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Everything posted by shoe7ess

  1. Sure, I'd love the help. The .png I'm using is the perfect transparency in game for me (slightly gold tinge, though can't see a reflection from the menu screen, haven't checked in EVA yet). I'd definitely prefer it to be in .dds format though and I've tried keeping the alpha when converting but it was still coming out opaque as a .dds, so if you can help convert I'd be extremely grateful! Here's the current visor (it looks pretty opaque from imgur but you can see the transparency in photoshop or whatever program you usually use): Appreciate the help!
  2. Thanks for the reply, this helps me quite a bit. I'll just keep a visor, but I do want it semi-transparent, so I've taking a .png with around 90% transparency and since the program I use won't let me save a .dds and keep the transparency (that or I don't know how) I attempted using the .dds converter you have a link for with those options checked but it also loses it's transparency so I may stick with a .png visor for now. Somehow when I was just messing with different colors along with a normal map for the visor it would come out transparent in game with a slight tint but now the colors are all flat, so I don't know what I did to change that and I unfortunately lost my backup. Regardless, thank you for picking this up and after seeing some of the changes you have coming I am excited for what will ostensibly be Texture Replacer 2.0 :D. Looking forward to what comes next and thanks again for taking the time to reply!
  3. I've read through the guide quite a few times by now but using the examples on the github for the EVAVisor is confusing me a bit. One, the line "In short: you should supply "blue" normal maps when a texture has "NRM" suffix and is in PNG format (JPEGs and TGAs are not recommended for normal maps) and "grey" normal map for textures in DDS format or without "NRM" suffix." is confusing because I aim to use a Photoshop to create the EVAVisorNRM in .dds format, but given the above line, there is no answer as to how it's supposed to come out. The plugin I use gives me a lot of choices, but when creating a dds normal it creates a blue normal map. What further is throwing me off are the guide textures for EVAVisor.dds and EVAVisorNRM.dds here. In these downloads (as well as all of the other TRR textures) has an orange normal, not grey nor blue. On the other hand, the EVAVisor itself is grey in the default guide, however in the TRR folder they are a variety of colors (black, black with red stripes, etc). Basically, I've been working on creating (more-so recreating because the originals have not been reposted anywhere I can find) the old-school gold astronaut visors (and possibly a black version as I progress in my career). So my question is this: I've been using a dark orange EVAVisor (while editing the config file to give a yellow/gold reflection color), and just converting the texture to a normal in photoshop using the NVIDIA plugin to a create a blue normal map. What color do I need to change and what is the proper way to have the gold visor show correctly?
  4. You're kidding me. I tried almost everything else. Wow. Thanks man, you are a god, a gentleman, and a scholar
  5. I can't get pastebin to not freeze while pasting my KSP.log, so I'll throw them on my dropbox. Requested information below. Thanks so much for taking the time to help!. Mod List: Mod list screenshot on Imgur KSP Version: - Windows x64 version [for memory purposes])with -force-d3d11 exception tag on launch (not sure if it really does anything though tbh) Zip of KSP.log (as well as a crash error.log that was caused from an eventually loss of memory, though may provide additional information: KSP.log (uncompressed) - error.log (from a recent crash) - Zipped KSP.log and error.log
  6. Sorry about the late response, but I'm finally here with a pic (see below) to show what's going on. I started a sandbox and took the Falcon Heavy from the Space X lifters pack and put it on the pad and every decoupling joint smokes. I have not used any tweakables at all, this is fresh from loading the base craft and I have no idea why it occurs, but it always seems to be at decoupler joints (it's even worse with a procedural fairing base attached, in which case flames can be seen). Any ideas? I will be starting without TweakScale and Tweakable Everything on my next restart and will set up this same rocket and see if that happens to be the cause.
  7. Wonderful! Thank you so much. This will not only make the efforts of the trusses easier, but now my mind is flooded with everything else I can do with this expression to implement. <3 MM and thank you so much!
