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Everything posted by mecki

  1. This is so great – thank you! As I already said: It would be great if there was the possibility to enter the plantet's attributes by hand – even with inclination (for the darkness time).
  2. Wow! This is great! would it be possible to also take the real life sizes of Earth and Moon into the drop-down menu? Or custom sizes? Then it would also work with Real Solar System and Realism Overhaul!
  3. OK – on my install it was on by default. I'm using the latest dev version from git. (and Realism Overhaul but that doesn't change that)
  4. I guess it is pretty accurate. But all the numbers are found in the map view. I just didn't know that "Gravity" meant the gravitational parameter. Thank you!
  5. Is it true that the range of omnirange antennas adds up when I add several of them on a vessel?
  6. Is this intended? Does this make any sense? Or am I just completely not able to understand why this would be?
  7. Sorry to start with the antennas again but I'm mildly confused: The Communotron states to have an omni range of 8.00 Mm (which is 8000km if I'm not mistaken?). However I was connecting to a vessel that is 21000 km away. What did I do wrong? EDIT: They don't really add up, do they? This can't be how it works…
  8. This is great news, RedAV8R! Another short question on balancing: Are the Remote Tech2 antennas being balanced by RO? Or need they to be furtherly tweaked? 10Mm for biggest range omni antenna is OK? Thank you!
  9. It uses Real Solar System, Real Fuels, FAR, Real Engines, Real Chutes, Engine Ignitor, Remote Tech 2 and some other mods to make the whole game more like real life. Right now it doesn't have a career mode (they're working on one though) and it would be nice if this one would work with it. But it seems like nobody has tried it yet.
  10. Thank you. That's where I see what kind of fuels will fit in there, yes. And I can see that some fuels need insulation but I don't see if a tank has insulation or not…
  11. Is it possible to fly a proper gravity turn with Real Solar System and FAR with this?
  12. Thank you! I wasn't able to figure out how to convert within WolframAlpha but another search got me these two handy tools: http://rechneronline.de/pi/equilateral-triangle.php https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkXf-77s6gmFdEdVeGFqX0xobTczYkhEaEVrVTdWV3c&usp=sharing#gid=1 (from this thread) Hattivat: Thank you for this information. Guess I'll have to tweak my rocket a bit more. Or my ascent and gravity curve. Has anyone seen a good video of one? Ralathon: Thanks for your detailed explanation! Realism Overhaul already multiplies the antenna ranges but the omni one (the longest range one has 10Mm) won't be able to see each other if I don't use at least five. That's why I will go for an orbit of around 8000 orbit and use dishes.
  13. Thank you! Really really helpful! One question: What is the "Gravity Parameter" and where would I find it in the map view? I'm trying to use this together with Real Solar System so the numbers don't match.
  14. Thank you! I guess I will then play around with the stages. Another question I didn't find enough sources to: How do you set up your COMsat network? Is it in RSS also possible to have a 3 Sats Omni network for LEO communication? Or are the omni antennas not strong enough? What orbit heights do you use?
  15. Could anyone give me a hint what amount of delta-v would be reasonable for a proper circularization at the end of the ascent? I'm still playing aroung and don't know if I'm getting it right. Right now my first stage burns out at around 150km with an Apoapsis of 320km. I then start circularizing around two minutes before Apoapsis (w/ Mechjeb) but it needs nearly 3000m/s delta-v (second stage is big enough for that). Is that a decent amount or is my ascent too steep? I already got reentry effects on my ascent (TWR 1.4 on takeoff, 4800 delta-v, 1000 ms/s at 40°, 1500m/s at 38000m). Thank you!
  16. Have there been any experiences made how this plays together with Realism Overhaul? Should it work right out of the box or did anyone run into problems?
  17. Feature Request: Could we have the RemoteTech2 config (for base stations) included in the pack or linked to in the OP in the future? Or would you rather see this as a Realism Overhaul thing? I don't know if there are any configs for DMagic's science.
  18. I have another feature request: If the darkness time would also work for Reals Solar System that would be great :-)
  19. Thank you, HoneyFox! Will kep on playing around to find different ways but your makes a lot of sense. It would be nice if there was a short Tutorial or FAQ about engine ignitions and the things needed though (fuel settling, pressure, etc.)!
  20. Are there any tips on how to use this mod together with RemoteTech2 and the Flight Computer? I ran into the situation that on right-click the engine said "ignited" and the option was "shutdown engine". Thrust was down to zero. I had the Flight Computer do a maneuver. But it wasn't able to perform it since the engine wasn't activated. I guess the wrong state displayed is a glitch in the mod? How do you do these kind of maneuvers? Ignite the engine just after the last burn? Add a delay to ignite just before the next burn? Actiongroups? Alternatives? Thank you for your help!
  21. Engine Ignitor doesn't seem to recognize my Procedural Parts Balloon Tanks as pressurized. Shouldn't it, though? Right now it only recognizes the ServiceModule tanks as pressurized.
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