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Everything posted by SasquatchM

  1. Spaceport release Here is a the WIP, still needs a bit of balancing as well as sounds, real textures and normal maps.
  2. For simple objects mark certain edges as seams and just use the unwrap function, in a cylinder for example, just mark the edge loops on the top an bottom of the cylinder ( the outside edge of the circle ) and on of the edges that go the length of the cylinder. When you unwrap you should see 2 circles and a sheet of retangles on your UV map. Now when you say your faces where upside down, do you mean upside downin the UV map or that the normals were reversed?
  3. Ya, I could probably manage something now.
  4. I have had 1 comment on spaceport from a sililar issue - al lthe fuel vanishing in seconds - but I have been unable to recreate it
  5. Is that using the Xenon injector or no? The whole thing is odd as the part is basically a SRB on steroids, at least that is how I have it set up. I am wondering if there is a mod conflict of some sort. The FFR only has 10 units of thorium, and each unit is massive. I am wondering if some other part is using Thorium a a resource and somehow the resource definition gets a little wonky. If its denisty drops dramatically the burn rate will go up the same amount to maintain thrust.
  6. Just .20 compatibility. I am considering a rework of the parts now that I have gotten a bit more modeling experience under my belt.
  7. Try throwing the rear mount PDEs on the SM-S planes, you'll need to use the adapter and run struts from the engine to help radiate heat. Add the compressed air tanks and air compressor parts with your intakes.. you make want to put the intakes and air compressors on action groups to enable/ disable.. but you can get to Mun and back. It is horribly unbalanced, but it is fun to have a sort of "space fighter" that you can cruise around in. The engines included with the SM-S pack are also heavy and eat fuel like no-one's buisiness
  8. [table=width: 500, class: grid, align: center] [tr] [td][/td] [td]Ducted Fan VTOL Engine A simple add-on to provide VTOL support to my ducted fan series. Requires Snjo's Firespitter plugin[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]SM-Bussard-Ramjet Bussard proposed a ramjet variant of a fusion rocket capable of reasonable interstellar spaceflight, using enormous electromagnetic fields as a ram scoop to collect and compress hydrogen from the interstellar medium. High speeds force the reactive mass into a progressively constricted magnetic field, compressing it until thermonuclear fusion occurs. The magnetic field then directs the energy as rocket exhaust opposite to the intended direction of travel, thereby accelerating the vessel.[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][/td] [td]Pulse Detonation Engines A pulse detonation engine, or “PDEâ€Â, is a type of propulsion system that uses detonation waves to combust the fuel and oxidizer mixture. The engine is pulsed because the mixture must be renewed in the combustion chamber between each detonation wave initiated by an ignition source. Theoretically, a PDE can operate from subsonic up to a hypersonic flight speed of roughly Mach 5. An ideal PDE design can have a thermodynamic efficiency higher than other designs like turbojets and turbofans because a detonation wave rapidly compresses the mixture and adds heat at constant volume. Requires Snjo's Firespitter plugin[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Ducted Fan Engines and Intakes A ducted fan is a propulsion arrangement whereby a fan, which is a type of propeller, is mounted within a cylindrical shroud or duct. The duct reduces losses in thrust from the tip vortices of the prop, and varying the cross-section of the duct allows the designer to advantageously affect the velocity and pressure of the airflow according to Bernoulli’s Principle. Ducted fan propulsion is used in aircraft, airships, airboats, hovercraft and fan packs. Ducted fans normally have more and shorter blades than propellers and thus can operate at higher rotational speeds. Requires Snjo's Firespitter plugin[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][/td] [td]Fission Fragment Rocket The fission-fragment rocket is a rocket engine design that directly harnesses hot nuclear fission products for thrust, as opposed to using a separate fluid as working mass. The design can, in theory, produce very high specific impulses while still being well within the abilities of current technologies.[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Sky Crane and Heat Shield Pack Mars Science Laboratory represents the first use of a "soft-landing" technique employed at Mars. The sheer mass of Mars Science Laboratory prevented engineers from using the familiar airbags to deliver their rover safely to the martian surface. As rovers become more capable and carry more instruments, they become larger. So, in order to accommodate this advanced mission, engineers designed a sky-crane method that will lower the rover to the surface.[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][/td] [td]SM-S Plane Part Pack SM-S Plane part pack contains 39 parts designed around a “stealth†look. Command pods, fuselages, engines, rcs, wings, control surfaces, asas, srbs and the list goes on. Version 0.5.1 includes several spelling corrections, grammatical fixes and 3 demo ships.[/td] [/tr] [/table] Licensing: Distribute derivatives only with accreditation and please ask prior to release.
  9. OK, so I was a moron and didn;t see the pitch adjustment in FSengineSounds. Is there a way to turn off the engine sounds at 0 throttle though?
  10. Are you planning on releasing any documentation for FSengineSounds? my coding knowledge is basically non-existant, so I can not really see how the innards work. Although I can get engine sounds to play, I can not get them to alter pitch based on thrust.
  11. Anyone know if there are new part tools floating around out there any where? I am still using .18
  12. This isn't balanced for use with FAR, it has big intakes, so, lots of drag
  13. I suppose I could make a rear stacking one, but it generates a lot of heat
  14. The difference between a pulse detonation engine and a pulse jet is that in the jet the fuel deflagerates/burns where in a PDE it actually detonates/explodes and the exhausting gasses are moving much faster. A pulse jet is pulse at around 250htz where a PDE is pulsing more than 1000htz
  15. Try this perhaps: MODULE { name = ModuleResourceIntake resourceName = IntakeAir checkForOxygen = true area = 0.04 intakeSpeed = 0 intakeTransformName = Intake } RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir amount = 5 maxAmount = 5 } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true INPUT_RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir rate = 1 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer rate = 1 } } attached to your part, the the intake uses a generator to make oxidizer which, perhaps using fuel lines, you ca use to pipe back and forth to the fuel tanks. Obviously you'll have to play with the numbers a bit to balance it. Add atmosphereCurve { key = 0 350 key = .01 350 //this is where it adjust to be a non-airbreather key = .015 1500 key = 1 1500 } you may have to add a couple more keys in to set up atmospheric values, but you get the idea.
  16. About Mach 5 from what I have seen, with fairly constant operating parameters all the way up to that speed. A few places are saying Mach 10+.
  17. It certainly is balanced to other engines, but have you looked up any info on PDEs? the Isp on the original was actually low, the thrust, if anything, is what should be tweaked. As far as the Isp at different altitudes, one of the main things about a PDE is that the internal pressure is pretty constant as long as it is operational, hence the constant ISP. I figured that oxygen deprivation would make a natural, if very high, ceiling. As far as Velocity CUrve, I actually have no idea how that works. Thank you for the suggestions though, and if more people agree I may change the release values, or release an alternate, lower powered version
  18. Actually I haven't had any problems using emissives, it is when object actually rotate that has been giving me grief. The intake thing spinning is done using Snjo's firespitter plugin
  19. That sound is actually one I captured from the video in Canopus' post, modulated it a bit and looped it
  20. I still may have to tweak the Isp and propellant ratios a bit, but you can cruise at 30000 meters if you are a bit careful
  21. This needs Snjo's Firespitter Plugin to work Wikipedia link for PDE information.
  22. There are just 4 separate parts moving and they can not be combined and still animated correctly
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