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Everything posted by mecki

  1. hey there! Does anyone use or know of a language package for TextMate or the Atom Editor that supports Unity nicely or even the .cfg files? Thank you!
  2. Regarding DeadlyReentries RealChute behavior: Would it be possible to disallow chute deployment when the speed is too high? And to also only deploy when the speed is safe when the chute is armed? That would be a great addition!
  3. I think that both could be replaced by @volume = #$temp$ and @volume += #$temp$
  4. glitch: That one is only for manned missions and shouldn't be visible until later in the career…
  5. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106975-0-90-Procedural-Parts-Parts-the-way-you-want-em-v1-0-Jan-11
  6. I have the feeling that the Biomes might me a little bit off. Even when splashing down 80km east of Kourou I'm still in "Grassland"…
  7. My Launch Clamps burn up on start due to heating – though I'm using really small rockets and "unclamp" with the first stage… Procedural Parts, SXT and Ven's Stock Revamp in use… Update: Nevermind – I took the latest DeadlyReentry files from Git (not the Beta but even newer settings files), that was the culprit as it seems.
  8. according to stupid_chris TweakScale does not touch the canopy size of RealChute chutes: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-0-90-x-Wenkel-Corporation-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-v1-2-6-3-28-12-14?p=1691541&viewfull=1#post1691541 So no smaller Real Chutes casings needed?
  9. The newest version of Ven's Stock Parts Revamp has a lot of changes. One of them is the addition of a heat shield to the Mk1-2 pod. I guess it is not that easy to configure around that?
  10. I guess the new changes also make it harder for other modes like Realism Overhaul to change the attributes of the heat shield?
  11. WOW! That sounds great and awesome! I have even more specific questions about case sizings, I hope I don't go on anyones nerves with my stupid questions: What exactly does the "Part GUI resize updates canopy size" preference do? Is it correct that it changes the canopy size on pressing "next size" and "previous size" in the context menu in early career mode? Does it change it corresponding to the size change of the case or does it just "actualize" the canopy's size to fit the mass of the ship? How do RealChute's module for the Squad chutes interact with TweakScale? Does TweakScale only change the case size or also the canopy size? Thanks!
  12. But would that be realistic? I don't know much about those historic details and the evolution of Parachutes in Spaceflight… Then the Stack chute could either become available earlier or a new part gets introduced (small .3 stack case with small silk parachute)… --- Update --- Does anyone know if the locations of the area-specific contracts could be changed to the current launch site? Does anyone know how and if tech requirements could be set to RealChutes sizes? I don't know if the game / the way RealChute is built even allowed this. A techrequired attribute would have to be added to the SIZE node… And: How to fix the changes Vens Stock Revamp introduced with it's 1.7 update, especially to the Mk1-2 Pod? Thanks!
  13. What "assemblyfile" is it you're talking about? So you would prefer smaller stack chutes over smaller radial / cone chutes?
  14. Of course it is! 1/2 is the default. But the stock icons don't get resized. Maybe there is a way to avoid it? Anyway, thank you stupid_chis for your efforts on making this mod even more awesome
  15. I seem to be getting crashes when loading ships with blackhearts procedural fairings. The game freezes while the VAB is being zoomed out on first view. i can't really say what the problem is yet but when I manually delete the fairings from the craft file the ship loads again.
  16. Awesome! and: what would be a good setting for RemoteTech's multiple antenna multiplier? Is "1" realistic?
  17. As I said I totally understand that decision. As also stated by Nitrous Oxide, ATM does make something with the icon anyway. But then it is a bug (or something) in ATM and I hope rbray will reply on his thread soon. about the other things (GUI and how RealChutes works): I think a small tutorial or wiki would be really useful for many people including me. If there already is one please slap me in the face.
  18. Thanks! that's what I thought, thanks for clarifying. there are stack chutes and there are cone chutes. The latter could use a smaller housing for RP-0 in my opinion. The stack chutes would also be neat in a smaller size but it seems they only get unlocked after the "sounding rockets" period. anyone else having Tweakscale modules on the Squad chutes? before action groups become available the squad chutes also have a "previous size" and "next size" button on right click but they don't change the size of the case for me… do the chutes also auto-scale before pressing "apply"? (In early careers) I guess Real chutes could really do with a wiki or a small tutorial… It would also be great to have a small paragraph about recommended settings for RP-0 (not only the career settings but also DRE, RC, KCT, etc.) and a Bug report / feature request: no matter where you locate your launch site, the contracts for doing science at specific sites always spawn near the Cape. Would there be a way to optimize that? To make them appear near the currently chosen launch site…
  19. Just to make sure: The RealChute parts don't have a TweakScale setting. Their smallest cone chute is 0.5m diameter, that's why I was thinking about adding .3m and .2m ones. the smallest radial RealChute is (I think) still a big bigger than .3m The Squad chutes have a Tweakscale setting which is the only way to make chutes that fit the smaller .3m sounding rockets. Then… Is there a way to remove TweakScale also from the Squad chutes? Is the vessel mass still the factor for the size of the real chute, even in the early stages? Because as I said they seemed to be really big to me…
  20. Thanks for your reply! I'm absolutely sure. Two crashes with their corresponding logs. I did two things that improved the situation: I added the latest version of the TAC config file from RO to my install. I removed Universal Storage with its dependencies (Community Ressource Pack and Regolith) Even after reading Vens Stock Revamp my situation is improved (although not "perfect"). I don't know exactly why… Any help is still appreciated!
  21. From what I found out through earlier questions by myself in this thread it is the expected behavior to not be able to gather science on the ground. The rest (glitchy popup, game broken when entering R&D archive) is a bug.
  22. My mistake: I looked at the interstages and the bases, not the fairings! stupid me.
  23. yes it is! you should only have the 0.3m Sounding Rockets core at the beginning!
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