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Everything posted by Badsector

  1. Inverting colors seems more eye friendly feel free to use what you like
  2. I don't see the point, is better add a simple object with only the need modules, and recycler module is enough dangerous
  3. I don't have personal experience with TACLS and i cant support for future changes, for that i link your post at the first page, thanks for share this cfg Regards Luca
  4. SQUAD cast Flame 5 --> Community I don't care if i have to left the forum for 20 days for not die of envy, at least Squad can email users when the release is ready ? Regards Luca
  5. If need a trigger collider the only stock part you can use are cockpit or crewcabin, but after they recycle kerbals too, fast and best solution is to use the recyclers from EL.
  6. The first have black background only for show the icon but the second have transparent background, yes it is born for use with blizzy's toolbar
  7. For add snacks to all unmanned pod try this (not tested) @PART[*]:HAS[MODULE[ModuleCommand],CrewCapacity[0],!RESOURCE[Snacks]] { RESOURCE { name= Snacks amount = 0 maxAmount = 100 } } Edit i have correct 1 misspelling in the patch
  8. Probably there is a misunderstanding, the image i have posted is for use as icon for toolbars and need to keep the aspect scaled at 24x24 for that is simple and have bright colors @MatterBeam feel free to use what you like
  9. No the hubs are static, like the default hub but in different sizes
  10. The best is capture one class E asteroid and start build from here, Otherwise you can use SpaceY and get it all in space with one launch
  11. If you like it here a little gift Regards Luca
  12. Other thing about asteroids is when empty they works as drogue chute and you can use it for land safely your ship without any chute. Asteroids definition have a density of 0.03 (30 kg for m³?) versus stock parts density of 0.125 (125 kg for m³)
  13. First message on the forum for tell me that ? You've repaid for all the effort I've done, thanks and you get all my respect Regards Luca
  14. i'm not good at modelling but i have find a lot of tutorials on how to make asteroids with blender and is really simple create a lot of different shapes i have do that with only 1 texture 256x256 but if you cubemap it the result can be really awesome Thanks for this great game Regards Luca
  15. Hi @birdog357 TACLS already add resources and converters to all pods but if you like to add some specific config i'm happy to include it in the package, for ckan i'm sorry but i don't have knowledge about it Regards Luca
  16. The IVA is in work, just delayed a bit for the Kidonia project and for see if unity5 can change something
  17. Is not need use firespitter plugin, you can do that with ModuleAnimateGeneric you have only to add the layer of animation first animation name = ModuleAnimateGeneric layer = 0 second animation name = ModuleAnimateGeneric layer = 1
  18. Thanks, I tried to tighten the part count only for cover some deficiencies of default. Regards Luca
  19. Finally i'm able to put it in game Now i have to deal with repetitive textures , i'm sorry i have noticed now that i don't have take screenshoot of the grappler and engine exhaust If i find a solution i want add a replacement for the default asteroid, with less poly and better textured Edit Grapple animation and exhaust
  20. is possible change asteroid mesh with modulemanager ? i have try this but don't seems to work @PART[PotatoRoid]:FOR[DST_Potato] { !mesh = PotatoRoid.mu mesh = DST_Potato/Potato.mu }
  21. Hi, thanks for the appreciation and i'm happy you enjoy the parts of this mod. For tweakscale i don't know too much about this mod but i think is not hard make a patch for the solar panel, you can watch how are scaled others parts and after apply a patch to the solar panel,if you have some problems you can ask here (after i can add the patch to the package), about the centrifuge it was possible in 1.04 with layered animations plugins but now i don't know if is possible due to ksp animations limitations. Regards Luca
  22. The problem is that, leave a part without command module clipped with asteroid is cause of Krakken, for that i'm now watching for a different approach. Edit I have changed approach, in the next days i release the parts for who wants to try it and after watch for make those parts buildable from asteroids
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