  8. Hey fellow kerbonauts, I've had a bug for awhile now and I don't honestly know what could be the cause. The problem almost always (unless using a completely unmodified craft [i.e. premade FASA ships, etc]) occurs on the launch pad. The moment the vessel unpacks smoke (as if every engine in every stage is lit on my rocket) begins emitting. This also occurs when dragging and deleting some pieces in the VAB (where I will get flame effects on the side of the screen where I dropped the piece off). I play with Smoke Screen (as well as all the extras like Real Plume, etc.), however i have tried launching without SS and the problem still persists. It seems to be the most prevalent when using Procedural Fairings from that mod. The strange thing is that the vessel will begin its launch and around ~10Km the flames act as intended and even real plume works as I reach the Karman Line. I also play with Tweakscale and Tweakable everything. I have not tried taking these mods out and starting a test sandbox to see if this solves the issue (some older forums I found with this issue seemed to point to TweakScale as the cause), so I will attempt that after a few missions (don't feel like going through another 20 minute restart at the moment, but I usually get a few hours before I crash, so after that I'll try removing both Tweak mods and see what the results are). The latest forum post I saw with this issue was from 2015 so that's why I'm asking here if any knowledge players/modders may be able to help figure out the issue. The in-game debug log gives no indication as to the cause and searching through the logs didn't show anything obvious, though I admittedly am not too experienced reading through it to diagnose things besides startup CTDs on other installations and fixing MM patches I've made. I'll post a screenshot here shortly of one of my vehicles on the pad to give a better visual representation of what I'm seeing and I'll wait until after a crash to post my log; however in the meantime if anyone knows what I'm talking about and has a suggestion or solution I'd greatly appreciate any help I can get Thanks!
  9. Hey Kerbonauts, I'm trying to work on an MM config that will need to including a certain term followed by a wildcard. Basically I'm trying to give all trusses (from a large variety of part mods) the ability to stack attach. I know how to set up every part of the MM config except I'm not entirely sure how to aim it specifically at truss pieces. I'm looking at something like: @part[*]:HAS[@title[Truss (* or wildcard)]]:FINAL { @attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 } So for example a mod part I'm looking at has a title of Truss x1, where the next few parts have titles Truss x2 and so on. I'd like the MM config to just add the attach rules to every part with a title that contains "Truss". I have basic knowledge of MM scripting but I have no idea how to create an MM patch that encompasses a part/title/etc that has the term Truss in it (if it's possible). Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance!
  10. I believe you can do this by altering either the part.cfg for the station part or an MM patch (the latter being more preferable because it will last through updates). I manually added in a bunch of Real Fuels resources as well as USI Life Support resources. Below that (see the ManagedResources line for those additions) you can find the DeliveryTimeList and CostPerTon. Unless it's not possible within the plugin .dll file I believe you can add other bodies here however I haven't played with this mod since 23.5 and just re-downloaded it so if the prior few pages did not offer an answer you can always try adding other moons/planets to these lines and set the prices accordingly and try it. MODULE { name = DavonRestrictedResourceSupplyModule MaxDeviationValue = 5 DeliveryAmountFactor = 1 SupplyActivationFactor = 3 ManagedResources = LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, MonoPropellant, Supplies, Fertilizer, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Methane, Ammonia, Hydrazine, Nitrogen, CO2, CO, Water, HTP BaseDeliveryTime = 99999 DeliveryTimeList = Kerbin, 2, Mun, 6, Minmus, 11 CostPerTon = Kerbin, 2935, Mun, 8870, Minmus, 10311 } As an MM patch it would be: @part[DavonStationLogisticsHub]:Final { @MODULE[DavonRestrictedResourceSupplyModule] { // To add the extra resources I need in I'd do: @ManagedResources = LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, MonoPropellant, Supplies, Fertilizer, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Methane, Ammonia, Hydrazine, Nitrogen, CO2, CO, Water, HTP // If you just wish to add other bodies, it should look something like this (without the above resource modifier) for example: @DeliveryTimeList = Kerbin, 2, Mun, 6, Minmus, 11, Eve, 22, Duna, 23 @CostPerTon = Kerbin, 2935, Mun, 8870, Minmus, 10311, Eve, 20622, Duna, 22090 } }
  11. I'm sorry if this was discussed already, searched and found nothing. I'm wondering if anyone has worked on or has some working galaxy maps that work with this resurrection of TR?
  12. I actually found out the hard way that it's not as simple as lightening the whites and darkening the blacks/grays/other-colors... so stock-alike it is!
  13. I seriously apologize if this has been requested/posted/asked somewhere in this thread but I'm wondering if there are any non-stockalike textures for the BDB parts (i.e. matching the rockets they are analogs for, aside from the Saturn V texture)? I googled it a bit and looked around the threads and couldn't see if anyone has undertaken this task. At the moment I'm just re-coloring all of the current textures from gray to white, which helps a little, but it's a lot of textures so before putting too much more time in I wanted to ask here first. Thanks fam!
