest version I have. I know I have errors with other mods, and probably more on the non-1.2.x build, however the 1.1.x version worked fine until I started playing again (about 6 months went by, added in a couple of mods here and there, but no overhauls). I'll create a new install with just SXT and see how that goes. For reference, this is what I'm seeing: Screenshot - http://imgur.com/a/Q2yB1
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  23. I'm having an issue with my 1.2.x and with my 1.1.x games (old thread was closed, so I'm asking here for the 1.1.x version). for some reason when SXT is installed, the engines it modifies or adds (or most of them at least) have no resources (i.e no stats showing consumption, isp, etc.), making them purely aesthetic. I've tried making an MM patch that converts the module: ModuleEnginesFX to ModuleEngines (as the engines I've found in the squad folder have this module listed as such on most of their engines) and have the patch loaded last but it hasn't fixed anything. I've searched everywhere for someone with the same issue but came up empty so hoping someone here might know of a fix.
  24. Ah, it would be pretty cool, though I don't know how possible, if when perma-welding a piece on a docking port gave the option to weld the rest of the pieces up the tree (i.e. the rest of the pieces that just got attached), maybe doing a check to make sure it wouldn't break something (basically ubio-welding, but could be done in-situ). I could see some awesome, low part stations coming from that. Regardless I'm looking forward to coming back to KSP after I figure out which of their post-release patches will sustain the longest and adding this baby in.
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