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Everything posted by sober667

  1. best way that it would go is able to set random so it will generate hazardous wind to random directions(and for ex wait for right wind to land
  2. u can probavly make it with stock weels if u ofc use landing gear instead of rover weels (if they dont stuck)
  3. for me run much slower within but i have only about 50 mods (and run slow ONLY during reentery/mach effeckt) i can deal without( but by by clouds-life is way of choices) nad full scren problem(even with alt-enter shoot out to normal window)
  4. My games not freze at start at all its normal or ATM is not working? and my game crashes becouse not enough RAM i have A LOT of mods (about 40?50?)
  5. its just adding parameter to shortcut one of many i done it manualy before u start this tread
  6. nice idea can that system could be used in"clasical" lander?(ofc with powerfull enough engines?) my point is could i add for ex that module to other LFO or even karbonite engines(so we will have more variants) and u could use other fuels or even aadd your own wich will have no flow but could be manualy transfered(like forex Eva monopropelant) and i love Bahamuto's animations glad u use them so i will see them more ofen
  7. i have one question could be a way to make this mod compatibile with KSPI?(they use deuterium and tritium but probably its named Lqddeuterium or somethink that
  8. i now im necro but its still working? or is any substitute of it?
  9. same here in older version dont work all exp cocpits now only meinteference and still problem with all IVA ar same for exp pack multiple cocpits on one ship
  10. just use mod to compres texture and/ore one that alow u to open it using OpenGL instead of direct X
  11. wow i have and question.. what resousers u plan to ad? and will be any only economical so only reason to mine is to ship it and sell or better-giving reputation for selling it and nice claws but i wondering.. becouse is realy small amount of low profile landing platforms(like that 2.5mclaw) so it will be possible to cach within these claw ground? or is posible to have some landing struts for realy low profle lander?
  12. its not issue with interstellar that things in KSP works so the main node is smaller one in this rafinerry if u wana attach to the big one u need place it first or edit nodes in cfg file
  13. Loking for r4m0n mesages sended on Youtube, Tweter, Curse have anybody idea where find him?
  14. FTT now are good thx (pack rat rover still white but its difrent story)
  15. Made fresh instal..and still White textures here and exploraton pach
  16. good but to bad that it wont work with interstellar yet..but i think soon
  17. there was talking about scream jet some page a go im intresting idea is still in?
  18. i wonder what it may be Dimonds maby? or Amber? Silicon? and question all mods are still compatibile to 0.24.2? becouse have problems with seting in 25 maby wait until all mods i use(and there a lot of them(if im rigth about 50th) will be completly fine within it
  19. only one reason foor having iva is for players that play IVA only misions yep would be nice to have but most times completle usles
  20. u are wrong DLL was updated to 0.25 is (Just not included in download yet is added in that thread by the autor) EDIT: page 175 post 1747 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v6-3-5-%28Sep-1st%29-for-KSP-0-24-2/page175
  21. helicopters works..need some more skils aspacjaly in 7 pre(that one wich are coded to be wings) but its fun to play within
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