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Everything posted by Badsector

  1. OK try this KIS_Magnet.cfg @PART[KAS_Hook_Magnet]{ MODULE { name = ModuleKISPickup allowPartAttach = false allowStaticAttach = false allowPartStack = false maxDistance = 4 grabMaxMass = 50 dropSndPath = KIS/Sounds/drop } } You need a engineer for attack-deattack parts but with the magnet in range you can move 50T parts, the magnet can pickup parts from containers too
  2. I have try to add the module to kas magnet but with no success, you can move the part but not attach
  3. The first 1 is Autorove Autopilot for manned or unmanned rovers can really change in a more veritable space program The second Kerbal R&D Start with cheaper parts and after spent money or Science points for improve them
  4. Awesome concept, Is possible make it work inverse ? Have cheaper parts at startup and after improve them to default values ? Other than that is possible add another way for pay the improvement ? You can spent science point or money for improve the part
  5. For my little use i have modified the TowelHolder from Pro Props and added those lines, when equiped 1 kerbal can move 4T MODULE { name = ModuleKISPickup allowPartAttach = true allowStaticAttach = true allowPartStack = false maxDistance = 4 grabMaxMass = 4 dropSndPath = KIS/Sounds/drop attachPartSndPath = KIS/Sounds/attachPart detachPartSndPath= KIS/Sounds/detachPart attachStaticSndPath= KIS/Sounds/attachStatic detachStaticSndPath= KIS/Sounds/detachStatic } If you like Wiki have better description
  6. Nope because the lander frame is over legs colliders and don't have problems and with those changes the hub is at the same level versus terrain and don't apply forces, you can notice the differences with 1 Anchor Hub, 1 Landing frame and 1 rigid tube and mount them over the runway with kis
  7. I have noticed base are loaded with all inflatables deflated and after istantly inflate them, that make inflatables colliders apply a force to the terrain and if the force is enough the base jump. Fixing the attach nodes with the attack points a bit more high versus terrain fix this problem and i'm not experiencing more base jumping with that. Sorry for my bad english Regards Luca
  8. try this fix MKSL_jump_fix.cfg @PART[MKSL_Lander] { @node_stack_pod01 = .85,-.14,0, 1,0,0,2 @node_stack_pod02 = -.85,-.14,0, -1,0,0,2 @node_stack_pod03 = 0,-.14,.85, 0,0,1,2 @node_stack_pod04 = 0,-.14,-.85, 0,0,-1,2 } @PART[MKSL_AnchorHub] { @node_stack_pod01 = .85,-.09,0, 1,0,0,2 @node_stack_pod02 = -.85,-.09,0, -1,0,0,2 @node_stack_pod03 = 0,-.09,.85, 0,0,1,2 @node_stack_pod04 = 0,-.09,-.85, 0,0,-1,2 @node_stack_bottom = 0,-1.15,0,0,-1,0,2 } Is a pull request and fix all the problems of jumping bases
  9. Little suggestion-request, Is possible make autorove work with waypoint-manager ? Like export target coordinates as waypoint or select a waypoint as target and make autorove drive to it. Regards Luca
  10. Tanks for the suggestion, i have find this 3.75m inflatable centrifuge but i'm searching for something with a look different from inflatables (foldable) Nice suggestion but i don't want increase partcount, and IR requires a lot of parts for centrifuge. Finally i think KSP really lack on centrifuge parts, for now i have found a solution with inline ballutes for aerobraking but when i have time i want try to start to model some centrifuge. Regards Luca
  11. Every time i start design interplanetary ship i face always the lack of a good centrifuge for the crew. Now the choice are restricted to 2.5m MK2 centrifuge from SXT, 1.75m inflatable from Habitat or LLL parts. What i search is something able to hide behind a 5m heatshield (or custom heatshield) with non inflatable look. Thanks in advance if you have some suggestion for mods or design Regards Luca
  12. The problem seems fixed , no exceptions and all rovers are moving fast like ferrari, finally i can reduce space program cost with some useful rovers Thanks again for this great mod Regards Luca
  13. Sorry if i make trouble, now the exceptions are gone and in 1 save the mod work fine, now i have problems with my other save where i have 2 manned rover and over kerbin it work but my mun rover don't want start and i think is a conflict with lifesupport but i want make some more test first. Regards Luca Edit Probably i have find the culprit, roverbody need to be the root part otherwise the mod don't work
  14. If you have some contract from 1.04 you have to complete o remove them, only that
  15. I had this problem with some Base contract imported from 1.04, remove them solved my problem