  14. I came here looking for exactly this, please please please Realize I'm late to the party (thought the quoted post was on the last page for some reason). Hopefully you still have those up
  15. Does anyone know if RSS adopts this mod if added or if extra configs are needed in order to make Pluto and Charon binary? Found answer in thread
  16. Thanks, I didn't know where to start so that should help quite a bit!
  17. Hey all, I'm trying to fix a bug I believe stems from smokescreen (I use hotrockets and realplume-stockalike but have taken them out and confirmed smokescreen to be causing the issue) where every engine shows ignited even when they haven't staged (i.e. on the launchpad and beyond) when using certain mod's engines. I play with a pretty heavily modded (part-wise) game, so it doesn't do this with every part, just a handful of mods. So far all of FASA's engines (no surprise, it's not updated for 1.2.2) as well as procedural SRBs (and likely a few other as well that I can't think of at the moment) are doing it (an example of this issue can be found in this thread from a few years ago (seen below). I'm wondering what causes this and how I can possibly fix it. I'm assuming it has to do with the engine fx in the affect part's configs, but I just need to know what the change could be so I can either manually fix it or if it's something I can do via MM patch. Thanks in advance!
  18. So for those that like to play RealFuels-Stockalike (same patch could work for regular real fuels as well, just take out the the "FOR:[]" mod name and multiply the ratios as needed) like me and thought this mod looks amazing and would like to include it, I've created a pretty simple MM patch to make it work with RF. Naturally the output resource has been changed to Liquid Hydrogen. Due to boiloff of RF, I've multiplied the collection ration by 10x (extensive testing may prove this to be too much or too little, it needs to increase despite boiloff). Anyways, thought I'd share it here: Obviously create a .cfg file and paste the code above into it. The ratio may change upon testing. My goal is to have the smallest buzzard part give the ability to prevent boiloff and output LqdHydrogen at about 1/1000 units per second, and increase from there. Maybe even just enough to prevent boil-off at the hottest point you can travel to in stock (orbiting Kerbol), however since afair the boiloff rate is exponential based off temperature, this may take some real tweaking to make it... not overpowered. Anyways, thanks for the great mod! Edit: Just read up a few posts and yes, this is essentially the same as the file added by forum user @Dunrana except this will continually work after updates so long as the conversion module doesn't change. Also, this assumes that you're using Real Fuels. If you'd rather use an MM patch without real fuels (but somehow still have Liquid Hydrogen in your game) simply remove the ":FOR[RealFuels...]" line, add an extra zero to the ratio, and then it will simply collect at the same rate as it would Liquid Fuel. The choice is yours!
  19. Hey linuxgurugamer, I'm having an issue with an MM patch trying to add this ability to every antenna in my modded game (lots of part mods + KSPi). So far I've tried a variety of different configurations, but none have worked. I've even gone to the Module Manager and MM Community Patches threads looking for help, but it seems this should work, so I'm hoping you may have some input. My current MM config is: After I am able to get SelectableDataTransmitter on all my antennas my next task will be to re-use the default antenna settings (like packet size, power, etc.) for each different antenna type, which I'm not sure how to implement at the moment, but I want to get the MM patch working first. Do you happen to have any tips or something I'm missing that is keeping this from working? The weird thing is I haven't been able to find this module in my game period, despite having Contares and a few of the other mods that are already supported by this mod. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
  20. Yeah, I figured out the power response curves one after I made that edit I think and forgot to add the brackets here, and the idea for the probe control is I want to be able to launch it without an external antenna, relying on it's internal antenna for range and if it leaves that then at that point it becomes uncontrollable (or if it has a high internal range, when it leaves the horizon), otherwise I'd use the setting you suggested. As far as the ISRU... if that's seriously the only thing that was holding that up I will be annoyed as I went ahead and wrote it into each relevant part >.< but thanks for the help! I wish it was that easy, for the selectabledatatransmitter mod the main module only takes the 2 arguments (defaultAntennaType and reconfigTime). I can do the re-naming in order to keep the default antenna type settings as they were as well as add those two new settings, but if I switch it to a relay for instance it needs all the antenna information again, so I'm not sure how to re-use the default antenna variables for each selectable instance to keep it from being OP, though I know there is a way. OP of that mod has a section for necessary changes to make it work on another antenna that's a little too long to post here, but basically my original MM patch was a copy/paste of his setup and I've changed it as I've experimented with getting it working but hadn't thought about renaming, which at least can preserve the original antennas settings. Thanks for the continued help by the way Edit: Apparently the update I did to my original post didn't stick, but I had figured out the power response curves and probe control issues a couple hours ago, so it's just the ISRU and Selectable Data Transmitter configs that I need to test now that I have the help of Alshain and Jso. Update 2: The part > PART switch made the ISRU for KSPi work, so the last one that needs fixed is the selectable data transmitter. I may go to that forum and get some advice because there is no reason why it shouldn't be working at this point. Thanks again guys!
