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Everything posted by RedDwarfIV

  1. //Discovers fuel capacity difference between C7 mod and C7 stock YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Let\'s get some spaceplanes orbiting!
  2. I don\'t yet have a runway to Mun spaceplane, but I\'m working on it. I don\'t want to be put on the list until I know it works.
  3. //Notices Mk3 cabin Munar spaceplane launched from runway //Mind = blown I wanted to do that. Oh well. Maybe I still can. If my Ibis X2\'s wings didn\'t go sploshion when I change ships, I could try landing that on Minmus. Or I could take a leaf out of SpeedoLlama\'s book and design a different shuttle.
  4. Maybe they should build a Munbase with the components. Or use a lander leg from the first vehicle to fix the second vehicle, stand it up [cause low gravity is cool like that], and then fly home.
  5. Over dramatise all the things!* *that are related to space exploration
  6. As I\'m waiting for a KickStarter transaction to come through, I won\'t be able to get that for a while.
  7. One of the reasons I got my desktop was because it had 64 bit quad-core. And yes, it has 64-bit Windows OS to go with it.
  8. You still have to do it. No amount of rasperrying will get you out of that.
  9. Exactly. Still grinning.
  10. Erm... you either meant the capsule I was using, or you meant the science modules [that look like the stock tank with stock pod windows.] I think you meant the latter. Which would be here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=2707.msg27892#msg27892
  11. The Acer Aspire M1930, which I have, can support a maximum of 8 GB of RAM. To get an 8 GB RAM set would require I spend £38.39. Is it worth it?
  12. Its a mod that gives you a number of different capsules. The capsule I used was Command Pod Mk1 by NovaSilisko. Though I presume you actually mean the Science Modules. They\'re by Astrobug.
  13. Result of Werewolf capsule Munar orbit attempt: Catastrophic failure due to lack of stabilisation.
  14. Makes it look like a 5km sci-fi battleship in my opinion. I really like it ;D ... I have got to use this in my webcomic. I\'ll try drawing it as soon as I finish that The Lost Crusade RP character.
  15. IE9, Virgin Media. Repeated \'Commlu.com is not responding, recover webpage?\', but no loss of connection to site as such.
  16. Veto Aerospace\'s first successful Munbase - Werewolf Station. I will attempt to make a Kerbin return with the Werewolf capsule, but I don\'t think it has enough fuel. I should have given it a return stage. Mechjeb was surprisingly uncooperative. I only used it for circularing my Mun orbit and the landing, simply because previous attempts to use it for such things as ascent, Kerbin circularisation and Hohmann transfers were beyond its capabilities when the ascent stage and TMI stage were still in the stack.
  17. That isn\'t how it works, popeter. You have your cause and effect mixed up. Test first, then RP. I did it whilst doing my GCSEs. EDIT @Lordwasteland, \'KS3\' is Key Stage 3\'. Around year 7 to year 9 in UK secondary schools.
  18. [Note: These do not exist in real life. This is a concept for a version of the Taser from 2084.] The M48-LA Taser has similar styling to the popular M26 Taser. This can be seen in the overall shape, the positioning of the power cartridge, and the position of the safety system. While the M26 used a crude flip-switch, the M48-LA is fitted with ambidextrous use fingerprint scanners, to ensure that the gun is being wielded by its owner. The power cartridge also carries a remaining life readout, and the darts auto-retract, allowing for quick change of cartridge and cartridge reusability. However, the M26 is fitted with a laser target, which the M48 lacks. It does, however, come with iron sights.
  19. My Dell Latittude suffered BSODs from graphics failures. You\'re lucky. Although the freezing is reminicent of my eMachines eMonster or Acer Aspire T180.
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