  16. I have a problem on the mun, i get a speed of 0 for the target and my rover don't move at all, i don't know if is related at those exception i get at startup [EXC 13:01:58.225] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object AutoRove.autoRoveConfig.get_gravityScaleFactor () AutoRove.AutoRoveModule..ctor () UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) Part:AddModule(String) Part:AddModule(ConfigNode) PartLoader:ParsePart(UrlConfig, ConfigNode) :MoveNext() [EXC 13:01:58.239] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object AutoRove.autoRoveConfig.get_gravityScaleFactor () AutoRove.AutoRoveModule..ctor () UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object) PartLoader:CreatePartIcon(GameObject, Single&) PartLoader:ParsePart(UrlConfig, ConfigNode) :MoveNext() [LOG 13:01:58.260] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Command/probeRoverBody/probeRoverBody/roverBody' has no database record. Creating. [EXC 13:01:58.261] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object AutoRove.autoRoveConfig.get_gravityScaleFactor () AutoRove.AutoRoveModule..ctor () UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion) :MoveNext() UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) :MoveNext() UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) :MoveNext() Sorry for my bad english Regards Luca
  17. Seems work fine thanks !!! Is possible set negative values for coordinates ? Regards Luca
  18. I have some troubles, every time i try to use it i get exceptions and the mod don't work [WRN 23:08:04.983] [AutoRove] Wheel: roverWheel1 (ModuleWheel), speed: 60, Charge: 1 [WRN 23:08:04.984] [AutoRove] Wheel: roverWheel1 (ModuleWheel), speed: 60, Charge: 1 [WRN 23:08:04.984] [AutoRove] Wheel: roverWheel1 (ModuleWheel), speed: 60, Charge: 1 [WRN 23:08:04.984] [AutoRove] Wheel: roverWheel1 (ModuleWheel), speed: 60, Charge: 1 [WRN 23:08:04.984] [AutoRove] WheelData: 60/4 [EXC 23:08:04.984] FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. System.String.FormatHelper (System.Text.StringBuilder result, IFormatProvider provider, System.String format, System.Object[] args) System.String.Format (IFormatProvider provider, System.String format, System.Object[] args) System.String.Format (System.String format, System.Object arg0, System.Object arg1) AutoRove.AutoRoveModule.generatorCheck (System.Double& generatorCharge) AutoRove.AutoRoveModule.turnOnAutoRove (Double latitude, Double longitude) AutoRove.AutoRoveModule.OnGUI () KSP Linux x64 I'm doing some test on kerbin N5 E222 Thanks for this great mod Regards Luca
  19. There is a lot of misunderstanding about FPS-Performance, 20 fps is enough for have a game playable the problem is slow motion (when in game clock becomes yellow) when you reach physics calculations limits for frame, that make the game unplayable, the point is find a setting that make you play most of the time with the clock green. Physics-delta-time low (0.03) give high FPS but the game reach fast CPU calculations limits, Physics-delta-time high (0.12) for less FPS but the clock is most of the time green. I have find a good solution with 0.06 but you have to find a solution that fit your gameplay and your computer performance
  20. For what i have see now asteroid don't hold rock, you need to attack some rock tank at the vessel for get resources
  21. The new version Worked fine to me, no more exception problems Thanks a lot for your work
  22. The problem is with connecting nodes and inflatables colliders try this. MKSL_jump_FIX.cfg @PART[MKSL_Lander] { @node_stack_pod01 = .85,-.14,0, 1,0,0,2 @node_stack_pod02 = -.85,-.14,0, -1,0,0,2 @node_stack_pod03 = 0,-.14,.85, 0,0,1,2 @node_stack_pod04 = 0,-.14,-.85, 0,0,-1,2 } @PART[MKSL_AnchorHub] { @node_stack_pod01 = .85,-.09,0, 1,0,0,2 @node_stack_pod02 = -.85,-.09,0, -1,0,0,2 @node_stack_pod03 = 0,-.09,.85, 0,0,1,2 @node_stack_pod04 = 0,-.09,-.85, 0,0,-1,2 @node_stack_bottom = 0,-1.15,0,0,-1,0,2 } To me fix all the problems with jumping bases Is an old pull request but is not yet merged
  23. Wait, probably there is some misunderstending Scout pod work as logistic if have 1 pilot onboard Logistic work for resources converters, if you have a converter logistic automatically transfer resources need from converters in ilm or kontainers attacked to the converter, logistic don't work only for holding resources.
  24. IDK if it work but try this MM_logistic.cfg [CODE] @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter]]:HAS[!MODULE[USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse]]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLogisticsConsumer]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = ModuleLogisticsConsumer } } @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE [*]]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter]]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]]:HAS[!MODULE[USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse]]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLogisticsConsumer]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse } } [/CODE]
  25. [quote name='BrutalRIP']Anyone got any idea why the rover logistics is not pulling in any resources it has me stumped i can get a disconnected base working with full mks but not mks-l [URL]http://i.imgur.com/LIs16XB.jpg[/URL][/QUOTE] Because you need a MKS part with [CODE] MODULE { name = USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse } [/CODE] or [CODE] MODULE { name = ModuleLogisticsConsumer } [/CODE] For holding the need resources, put a sifter or ilm with dirt and you start to get resources
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