  21. Hey KSP family, I really need some help with a handful of patches. I am playing a heavily modded game (part wise), but the main mechanic changes I have come with KSP Interstellar. I'll put each patch here and explain what I'm trying to do with them and maybe some of the fine folks here may be able to give me some help to correct the syntax and get these working. It takes about 15 minutes for my game to load, so troubleshooting these is not the easiest, and for most of the patches below I've tried making them work for over a month First patch (for the Selectable Data Transmitter mod), I'm trying to add the selectability module to every antenna I have in the game, however even if I were to get this working I'd rather not make every antenna OP, I'd like a way to keep the default antenna settings (packet size, etc.) transfer between direct > relay or vice-versa. : Does not work yet, going to get help from mod authors thread and report answer here. Next, I'm trying to give the ability to the KSPi ISRUs to generate basic stock resources like the stock ISRU so I don't need multiple for one mission. This isn't as important as I could always just edit the part files as a worst case, but I much prefer a MM patch: [FIXED] Here I'm trying to give probes the ability to act as control points to take away the need for antennas in order to control them (doesn't make sense to me, they are basically computers anyways with internal antennas anyway). I'm not sure if this would do it or which module is necessary for this to work so I added the three that seemed most likely, so this one could probably be trimmed to a singular MODULE addition, but none of these get added with my config: [FIXED] Finally, trying to add the graduated power responses found from the KW configs to all non SRB engines in the game (the "HAS[~useEngineResponseTime[]]" came from help in the community MM thread, as a way of not over-writing the configurations of the KW engines): [FIXED] I figured adding all in one post would be better than creating 4 different posts, so I'm not expecting fixes for all of them at once, but if anyone has some helpful info on how I could get these to work I'd appreciate it! Update 1: Fixed up the post to make it easier to browse by and updated the fixed configurations and the others to potentially fixed until I have tested them to verify Update 2: Every MM patch fixed except the SelectableDataTransmitter one.
  22. Well I'll give it a test and report back shortly.I have another script that's given me hell for awhile now so I may head over to that thread after I test this out if that issue still needs fixing, but regardless of the outcome, I appreciate you taking the time to help. Edit: Unfortunately this did not seem to work. Now I have 4 MM patches I need working and am starting to run out of ideas. I thought no operator means an insert, yet that doesn't work for most of my patches, and even adding :FINAL does nothing. Either the MM patches don't work or they are being overwritten by other MM patches and I have no idea how to make an MM patch load last besides :FINAL. Onto the main MM thread.
  23. Ahhh, I still have ways to go in the more intricacies of the power of Module Manager, but this should help with a few other MM patches I can't get working which have similar setups. Thanks for your help man, and for the hour plus of debugging this would have taken me before I inevitably would have come here asking for the answer anyway haha
  24. I wanted a way of filtering out the KW engines completely, so that's why there was no True/False set for useEngineResponseTime, I don't want this config file editing the engine response times set by the KW patch. So wouldn't the [False] allow it to overwrite any occurrence where it reads true?
  25. Hey everyone, I had a question, I use KWRocketry in my install and it allows you to add graduated power responses to their engines, so naturally I want to add it to all of my liquid engines. I unfortunately do not know how the ratio works out in acceleration or deceleration time (in other words why most of the configs that come with KW are 1.3+ for acceleration except for one of the largest engines which has it around 0.3 for acceleration and what the basepoint is for "instant" power response, so I'm using 1.3/1.5 for everything). I've been doing a lot of troubleshooting with MM configs I've been working with that will not work and starting the game takes about 15 minutes so I thought I'd ask here before I spend too much time with it if this config should work: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],@PROPELLANT[!SolidFuel],@ModuleEnginesFX[!useEngineResponseTime]]:FINAL @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { useEngineResponseTime = True engineAccelerationSpeed = 1.3 engineDecelerationSpeed = 1.5 } basically want it to all engines that don't use solid fuel, and not override the existing kw rocketry configs (hence the !solidfuel and !useengineresponsetime). I use a plethora of other mods, so I always use the ":FINAL" tag to make sure it gets added last but this hasn't worked in a few cases I'm still working on. Any help/advice is more than welcome! Thanks
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