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Everything posted by SasquatchM

  1. What exactly do JointSpring and JointDamping do? I know that setting Damping to very low number that is greater than 0 makes it pretty much free swinging, but I am having issues balancing a cfg edited rototron to function as an engine
  2. Ill get the craft file, mod list and a short vid posted later, but for now here are some pics. I really need some bigger tires
  3. Look, I quoted myself! I find this the easiet way to run MapGen, as you can save multiple shortcuts that do different things.
  4. I like your designs quite a bit. I have made cargo carring planes a few times but for some reason it never occurred to me to make on that separate vehicles could board. Good job!
  5. So I was experimenting with Eve landings and this is the craft I came up with for unpowered landings on planets with atmosphere. This is NOT the delivery vehicle, only the final stage. Currently It is engine-less, but fee free to mod away. It requires NovaPunch, Tosh's Carts, Vlad's Airbrakes and MechJeb. Craft File Here
  6. With the thick atmosphere there is a LOT of aerobraking to aid in large lander descents. Spaceplanes work amazingly well there too.. i got up to 20km without using engines at all.. but only up to 33km while using the engines. I am fairly certain i could strap a few more tanks to my spaceplane /lander some where and more than likely make it out.
  7. Yes, but only for the purpose of SCIENCE! As in, "We will do science to it," and, "Burn the science out of it!"
  8. Here are a few images of my third trip to Eve. The first was a mapping mission, the second an unmanned probe. This time I decided to strand some Kerbals there. I thought my lander stage would work well as a spaceplane/rover hybrid, and it does get to Eve and once landed can get to almost anywhere (it turns out that canard/control surface powered flight is almost impossible to avoid in this thick of atmosphere). Sadly I can only get the lander itself up to about 30km up, so these brave Kerbals are stuck for the time being, probably forever as EVAs on Eve tend not to end so well.
  9. make a shortcut to ISA_MapGen.exe, then right click it and where it shows the path (like c:\KSP\PluginData\isa_mapsat\ISA_MapGen.exe) just add 1920 to the end (assuming that is the width you want) and save the shortcut that way. So it would read c:\KSP\PluginData\isa_mapsat\ISA_MapGen.exe 1920) here are a bunch of commands listed on the first page of this thread that can be used like this.
  10. So I recently completed a map of Eve with the ISA mapsat mod and noticed there wasn't anything registering as an anomaly. I did notice though that there is one unexplained really deep spot in the ocean. Imageshack is giving me grief so here is a direct link to the pic The real question is can I make in interplanetary submarine?
  11. The biggest issue is that you have to edit the initial CVS file to be comma delimited, not semicolon. then you can load the file and have it work. I know i have a basic how to for it somewhere on these forums.
  12. As far as the capsule detachment after translation, here is a half-assed work around: quick save before starting your translation(f5), start your translation and note the time when you leave warp and explode, reload your quicksave (f9), re translate but start click the level 1 warp arrow when you get to near the time of your explosion.. you may have to keep clicking it. This forces a lower level of warp on the system and when you are ready for your translation burn it will no longer pop your capsule off. I hope that make sense to everyone
  13. Updated Eve data Updated CSV File (60 megs compressed, over 200 when uncompressed)
  14. So i made a map sat with it final stage powered by ion engines. I took forever to change my orbits in meaningful ways, so the data is not even close to being complete. Either way, here are the results. Map Data Note that the map data is 50mb compressed and 150mb when uncompressed and has not had the duplicates removed.
  15. I was playing around with rototrons to work with hinges and came up with this. <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0om9kgRkfQE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. Ya, the only issue with Damned Robotics, and it is really a game issue, is that every 6km of travel there is that little glitch.. really messes with the robotics parts for some reason.
  17. I was aiming to make a craft capable of a glide landing on a planet with low gravity but having an atmosphere (I guess I don't know if there will be one) and hopefully it will be able to get back out of atmosphere with the little rockets.. I may have to add a couple more external tanks though.
  18. Here are some screenies for now, I'll make a video later
  19. With the door hinges in particular mirroring is very messed up. what i do is place each hinge separately, which take a bit of work to get them to line up properly. The darker side of the hinge is the moving side, the lighter side is the base. the hinge folds in the direction that the middle extruded part is facing, if that makes sense. so if this _o_ is the hinge and the left flat area is the base the right flat area will rotate counter clockwise until the hinge is closed like this =o
  20. I made this the other day while experimenting with gliders. It is capable of glitching as high as you want it, but because of it's fairly minimalistic build it takes a while to do it. As this video wasn't really meant for a challenge it doesn't show maximum altitude or speed. due to the design high speeds, although possible, are pretty dangerous to the Kerbal pilot. <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qkf1eRiCRf0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  21. Craft File Uses NovaPunch Remix 1.3 Damned Robotics 1.2.1 JellyCubes Advanced Weapons R&D - Weapons and Other Miscellanea Vlad's Airbrakes and of course, MechJeb
  22. Oh, I suppose I should change my sig. That links back to a bunch of .15 craft files.. all you really have to do is edit the craft file to be .16. there are directions somewhere.
  23. Basically a glitch in the flight mechanics
  24. The way this is designed the inside edge of the wheel has to be smaller than the outside edge to corner correctly. I've been using nose cone adapters for this but it is pretty unsatisfying.
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