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Everything posted by Badsector

  1. Nope at the end i need 2 axis and 3 rotations, but can work with 2 rotations too but if i can add 2 suncatcher is the best way, i have do some experiments and the core seems work I can start to model 1 panel and the body and after see if it can work with 2 solar panels
  2. Probably is a typing error because all structural parts weight 12T. I have always waited big hollow structural parts and those are really awesome, thanks for this great mod Regards Luca
  3. By design i can do maintenance only at science lab ? In my ship cupola is the first to wear and i can't perform maintenance, there is a way for fix other parts ?
  4. I find that, exception detector have do a mess in my saves, now i have start a new save without it and all seems work fine. This evening i do 1 very long mission for see if i get again troubles. Sorry for waste your time Regard Luca
  5. What is strange ther'is nothing in the log Here is the persistent file, i have only 2 probe around slate and eeloo is need only Near Future Solar for the panels Edit Log Here Edit2 I have removed exception detector and started a new save, now seems all work fine, this evening i want try a tekto mission and i can see if after timewarp all work fine again. Sorry for waste your time and thanks again for this great mod Regards Luca
  6. Little suggestion, for simple life use waypoint manager and take coordinates from the edit window Other than that i have noticed in bop and pol autorove set speed to 60 ms Regards Luca
  7. I have a problem with eeloo, when i select the planet in mapview i get exception and the planet button disappear, if i exit from mapview and reenter ships and orbit lines are gone, seems happens only to eeloo
  8. 5 star Bill in sandbox with 5000 materialkits attached at mpl Edit I get those exceptions from USI-LS [EXC 15:52:21.558] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object LifeSupport.LifeSupportManager.get_VesselSupplyInfo () LifeSupport.LifeSupportManager.UpdateVesselStats () LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor.FixedUpdate () I have try to add USI_ModuleFieldRepair to the part and now i have perform maintainance but after the game crash with exceptions [EXC 15:54:54.182] InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[LifeSupport.LifeSupportStatus].VerifyState () System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[LifeSupport.LifeSupportStatus].MoveNext () System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1[LifeSupport.LifeSupportStatus].MoveNext () LifeSupport.ModuleLifeSupport.CheckForDeadKerbals () LifeSupport.ModuleLifeSupport.PostProcess (ConverterResults result, Double deltaTime) BaseConverter.FixedUpdate ()
  9. Thanks for the explanation but probably something is missing because i don't get perform maintenance action, i have try with a 45% wear module and another at 22%. Other question meterialkits need to be in 150m limits or attached to the part ? I have try with MPL with 2 kontainer of materialkits attached
  10. I really love this part of the hab system, now you can't have a ship for multiple mission and you have to build complete different ship for a mission to moho vs a mission to jool. My only question is if i can find better informations about the wear system How i can calculate the replacementparts compsumation ? Is possible repair stock modules ? Broken stuff how affect the game ? Thanks again for this great mod Regards Luca
  11. New Version is UP Added Hatch USI-LS patch rebalance Back to the yellow KerbalStuff
  12. I possible design a 2 axis solar panel and make it work ? With 1 suncatcher for Y axis and 1 suncatcher parent to Y axis for X axis ?
  13. Little suggestion for LSModule.cfg @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLifeSupport],@MODULE[ModuleScienceLab]]:FOR[USILifeSupport]:Final { MODULE { name = ModuleLifeSupport } RESOURCE { name = ReplacementParts amount = 100 maxAmount = 100 @amount *= #$/CrewCapacity$ @maxAmount *= #$/CrewCapacity$ } MODULE { name = ModuleLifeSupportRecycler CrewCapacity = 5 RecyclePercent = .7 ConverterName = Life Support tag = Life Support StartActionName = Start Life Support StopActionName = Stop Life Support INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 1 } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ReplacementParts Ratio = 0.00001 } } } @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLifeSupport],!MODULE[ModuleScienceLab],#CrewCapacity[*],~CrewCapacity[0]]:FOR[USILifeSupport] { MODULE { name = ModuleLifeSupport } RESOURCE { name = ReplacementParts amount = 100 maxAmount = 100 @amount *= #$/CrewCapacity$ @maxAmount *= #$/CrewCapacity$ } } On this way you add replacement parts recycler to every science lab
  14. Interesting idea rotate modules, and with the new lifting system probably is possible too, the iva is the stock MK3 crewcabin as placeholder
  15. In future, now i have to find how to add some lights and add an hatch (next update) after i want fix the model a bit (different lifting system ?) after after IVA
  16. Porkjet Habitat already have a really nice small centrifuge, the package have inside MM patch that add supplies for USI-LS and Snacks (only supplies not recyclers), for rotate unfold than spin Regards Luca
  17. Set of parts for help in long cruise ship building, Includes 2.5m foldable centrifuge, 2.5m and 3.75m hubs and inline 3.75m solar panels. Inside MM patch for CTT, USI-LS and Snacks Suggestions for balance or criticism for the model are welcome Thanks to @landeTLS for explanation on how import the object in Unity DOWNLOAD SpaceDock GitHub TACLS Support Alternative cfg by @Deimos Rast CLS support by @panarchist TweakScale Patch by @nebuchadnezzar LICENSE CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Changelog
  18. First Thanks for all the suggestions, without your initial suggestions I would have a hard time to import the object, for animation is only a problem with hierarchy and because i have had them all with only 1 armature, but with unity 5 .mu is deprecated and probably all this problems too. Colliders are done with convex mesh, this his an old screenshot. The centrifuge is ready for a prerelease i'm only fixing some little mistakes
  19. I'm sorry but you have to waaaaaaaaaait for the iva
  20. What am i doing wrong ? animations are recognized but do not work individually when exported together and rotation don't have loop Edit: Fixed the problem with rotation loop but animations don't works together Thanks in advance Luca
  21. That's what I meant with this topic, mods like Kerbal Krash System or Kerbal Mechanics can change the gameplay and make it less mathematical. By now backup systems and safety margins are useless and only to user discretion. Kerbal R&D can simulate a real progression in your space program and not only unlock new parts and autorove finally make useful rovers.
  22. Thanks for the advice, i'm new about unity and any information is usefull For the windows i have chosen a more stockalike way A good news is that i can use bones for animations, for colliders is better if i do them in blender or unity ?
  23. I have start model a retractable centrifuge If possible i need is some suggestion for the windows and probably a bit of help for make it work ingame. Thanks in advance Regards Luca
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