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Posts posted by ThreePounds

  1. I have just finished the patch and hope you’ll bundle it with Airplane Plus in the future. Here are my thoughts behind it:

    Motivation: Community Tech Tree adds three aircraft related nodes. While Airplane Plus is technically compatible with CCT due to its non-intrusive nature, it doesn't take advantage of the additional nodes provided by the plugin. This patch aims to reassign some of parts added by Airplane Plus to new research nodes to facilitate meaningful decisions by the player. The modified position of these parts within the technology tree is based on the location of stock parts and parts of other mods. It preserves the research pacing by not altering the assigned research level of any part.

    Modified research flow with CTT installed:

    • Level 1 to Level 3: since CTT does not provide any additional aircraft research nodes until level 4, no changes have been done to any parts within these levels.
    • Level 4: CTT introduces a new node “Subsonic Flight” which now contains all level 4 propeller engines added by Airplane Plus. This node is supposed to be unlocked together with “Aerodynamics” to gain access to more powerful engines that focus on subsonic atmospheric flight. It may also be ignored until later to allow faster progression elsewhere in the tree. No changes have been made to anything but the engines to not artificially restrict aircraft design options at this state.
    • Level 5: CTT introduces a new node called “Efficient Flight Systems” which now contains all size 2 parts added by Airplane Plus as well as all propeller engines in this level. This basically allows the player three options when reaching this part of the technology tree: a) unlock “Efficient Flight Systems” (requires “Subsonic Flight”) and unlock even more powerful propeller engines and the heavy-duty size 2 fuselages doubling down on subsonic atmospheric flight, b) unlock “Supersonic Flight” to gain access to the sleeker MK2 fuselage and supersonic jet engines or c) “Advanced Aerodynamics” to gain access to additional wing and helicopter parts. The point of all this is to force the player to decide which kind of aircraft they need at this stage: Subsonic and efficient transport aircraft, fuel guzzling supersonic aircraft or staying with the baseline with “Advanced Aerodynamics” and gain helicopter parts as a bonus.
    • Level 6: unfortunately, CTT does not add any new technologies in this level.
    • Level 7: I couldn’t find any parts added by Airplane Plus in this level to populate the last aircraft research added by CTT. I was tempted to move some parts up a level to put them into the still empty “Specialized Flight Systems” but decided against it to not artificially restrict access to them by placing them in an expensive and difficult to reach part of the tree.

    Download: The patch can be found here. As with all MM patches, it may be placed anywhere within the GameData folder that is not a PluginData folder.

    License: is patch operates under the CC0 Free-Culture-License


    I will keep an eye on this mod in the future to keep updating this patch. You may also contact me about changes to this patch and give feedback – I’d like to know how you feel about the implications this has for your career games.

    BTW: if you bundle this patch with your mod, you can add this badge to the OP to let people know it supports the mod:


  2. 7 minutes ago, Vaxuality said:

    Every single mod I look at, I find source.

    I've been playing since around 0.25, never joined the forums. But I did use the forums a lot. Mostly for mods and troubleshooting.



    It refers to source code. These are the files and assets the mod creator has used to create the mod in question. Last time I checked, the forum rules require every mod author to make these available somewhere so other users can check if the mod is malicious or can modify / refactor the code themselves if the license allows it.

  3. 58 minutes ago, Voodoo8648 said:

    So basically I'm asking if I can make contracts appear with the unlocking of a new tech in the R&D building.. If not, could you help us make it work?

    Yes. One if the requirements a contract can have is a check if a certain tech had been researched. Just set and it'll hide the contract until the player researches that node. For example, in the stock antenna rebalance contracts, the tier 2 contracts check if Precision Engineering is unlocked.

    Here is some sample code:

        REQUIREMENT // must be have researched tech
            name = TechResearched
            type = TechResearched
            tech = precisionEngineering // RA-2
  4. 5 minutes ago, MaverickSawyer said:

    I've had the funky MET display, too, but since the issue doesn't persist after liftoff, I've largely ignored it. It's not impacting gameplay, so why make someone fuss over chasing a non-issue?

    I causes Historian to do wierd things and sometimes crash all together. It's easy to avoid though: don't touch it until after lift off. :wink:

  5. Just now, trias702 said:

    Awesome release!

