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Everything posted by mecki

  1. Two more (hopefully not too stupid) questions that arose while I'm getting more into this mod: RemoteTech2 and its configuration: I realized only now that the RemoteTech2 config file linked to in the second post also has EnableSignalDelay = False. While I love the idea of having all the base stations to communicate I still want signal delay to play a role in my gameplay. Also I'm still not sure how to handle MultipleAntennaMultiplier and RangeModelType. What would be a correct setting for SpeedOfLight? Does anyone have a good cfg-file for what could be rated asa realistic setting? General: Apollo 11 took 11 days, including return. My first probe that I sent to the Moon took nearly 10 days to get there. What could I optimize? Thank you so much for making and maintaining this mod! EDIT: I guess you already know this resource (and there are also no Aerojet thrust curves…): http://www.alternatewars.com/BBOW/Space/Reference_Spacecraft_Engines.htm
  2. I didn't want it to sound as if I thought that it did.
  3. I also have: Chatterer Deadly Reentry Kerbal Engineer Firespitter dll KW TAC (RC4) TweakScale Until earlier today I also had MKS/OKS (with Karbonite and all dependancies) installed. I uninstalled it today but I can't say if the asteroids where there before or after. As I said I'm using the latest configs of RSS, DRE and RO from Github. I also have other mods installed but I only listed the ones we have in common.
  4. No. The only mod that does anything time-related I have is Kerbal Alarm Clock. But I didn't use it yet on the save game I now have the problems with. It's a rather fresh game with some mods installed. Maybe it's the newest git versions of RSS or RO… I didn't change much else before the problem came clear (which of course doesn't have to mean much)
  5. Same for me! I was trying hard to figure out what was causing these recent lags. I was already deleting mods and was worried if my computer was alright ;-) But after this post I know what the problem might be. It might be the 1131 asteroids…
  6. This might sound like a stupid question but is there any way to actually scan "real" maps, only with visible light?
  7. On my install some FusTek station parts have two fields for FStexture Switch2 and some have two Fuel Tanks when I right-click on them in the Catalog area.
  8. Another nice thing to have (though it might not be far away from what you're planning, just an idea): a planner for SCANsat (set angle of view and distance, get the best inclination for the least orbits.
  9. Thanks for the update, this is great! Thread title is not yet updated.
  10. The SL ISP / thrust numbers might also be incorrect: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin_(rocket_engine_family) Though I don't know if there are more correct sources elsewehere or if the used values make more sense in the KSP world.
  11. I still don't see where this would be… Whe I right-click one of the stock fuel tanks, I read:
  12. Quick question: I have a 710kg satellite. I added 4 RV-025 Thruster Blocks (1/4), all fueled by MMH+N2O4. When I fire them forward, MechJeb says RCS thrust is 493.2N. Is this MechJeb miscalculating something or are the thrusters too strong? (Using the latest source from GitHub) Or are the numbers correct? Maybe I should use other fuels for such light satellites?
  13. Do Procedural Parts Balloon tanks increase the stability of the fuels in them? Because I have a tank using them and it seems like it hardly ever becomes unstable…
  14. One more feature wish: It would be nice to be able to set Quote from: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-Development-Resumed-RemoteTech-2?p=1344079&viewfull=1#post1344079
  15. I see. Thank you, Nathan! So is this a more realistic approach or does it just make life easier?
  16. Maybe I'm mistaken but that would be deployable "airbags" to minimize impact, not real ballutes which work like parachutes for deceleration, right? roverdude made some (they don't work for .24 yet): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83134-23-5-Deployable-Airbags-(plugin-version)-v0-1-3-2014-06-18
  17. *sign* I even would like to have (tweakable) decoupler on all fairing bases… And a raised interstage fairing base.
  18. Sounds good, thanks! Since I didn't see this on the list yet: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82341-24-2-B-Dynamics-Retracting-vectoring-engines-etc-v1-1-%28Aug-8%29 I really like the retractable engines, especially the small radial one and the RCS thrusters.
  19. Freeam, this looks great! Wow! Do we need more inflatable decelerators? http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/game_changing_development/HIAD/#.U-hizlZPLJE
  20. Is there any way to read the current satellite's omni range if I have Because I have the feeling that the ranges don't just add up (my reach seems to be higher than that).
  21. Only now I realized that this comes with the config file by CerberusRCAF which is linked to in the second post. Would you guys recommend keeping it that way or do change the setting? Will there be a full inclusion of the ground stations and other RemoteTech settings in Realism Overhaul in the future?
  22. I found two helpful resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkXf-77s6gmFdEdVeGFqX0xobTczYkhEaEVrVTdWV3c&usp=sharing#gid=0 (Google spreadsheets for the calculations) and this (not yet supporting other planets than kerbin but will support manual inputs soon): http://ryohpops.github.io/kspRemoteTechPlanner/ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90113-WEB-Visual-RemoteTech-Planner-for-MOD-RemoteTech2
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