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Everything posted by sober667

  1. i have a question is posible to make Cryo pod or somethink for veeeery long yourneys?
  2. I say its a way to play with life support for more pepole(bit futuristic) and for that who have more than one solar system ( transfer from one to another -takes ages) it would be nice but make it to work with more than TAC for ex with IFI life support
  3. so its interstellar soo... it could be posible to have something like cryo pods( for life support mods) that froze kerbal that he dot use resousers (and cant pilot ship) it will be futuristic like other parts of thiese mod have anybody think about it?
  4. not only b9 one of the stock inline intakes have that too ( u must turn of intake)
  5. them goood and within B9 And SP + . uhohohoho
  6. there is a bug using Extraplanetary lauchpads that IR control dont show any way i try it (on tollbar or in) if uour lauchpad has no IR parts
  7. one think i can compare is bad names for cocpits mk1 and mk2 is types of shapes connections so some of them have bad names and nice to see navball in cocpit
  8. i make somethink fun i take fuel thank with no oxidizer and aerospike rocket and scoop trigered to oxygen and i can simply start rocket with no oxidizer on lauchpad and at full trust get enough to lauch small rocket to orbit (smaller mass-better trust to mass rate)
  9. if i good remember they make from it liquid fulel and from absorbed oxygen oxidiser...
  10. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28428-Orion-aka-Ol-Boom-boom those engine has similar mechanic that what u wana do a litlle presentation may help
  11. waiting for compabilyty for ex with stock intakes or interstellar ones to use precooler to extend a litlle bit abilities of them or waiting for precooler in this mod (stock precooler is nice but look ugly why not make something fancy for thiese propose?or with other extra usage?) there is small sense to use karbonite engienes fo SSTO in kerbin and its difficult to not burn them out in other planets interstellar have compabillity within stock precooler it would be good to see something like that here (even if only within stack-engine)
  12. there are mods for it for example http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80522-WIP-Hollow-Asteroids
  13. u suck it from ANY part of rocket even within separators and other with no fuel crossfeed
  14. i heve one ore issue when u fast deploy and retract some times uour vehicle hop up
  15. U need deactivate precoler intake becouse its not coleeed( or ad another precooler to it)but yes precooler dont cool itself ( but add some extra intaket air to start witch is nice with interstellar becouse its more power fo engine) yes its correct u need to edit config file to use both funkcjons and once or at least remowe it from interstellar to have old one try remowe EVERYTHINK( from game data folders i mean treeloader openresouser system and warp plugin) from interstellar and add fresh ones should help
  16. why not? u can refuel it just above atmosfere and on olmost all planets ( even before touchng ground)
  17. as u say now goood i loaded the same vehicle but as i fly by thae lower part is another time chenged and not chenged back( focusing not warping not focusing during chenging heigth etc ) not work show me same flow
  18. no flow in tanks flow in collector ( of corse i collect karbonite in pass that i should i forgot mention )
  19. far outside thae 110% of atmosfere of kerbin(more than 100km) show me flow of karbonite but there is no flow to the tanks
  20. in 10 i canot activate any scepe or collector im rigth clikin g and nothing pop up
  21. And once more: landing gears ond frame dont work with deatful gear key and cat ad it to groups in VAB
  22. i have no particle colecting no other mods on fresh instal Edit: On the lauch site dont work to low altidute collector and drill work good
  23. could be awesome if new engines could use " intaket atmosfere" from interstellar too( or could be swiched between intaked air and scooped air)
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