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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. My Dell Latittude suffered BSODs from graphics failures. You\'re lucky. Although the freezing is reminicent of my eMachines eMonster or Acer Aspire T180.
  2. KSP is currently using two thirds of my RAM. I have .44 GB of 3 GB remaining. Is this normal? [i know other programs use memory. I\'m just wondering if KSP usually uses that much.]
  3. Use the powerful jets, and have wings designed to create a lot of lift. If it can generate a lot of lift, then it doesn\'t need such a high takeoff speed. My VA Kindle utilises down-facing jets, but these are hard to balance so I don\'t recommend them.
  4. That... I don\'t think that\'s a jet. Maybe if you could get your ascent stage to the Mun, sure.
  5. eMachines eMonster 1000: PSU explosion. Dell Latittude D610: Power Supply failure. Acer Aspire T180: Too much software. Texas Instruments Extensa: missing crucial DLLs. Medion MDPPC 150: Operating system corruption.
  6. My most promising vehicle so far. Technically a two-stage, since it drops two atmospheric engines. Carries 12 passengers and a Mechjeb. Cabin can carry two jumpseaters. Undercarriage includes a Kart, which could allow for non-fuel-expending Munar travel, and the forward takeoff gear is jettisoned to allow for this. It can successfully reach 10Km, though I haven\'t tested past this yet due to stage order discrepancies.
  7. I just wish it was possible to put drop tanks on my spaceplane.
  8. I did a Minmus landing that way with an Ibis X2. Unfortunately, the Ibis X2 is a verti-launch vehicle, so it\'s ineligeble for the challenge. I\'m currently working on getting this to orbit:
  9. Geb\'s Archer Mk2 can make a Munar landing and return. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14692.0
  10. That was a nice ship. Shame it done broked. I\'ll work on one. And this sucker\'s gonna be nuclear.
  11. Down because of traffic. We\'ll have it back soon. Its not adverts.
  12. My laptop is approaching 3 years old. I don\'t think it has ever had a BSOD. Although various other types of error are aplenty.
  13. Don\'t worry, you\'ve got it.
  14. \'Fatal error\' meaning BSOD. It still works.
  15. On this date, 19 June 2012 at 10:41, my Acer Aspire desktop suffered a fatal error, at an age of 8 months.
  16. ========================================= NAME: Sara Rockwell Armathas Station test subject. Class – Werewolf Important notes – Defective viral batch resulted in transformative condition settling in lupine form immediately and permenantly. Previous life notes – Subject was a shuttle pilot for Veto Aerospace Spacelines. Biography states subject turned down the military in favour of a job which did not involve ‘being shot at and blown up’. Background of single mother and two siblings. Current location – Armathas 12 Cryogenics Dept. =========================================
  17. RedDwarfIV


    True. But some people were saying they didn\'t get a reaction at all this year. Which would suggest they hadn\'t been infected by a new strain yet.
  18. RedDwarfIV


    The immune system naturally has a slow reaction when it comes to antibody creation. It can take several days to develop. However, you may be right if we are talking about macrophages [T-cells], the cells that actually attack pathogens.
  19. RedDwarfIV


    Of course, for those of you celebrating that you didn\'t get influenza... ...that\'s one less antigen that you\'re immune against.
  20. Just started work on a 25 Barrett length aircraft. This will be intense. What have Science done?
  21. I noticed that your trade route map completely ignored one of my major port cities.
  22. Safira was accepted and put on the map in the most recent RP. Whether Kaluria existed first is not the point. I had to move my borders because Aesia was over my previous territories, after James ninja\'d his country in before me on the most recent reboot. I don\'t see the difference. Safira is on the map, Kaluria isn\'t. Which means Kaluria must not have been accepted. Simply put, I don\'t wan\'t to negotiate, because I\'m settled in my territory now. I was told it was mine, I made internal maps for it. If Cardgame gets Kaluria as his map shows it, I lose two population centres, and a site I planned to use for a nuclear power plant, and a geography that I happen to like the shape of.
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