Hey, I'm relatively new to this game, started playing during 0.22 somewhere. I've been gaming for my whole life, but when I picked this game up it was like nothing I've experienced before. I'm sure it's the same with most of you, this game totally changed the way I think about space and science in general. Steam says I'm almost at 2000 hours played (thats excluding other installs). I've never ever played a single game this much. My point with all this is I'm starting to loose the will to play the game. Am I burned out? Probably. I check these forums every single day and the subreddit for new inspiration. It feels like I've tried every single mod out there so I'm quite sure it's not a content issue. I've started so many careers and I never really "finish" any of them. I just start a new one and do the same stuff again just because I tried a new mod or something other. It just feels like I have no goals in my games. I obviously don't have the imagination to think up something convoluted to do. Man, if I have to land on Minmus ever again to collect science... It just makes me loose all creative energy to repeat the same thing over and over. Please, don't get me wrong here. Obviously, it's not the games fault. I'm 100% aware this issue is on my side and I still feel this is one of the best game ever. Have any of you experienced this? Got any tips to overcome this obstacle I'm facing?