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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. My RAM arrived today. Funny, that I have the RAM but because of the computer screw up between Barclays, Natwest and Ulster Bank, my balance was still £45 before I put £10 in today. But that will be sorted out soon enough.
  2. When life gives you lemons... ... sell then on eBay.
  3. The Tamara colony will have been completed, and the Solara colony will be having its colonists sent by the time the site restores. Also, Goddard Engineering will have completed research into canards and will have finalised the design for the Spiral 270-AA.
  4. Sign me up for a flight. Destination base: Create Third Munbase Planned additional mod: Veto Aerospace Flight Pack
  5. Kosmos RCS packs around a Probodobodyne [i can say it!] strut, with a [useless] Avionics Package on one end, and a .cfg edited nosecone part [i modded the texture!]. It has 4 C7 Heavy RCS ports. The rest is stock. And Vostok, that\'s a nice plane.
  6. If you must. But its only logical if the aircraft were cuboids. I presumed we were doing this by longest aircraft and widest wingspan, not presumed volume. Multiplying gives volume. My aircraft had 17 Barret Units of Mk3 hulls, a number of Mk2 hulls, and some Mk1 fuel tanks. Which means the Kindle should have greater volume against the line of Mk1 fuel tanks and a small number more for the engines that make up the Ultratanker. Its the wings that make the Ultratanker look bigger.
  7. The Veto Aerospace Scoot one-Kerbal RCS-powered aircraft. Twin-tailed. I made a nosecone into a command pod. The Scoot is capable of takeoff, flight up to at least Mach 2, and landing. Landing should be unpowered, although power is required to pull out of dives.
  8. His is 11 Barrett Units long by 15 BU wide. I think. I can\'t see properly because he hasn\'t taken a the picture from above. My Kindle is 18 BU by 9 BU. 11+15=26 18+9=27 Therefore my aircraft is bigger. He just has more impressive wings.
  9. Fuse two things to make one interesting and potentially awesome thing. Here, I have fused a spaceplane and a Munar rover. Hilarity ensues. You get the idea. What strange machines can you make? Interestingness [by public decision] 1 2 3 4 5
  10. I have 3 GB. I\'m getting 8GB cause its too slow. And my processor is quad-core.
  11. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14911.0
  12. C7 things, Cart Plugin, NovaPunch, Veto Aerospace Flight Pack, Mechjeb. I think that\'s it.
  13. Ok, I got the spaceplane done. Since it can act as a rover, it can\'t get the Out Of Fuel tag. Which is nice. Munar roving works very well, but havoc will ensue if high speed maneuvres are attempted. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14911.0 Since Cloria already has a spaceplane, I\'ll go for Al2O3 base. [That\'s Aluminium Oxide] EDIT: Just read your post about Al2O3 base having five reservations. The Summer Sky could open a new Munbase.
  14. (Named after \'Scramble In The Summer Sky, 99 Red Balloons Go By\') The Summer Sky is a passenger-carrying Munar spaceplane designed and built by Veto Aerospace, runway launched. It has a passenger bay for a pax of 12, and, most uniquely, is fitted with a forward landing gear designed for roving. Whilst this function is almost useless on Kerbin, it can make for some hairy rides on the Mun. Prototype for the roving landing gear - VA Daemon Teething problems... Runway pictures Ascent Kerbin orbit Mun orbit Landing site Final approach Landing - 'Bill, you\'re sure you told Mechjeb to make a landing nearby?\' (Seriously, I changed the coordinates to something close. All of a sudden my tail end is using Werewolf Station as a blast pit.) Landed Munar roving in a spaceplane - 'Look mum, no engines!' http://youtu.be/AsMm_xpOsbI
  15. Safira was in the old RP world. Yay, I get to be in a book!
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