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Everything posted by akron

  1. T.T all of the probes? That might take a while. I will keep at it as long as there is interest in the mod but there's a lot left to do. There's a few missions I'd like to get done before I wanna call the mod "done." After that it'll just be whatever is cool to work on. Sorry it takes me so long to get updates out but family stuff keeps me busy. Thank you. Yes, I'm trying to gauge how much dV I should provide on the payload, so that a stack with both our mods is balanced at the 2x-3x scale you recommend. Don't remove your antenna though, the more the merrier!
  2. Made a little more progress. Added detail and finished out some parts. I still need a guiding sensor which will be used as a maneuver part, and tidy up geometry. The solar panel dampers are also still missing from around the dish. It folds up well ~cheers
  3. Got a little frustrated with Viking lander geometry so I did a little bit of Mariner work. Here's Mariner 3-4; first of the series. This will help me start narrowing down the scale and part composition for the eventual Mariner 8, which forms the base for the Viking orbiter
  4. Yes, I definitely may be calling out for help with those. That's another reason to do Lunokhod first. Not only does it need some more recognition, but it also has the simpler wheel setup as far as I can tell. It should be a good way to get me started
  5. Interesting. It may be a configuration mismatch. I run 1.3.1 in my career mode with Textures Unlimited. I'll check what version and let you know Welcome to the forums! Rovers are coming soon after Viking but I am starting with Lunokhod. I'll figure out the other rover parts a little later as I don't want rocker-bogie systems to be the first I try to do.
  6. I will definitely need a log file to help further. Also, please make sure not to update to the latest Github repo if you are using KSP v1.3.1 as the repository is for KSP v1.4+ EDIT: If you did update to the repo, let me know
  7. I can. @Beale take your time so I won't feel the need to start a new career over with the new hotness
  8. I feel the textures still capture a pretty good feel. Rocket detail is fine, the tanks are discarded fairly quickly anyway. If you want to worry about it a bit, I'd save it for the manned parts or those in later stages that may stay up in orbit a while.
  9. Try it again from the repo. Or just the Xihe cfg file if you want. It should work now
  10. Nevermind. I know what's going on. Fix will be out late tonight
  11. Yes, thank you! This is a known problem. Go ahead and install the latest Github repository. You'll also get the IUE telescope
  12. Strange. If you remove it, do ProbesPlus parts work correctly again? I am unfamiliar with that mod's syntax, but it sounds like it affects multiple parts instead of adding new. There's a chance that an overzealous MM config is affecting my parts. Try it and see. If so, Rodger might have to chime in as to how you can fix it
  13. @MinimumSky5@Cheesecake @dxeh: Where you able to re-check to see if those issues are fixed?
  14. Hmm. Works fine for me. Can you post a log and/or versions for each TU and ProbesPlus?
  15. Oh. Don't download the latest version, download the github repository. It's got all the latest fixes
  16. As far as I can tell. Yes. Let me know if you spot any issues
  17. Great job @katateochi!!! This is going in my save this weekend. Thank you for doing this. I think this will quickly become a popular one of those "I didn't know I needed this" mods. Though some of us desperately knew
  18. I still have not been able to get ResearchBodies and Tarsier working in 1.4.3, but I was able to retrofit IUE with my 1.3.1 Career save and it works fine. It did need a boost for OPM zoom levels, but that's an easy MM config. I'm probably just gonna put the patch out there and wait for the fallout, if any. I did get some playtime in that career save and got some incredible pics of IUE in orbit I think that's got a nice documentary feel to it. Hurray for post-processing effects! Other pictures here
  19. It is not referring to textures themselves, it is referring to texture sets. It's a TU thing. Definitely remove and re-install the latest TU. There's some strange stuff going on there as it does not even populate a version: Also, TU is throwing this error: Which is strange because I updated all my configs to use the new material nodes as you can see here: KSP_TEXTURE_SET { name = Silver title = Silver recolorable = false MATERIAL { shader = SSTU/PBR/StockMetallicBumped texture = _MainTex, Coatl Aerospace/ProbesPlus/Assets/mat_fsilver texture = _MetallicGlossMap, Coatl Aerospace/ProbesPlus/Assets/mat_fsilver texture = _BumpMap, Coatl Aerospace/ProbesPlus/Assets/mat_foil_N PROPERTY { name = _Metal float = 1 } PROPERTY { name = _Smoothness float = 0.9 } } } So just in case, make sure you fully delete the Coatl Aerospace folder before upgrading and please make sure you have this new version of the TU configs. This is very strange indeed
  20. Hmmm... Can you post your KSP log? It looks like some issue with Textures Unlimited. Not sure if my config or TU. Also, you can try the latest repository from Github
  21. I did another push to Git several hours ago with some tweaks, as well as Textures Unlimited support, along with configs for Research Bodies and Tarsier Space Tech. I was unable to test either TST or ResearchBodies because they are not working for me in 1.4.3. If you guys use these mods and can test, let me know how it goes. I will try again but it's probably just that those mods need to be updated.
  22. Insert witty and relevant meme Initial pass out on Github. Still working on configs, balance, and some texture weirdness which I think is due to Unity. I finally had to upgrade and it's not been pretty. Look at this, kids, you also get a Thiokol Star 24C ZZZzzzzzzz
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