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Everything posted by Badsector

  1. Time for show something I have only to finish the solar panel and probably tomorrow i publish the update
  2. You can follow this simple tutorial for know how to use seams and unwrap, you can try on simple parts and after go to more complicated object, the first few times is boring but after you find more simple work on this way http://cgi.tutsplus.com/tutorials/modeling-uvmapping-and-texturing-a-low-poly-t-rex-in-blender-part-2--cg-12861
  3. Sorry but for now i have very little knowledge about IVA and camera views, i would avoid say thing for prejudice without documentation and probably with unity 5 something can change with the camera code.
  4. Finally i have something to display Remains a lot of work for the textures Suggestions and criticism are always welcome
  5. Thanks, coming from you is worth double I have made some changes at those hubs, now they are of equal length on all sides and added a 2x3.75 + 4x2.5 version, i have start the remodel of the centrifuge, some changes at windows and many for the texture, the central is completely redone and is 6.1m long versus 7.5m of the old version Suggestions and criticism are always welcome Regards Luca
  6. A problem with import scale ? Click the imported object and check if the scale is set to 1
  7. ATTENTION!! Big changes that probably broke saved ships are planned. When i complete those 2 structural part i'm planning on a overhaul of the others part for match the design and for compact the textures. Centrifuge: central tube shortened(?) Service module: extended for have more big solar panels(?) I plan to do that first of the release of KSP 1.1 but now we are running out.
  8. Parts are those are 2.5m and i want separate the beams from the circular sections. If is possible add more colliders to the same part i have to learn how to do that in unity. Thanks for the explanation Regards Luca
  9. yes, if you like to see the final version is inside my package DarkSideTechnology
  10. Next 2 parts 2.5mx6 Hub and 3.75 to 5 2.5m of those part i plan to do a version with crew tube
  11. I have to build some hollow structures, for make the colliders i need to have the beams as separated object from the base. That can give problems to unity shadow render or is capable of calculating the shape of the final object ?
  12. I still have the problem, I'm playing in sandbox mode with ore at 10% and what i do is, build a ship in orbit of Kerbin at day 79 year 1 send it to Sarnus, intercept tekto and in high orbit i build a probe with KIS with orbital survey and scanner. Send the probe in polar orbit 445Km Ap and 255Km Pe, after the orbital survey the problem happens. EDIT I want try a different approach, because seems is always the first planet i scan to give problems, and probably is more a problem of kopernicus than OPM
  13. Why all those rocketparts ? you are planning to build a Dyson Sphere around Kerbol ? I love those massive ships (less the partcount) Edit Little suggestion for a ship of those dimensions at least 3 or 4 centrifuge, 2 always with opposing direction (not the rotation but the face)
  14. Thanks, can you post pics pls ? Nope, when i start model i watch for info
  15. For now i have plan for do only 2 part more, 2 structural hub but basically they are only 1 because 1 is hollow and other with crew tube
  16. we have 2 mods for that, First is MKS-UKS Second DavonSupplyMod
  17. Almost ready with the part, i need only to add heat animation The inside can work as a service bay for 1.25m parts
  18. Porkjet centrifuge have a nice custom iva without windows, and probably you are right the iva is stationary for that i can't do windows or if you make it rotate probably give issues with the camera A little preview for the next part, inline solar panel with some radiators capable of track the best position versus sun, only 1 part and work with stock modules
  19. I don't plan to do a big pack, only 3 or 4 parts, now i'm just finish the second and after i have to do only 1 structural part. When those part are functional ingame i start to watch for making a custom iva for the centrifuge. I alert from now that probably is impossible or don't give a good result have the iva rotate like the centrifuge, but that i can see only when i start to model.
  20. Seems there is some problem with kopernicus planets, try to show the biome overlay kill the mapview, i have try with the cheat menu and it work
  21. Probably now you understand better, the cockpit rotate and the panels rotate for get the best position vs sun 2 axis and 3 rotations The only problem i have to add 3 actions for the same part.
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