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Everything posted by Badsector

  1. To me no problem with the lightbulb, you have only to use it with the correct adapter and 2 big stock folding radiators for every lightbulb you attack to the ship and seems enough balanced versus engine performance. What i find unbalanced are the radiators from this package, they need to be updated with 1.05 changes.
  2. Sorry for who had hopes but for now this project is a dead end.
  3. More than great is a crazy project, but thanks to @Angel-125 and Wildbluetools i can go straight forward Values are crazy like the project, on those screenshoot i have captured one class E asteroid of only 1300 tons (Recommended is over 2500T) and the "little" fuel tank is 5m SpaceY. That part is only the fueltank of Kidonia
  4. Fase 2 Clean I can add a node in the other side of the asteroid
  5. External Hull is 30x18 and at the end is not only for habitat, the only problem is i don't have knowledge for coding and i have to find some solution for solve some design issues. For who don't know here is where the inspiration come from
  6. Kerbalized version of the ship Sidonia from Knight of Sidonia Anime converted in a Heavy Asteroid recycler Ship THIS UPDATE IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OLDER VERSIONS Kidonia is a heavy ship-carrier that relies on asteroid resource extraction The package include cap with Grappler-Drill, Sas, Command module, Cargo Bay, Science Lab with integrated Nuclear Reactor and Recycler for depletedfuel (nuclear waste), Huge Tank, 3.75m ISRU, Thermal section and Engine Patch inside for Snacks, SimpleConstruction and for increase mass of asteroids Dependencies InterstellarFuelSwitch Kerbal Joint Reinforcement ? (not a dependency but highly recommended) Recommended mods Custom Asteroid SimpleConstruction Suggestions For Place the Grappler inside the cap bay hold ALT+Shift Cap Bay Doors and Grappler Arm animations are Delayed on this way you can use them in the same ActionGroup LICENSE: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Changelog Download ; GitHub SpaceDock Regards Luca
  7. i have do that, RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Snacks density = 0.001 unitCost = .5 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } and changed the patch in a way that add only storage and not snacks, on this way i can decide the amount to load first to launch a vessel @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],#CrewCapacity[*],~CrewCapacity[0],!RESOURCE[Snacks]] { RESOURCE { name= Snacks amount = 0 maxAmount = 50 @maxAmount *= #$/CrewCapacity$ } } @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand],#CrewCapacity[*],~CrewCapacity[0]!RESOURCE[Snacks]] { RESOURCE { name= Snacks amount = 0 maxAmount = 100 @maxAmount *= #$/CrewCapacity$ } } @PART[seatExternalCmd] { RESOURCE { name= Snacks amount = 2 maxAmount = 2 } } @PART[Large_Crewed_Lab] { @RESOURCE[Snacks] { @amount = 200 @maxAmount = 200 } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = Snack Cultivator StartActionName = Start Snack Cultivator StopActionName = Stop Snack Cultivator AutoShutdown = false GeneratesHeat = false UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Ore Ratio = 0.00015 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 5 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Snacks Ratio = 0.00015 DumpExcess = false FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } } } @PART[cupola] { @RESOURCE[Snacks] { @amount = 0 @maxAmount = 100 } } @PART[roverBody] { RESOURCE { name = Snacks amount = 0 maxAmount = 10 } }
  8. Tanks for the explanations, but i have find that, mining asteroid already reduce the mass and i don't need to add extra resources Thanks again Regards Luca
  9. Thanks, i have do one misspelling but probably the correct code is @PART[PotatoRoid] { @mass = #$mass/10 RESOURCE { name = Rock amount = 3600 maxAmount = 3600 @amount *= #$../mass$ @maxAmount *= #$../mass$ } } on this way if asteroid have mass = 150 the result is mass = 15 RESOURCE { name = Rock amount = 54000 (3600*15) maxAmount = 54000 (3600*15) }
  10. Can work this patch ? @PART[PotatoRoid] { @MODULE[ModuleAsteroid] { @mass = #$mass/10 } RESOURCE { name = Rock amount = 3600 maxAmount = 3600 @amount *= #$/mass$ @maxAmount *= #$/mass$ } } what i want is have mass=mass/10 and the resource mass/10*amount
  11. Disable Reaction wheels from probe core and keep only 1 RW active
  12. Is possible replace asteroid object with a ship with the same mass ? I like do something like extraplanetary launchpad but with the difference that it use asteroid mass and at the end it remove the asteroid for a ship built in VAB Every suggestion or help for code is welcome Regards Luca
  13. I like them both too, but them are a bit to large and with a lot of parts, if you still handy enough for compact the package this mod can become a good alternative for user like me. I watch forward for your work Regards Luca
  14. from 0.625 to 2.5m Dr. Jet's Chop Shop for 3.75m i have made one DarkSideTechnology
  15. I like the idea (sci-fi forever) but you have see LLL ? You can do a complete different package or make compatible parts for expand LLL
  16. Thanks SirCmpwn for what you have done on those years Regards Luca
  17. The multihub have gear colliders in scale 1, crewcab and command in scale 0.25, can be one import error from unity for the different scale ?
  18. I was hoping for see it back soon, latest release is on GitHub
  19. Thanks for the virtual rep, opinions and advice are always welcome
  20. Fortunately someone is interested in what i'm doing. Thanks for the assessments Regards Luca
  21. Player Log MM Cache I have only hyperedit a probe in tekto orbit, exit from game removed hyperedit and after i have do obital survey
  22. Next update the ugly service module will be replaced with a new part
  23. Kerbal or Cherbal ? Attach, sorry for the misspelling
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