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  1. We are currently looking into this, and thank you for the detailed issue report on the bug tracker to you both @Nachbar and @JimmyR
  2. A configuration entry is missing for the 5m fairing, and we'd like to offer an unofficial workaround in the meantime until the next patch. Close the game. Find the following file and open it in a text editor. "PATH\TO|\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SquadExpansion\MakingHistory\Parts\Payload\fairingSize4.cfg" Add the following line between the closing curly brace and node_stack_interstage01a rescaleFactor = 1 The result should look like this ... MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/AutoTruss scale = 4,4,4 position = 0.0,0.22,0.0 } rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_interstage01a = 0.0, 2.17, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_interstage01b = 0.0, 2.27, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 ... Save the file and the fairing shell will no longer have the gaps when used. This is an unsupported workaround, and If you are not comfortable with editing files, then please wait until the next patch.
  3. We have taken measures to avoid this in patch 1.4.2. The cause is still unknown, and existing accepted or generated contract offers made before the patch may still be affected. Please check the behaviour for new contracts in 1.4.2, and if it still happens, a savegame from just before it is seen would help immensely as well as the logfile for that game session.
  4. For anyone still experiencing this problem sporadically with new virus definitions, please follow the steps recommended by Microsoft to clear cached copies of the virus definitions outlined in the marked answer. We have been monitoring this closely, and can confirm that no further detections have been made by us since performing those steps despite some later sporadic reports.
  5. This thread was originally for MacOS, and has been confirmed fixed on that platform. We have now found a fix for Linux Ubuntu 16.04 but too late to fully test for side effects before the 1.4.2 patch was released. It does look good so far and will feature in the next patch release all going well. For now, it will have to be the workarounds with AA and sizing of the window or screen resolution I'm afraid. Please feel free to start a new thread for this problem on the Linux platform. [Edit to add] I have marked @henr1k's reply as the answer to this support question.
  6. Hello all. We are aware of this problem and know that it affects some openGL systems. It is not apparent on all, and can also vary in severity with screen resolution or window size. We are working on identifying the cause and a possible solution. Your reports and feedback are already helping immensely. Player.log is always very useful in identifying what hardware combinations are most affected, so while they might be error free for this particular problem, the detected GPU capabilities are.
  7. @JEB'S DESTINY I see from your log file that you are running the 32bit version of the game. Are you using a desktop shortcut to start KSP by any chance? What are your KSP graphics quality settings please? Could you try running the 64bit version to see if the situation improves? From the Steam Client, 64bit is now the default.
  8. Hello all. Windows 10 Defender was detecting Assembly-CSharp.dll as containing a virus. This has been found to be a false positive. The file was being detected as having a virus on the following previous definitions 1.263.580.0 1.263.582.0 1.263.580.0 release time corresponds with the first reported cases. Virus definition 1.263.585.0, just released, does not quarantine the file. Please be sure to update Defender's virus definitions. Source: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/definitions Results of the analysis: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/submission/bdea1058-efcc-4c43-8051-22cfe1139e81 Update: If Defender continues to flag the file as containing the Critet.BS trojan, the following advice comes from the Microsoft Defender team after the file was submitted again for review. Furthermore, you may find that a system restart is necessary to completely clear the problem
  9. That's some great and detailed feedback. Thank you.
  10. Hi there, From your description, you are trying to set the semi major axis using the slider only. The button that displays the value may also be used to enter values directly. I have noted this for feedback and improvements.
  11. Thank you for the insightful report. We are currently investigating this on both platforms. We can confirm that this does not occur in a sandbox game or a randomly selected asteroid, and that it does appear to be restricted to contracts only which is an important detail.
  12. Is there a patch update planned for the console edition of KSP? If not could you please tell me how to get a refund. I love the game, but when it crashes and corrupts all you're data, it makes it impossible to play. I will certainly consider repurchasing it after this is fixed. Thanks.

  13. Hello Z.R, Welcome to the forums. Your problem is mysterious. May I ask what your system language settings are please? [Edit] The problem appears to be the keyboard layout. Could you confirm your system input language, and the layout you have chosen in KSP? You may like to try this. Go to the main settings screen. Select layouts and change the keyboard layout to something different. You will be warned that this will change your settings. Then select your preferred layout again, and see if graphics settings are now working correctly.
  14. This change was an unfortunate necessity, and has caused some asteroids to change shape when they have been saved in a previous version, and now loaded in 1.3.1. I have updated the issue with a workaround of undocking the asteroid in 1.3.0, saving, and then updating to 1.3.1 where the asteroid can be captured again.
  15. Hi @orbit.impossible Please could you provide more information? I have attempted to replicate your problem on a clean installation of 1.3.0 and the save loader is working properly. Please could you let us know the distribution that you use and upload your logs together with one of the persistent.sfs files from a problem save found in the installation folder /saves/? Information on where to find these files and tips on how to attach them can be found here:
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