    Unfortunately, I'm now experiencing a strange bug with KSP 1.3 where my MET is no longer working, it stays stuck on all zeroes, or occasionally just shows year=999. It started happening today after I updated to the latest releases of all of your mods: KA, CryoTanks, DBS, DeployableEngines, NF Solar, NF Propulsion, NF Electricity, and Far Future. I have tried removing just Far Future, but the bug remains, so it might be in one of the other mods. I'll try to selectively disable one by one to see if I can find it, but due to all of the inter-dependencies, it may be a hard one to catch.

    Is anyone else experiencing messed up MET?

    Yes. I have seen the MET timer show just 9s during prelaunch before. Although it's always fixed by launching. I was also unable to track down the source though.

  6. I just made a simple test craft that I cheated into orbit to play around with the engines. While testing the "'Polaris' Z-Pinch Fusion Engine", I found that I am getting no thrust. It consumes EC and Fusion Pelets and is visible firing, but no net force is applied to the craft. I tested it the other Z-Pinch Fusion Engine and it works fine.

    Here are some screenshots, a craft file and a generic log file.

    LOG: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6KLmRpYz5AlOXp3Rmw2UnE5WXM

    CRAFT: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6KLmRpYz5Ala2VyTWtFMmFBQTQ

  7. 12 minutes ago, Badie said:

    We are working on an updated version of the demo, which will roll out along with the 1.3.1 update of the full game. We don't have and ETA for this at the moment :wink: 

    We will let you know 

    Thank you! I originally bought the game after being convinced that's it's good by playing the demo. It's an uncommon but very welcome sight these days and should hopefully be worth the investment. :)

  8. 23 hours ago, Arrowstar said:

    Ill try to take a look after work. What version of the software are you on?


    The particular file isn't strictly worth saving as it's just 5 events or so. I was just afraid this might happen again so I wanted to investigate it. Can you tell me more about the file format? How can I open it?

    EDIT: another corrupted file: moho_flyby2. I'm starting to get worried.

  9. I have another question. Is there a way to salvage corrupted mission architect files? If I try to open this one, I'll just hear the windows default notification sound but the file won't get loaded (no events listed). It would be good to know what caused this corruption so I can avoid it in the future. I'd hate to work on a flight plan for several hours only to lose all of it. :(


  10. 2 hours ago, Phelan said:

    I have a bit of a problem with reactors whose vessels haven't been loaded for a long time, the moment I switch to those vessels, the cores instantly overheat and shut down, taking some damage. Yes, they've got enough radiators to runn at full capacity, they're running at 1-10% (depending on the vessel), and some of them were out near Jool (so no issues with heating from Kerbol).

    It really only seems to happen to vessels that haven't been loaded for a long time (like a year or so or longer), and it's pretty consistent. Anyone got an idea? :/

    It's apparently a known issue and is being looked into right now, I guess:


    On 2017-7-27 at 7:27 PM, Nertea said:

    This is hideous. I spent some hours (3 in fact) attempting to track down the exact origin of this. 

    It certainly has nothing to do with my code, so I'm going to be forced to create some kind of ugly, ugly hack to stop this. All updates delayed x days, where x >= 3 .


  11. 1 hour ago, Voodoo8648 said:

    @Streetwind, @Nergal8617 I un-installed all NFT mods using CKAN and KSP runs just fine. I installed just Near Future Propulsion version: 0.8.7 from Spacedock and manually installed into my gamedata folder. I tried to load KSP and the game crashed while trying to start.

    Output: https://1drv.ms/t/s!AvUWxjgM4SuQhc5xdR3DYGahlxF00A

    Error.log  https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvUWxjgM4SuQhcECAEi_ZfJ1cKJW1g


    Does the problem persist if you install just NFP on a fresh install? If not, just keep adding mods one by one until you find the offending combination. Using CKAN and an "unclean" install makes this all the harder to debug both for us and for you.

  12. There seems to an incompatibility between the manoeuvre execution assistant in KSPTOT 1.5.7 and KSP 1.3.0. You can see the error occuring here:


    I imported both the orbit and the manoeuvre node using rightclick -> read from vessel (KSPTOT connect plugin) directly from the game. The plugin seems to read values from the game differently than KSPTOT expects. Namely: SMA, ECC and true anomaly of the burn.

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