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    Configurer of Contracts
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  1. Your PR looks good, but I haven't had a chance to merge it yet. There's a chance that it may break in some places where I'm not using Lingoona but should be - just let me know if you see any ^f characters show up in text anywhere. Honestly I remember when I was figuring out how to get it working to test it in KSP it was a bit of a pain. So I want to make sure - are you actually getting the science for it, but it's just not completing the contract? If so, can you provide your save file so I can take a closer look? Not sure what's going on here. I'll respond in more detail on GitHub.
  2. Thanks. I already had a report for this against Strategia, so if you can post it there as well that would help me out. https://github.com/jrossignol/Strategia/issues/87
  3. I had a look, and couldn't reproduce. I don't see anything wrong with the code either, but I'd be curious to see that log if we get one.
  4. New release: Contract Configurator 1.30.5 Major performance improvements to save loading time (thanks siimav). Fixed SI units not appearing on HasAntenna parameter (thanks Nobody6). Fixed Exploration contracts not being fully disabled when requested (thanks ussdefiant).
  5. That message actually means it's working (sort of). The Exploration contracts are special to stock, so it makes extra sure those get generated. I needed to add a little bit more logic to fully disable those. Should be good in the next release now.
  6. Not sure why that would be - raised jrossignol/ContractPack-Tourism#35 to look into this.
  7. Raised jrossignol/ContractConfigurator#693 to improve handling of CustomBarnKit. I couldn't find which mod actually changed the levels in the list below - but it doesn't really matter how it did it as there are a number of other mods out there that modify the levels (mostly ones to do with antennas and bigger solar systems). Not sure, maybe something a little special with the modded experiment and I'll either need to write code or disable it from showing up in Field Research. Raised jrossignol/ContractPack-FieldResearch#27
  8. There you go, that's your problem then. That mod is not compatible with Contract Configurator. If you'd like me to look into making it compatible, you'll have to let me know what the mod is.
  9. There isn't a Name or FirstName method on Kerbal. Would be pretty easy to add, but I think @kerbal.ToString().FirstWord() should work (didn't test though).
  10. Whoops, sorry. I got caught up with the second question and didn't realize that I never answered the first one. You can use the FirstWord() method on any string (from https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/String-Type):
  11. There's a couple ways. First is to break the string and use a + to concatenate them: DATA { type = string cat = I am a cat catString = @cat + " and a bat" } Second is to use the new Format method: DATA { type = string formatString = Eat <<1>> and <<2>>. formattedString = Format(@formatString, ["oats", "goats"]) } Results: The second is what you'd want to use if you ever want to support localization (and probably just better overall in terms of performance and garbage generation). Looks like no - I only ever added escaping for ".
  12. And you can confirm that Exploration Contract is disabled in the difficulty menu? If so, please provide a KSP.log and I'll look from there.
  13. It works fine for me on 1.10.1. Can you provide a screenshot of the contract you are getting that you think shouldn't be getting?
  14. Whoops, this is a problem in Contract Configurator. I've fixed the parameter to use the right localization string for the next release.
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