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Posts posted by nightingale
On 10/11/2020 at 12:01 PM, NermNermNerm said:
I've been learning about Lingoona script, but am having some trouble applying it to ContractConfigurator because there seems no way to get a kerbal name with the right gender marker on it (e.g. "Valentina Kerman^f"). If I'm reading the source code right, there's no native way to do it. For kerbals, I think I see how I could make it happen with some fancy expression stuff using the Gender() method, but that seems hacky and wrong. For celestial bodies (which have a language-specific gender as well), I don't think I see a way.
If I'm right and it really is missing, I would be happy to submit a PR, as I think I see how it should be done. (I'd probably take care of that first-name thing at the same time).
Your PR looks good, but I haven't had a chance to merge it yet. There's a chance that it may break in some places where I'm not using Lingoona but should be - just let me know if you see any ^f characters show up in text anywhere.
On 10/21/2020 at 11:17 PM, Juba said:I have this contract that asks to do (Experiment: Baobab tree scan), I tried with all 3 arms it still does not register the scan.
Honestly I remember when I was figuring out how to get it working to test it in KSP it was a bit of a pain. So I want to make sure - are you actually getting the science for it, but it's just not completing the contract? If so, can you provide your save file so I can take a closer look?
21 hours ago, lipatden said:Just opened an issue on GitHub: All my existing station tourist missions from Tourism Plus can't find the vessel, so tested with a brand new contract.
Not sure what's going on here. I'll respond in more detail on GitHub.
1 hour ago, Friznit said:
I'll see if I can repro with just the relevant mods and get a clean log for science.
Thanks. I already had a report for this against Strategia, so if you can post it there as well that would help me out.
12 hours ago, severedsolo said:
Nightingale: Strategia code falling over and here's the relevant bit of Bureaucracy - other than the fact that they are both registered for onFacilityContextMenuSpawn I don't see an obvious conflict,
I had a look, and couldn't reproduce. I don't see anything wrong with the code either, but I'd be curious to see that log if we get one.
New release:
- Major performance improvements to save loading time (thanks siimav).
- Fixed SI units not appearing on HasAntenna parameter (thanks Nobody6).
- Fixed Exploration contracts not being fully disabled when requested (thanks ussdefiant).
On 9/30/2020 at 1:15 PM, ussdefiant said:
The "[ERR 13:05:02.226] [ContractSystem]: Contract type 'ExplorationContract' not found" is something that quite caught my eye.
That message actually means it's working (sort of). The Exploration contracts are special to stock, so it makes extra sure those get generated. I needed to add a little bit more logic to fully disable those. Should be good in the next release now.
19 hours ago, captinjoehenry said:
Hi I love this mod. But after I launch a space hotel I don't get any contract to bring tourists to it. I've even tried redoing it a couple of times with no changes @nightingale
Not sure why that would be - raised jrossignol/ContractPack-Tourism#35 to look into this.
18 hours ago, kalmor said:
I am a big boy, I could figure it out on my own(I think). This line is awfully suspicious:
valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<int>(configNode, "maxLevel", x => maxLevel = x, this, 3, x => Validation.Between(x, 1, 3)); (FacilityRequirement.cs:32)
the problem is, that one of my mods changed facilities in a way, that they change models on level 1, 3, and 5 instead of 1,2 and 3.Raised jrossignol/ContractConfigurator#693 to improve handling of CustomBarnKit. I couldn't find which mod actually changed the levels in the list below - but it doesn't really matter how it did it as there are a number of other mods out there that modify the levels (mostly ones to do with antennas and bigger solar systems).
18 hours ago, kalmor said:I think, I can live without this feature. I am having more pressing problems with Field Research. I accepted a plant growth study in Kerbin orbit. I did the plant growth, I finalized it, than deorbited and landed the experiment, however upon recovery the mission was not completed. I did that twice, once without any control just with a parachute and heatshield and once with a probe core. Maybe I missed something like I shouldn't finalize after I have 50 eurekas. Hasn't encountered this kind of problem with other types of contracts from any other contract pack.
Not sure, maybe something a little special with the modded experiment and I'll either need to write code or disable it from showing up in Field Research. Raised jrossignol/ContractPack-FieldResearch#27
1 hour ago, kalmor said:
Obviously I am using a mod:D.
I have like 40 of them but I don't know specifically which one increases my buildings' max levels.
There you go, that's your problem then. That mod is not compatible with Contract Configurator. If you'd like me to look into making it compatible, you'll have to let me know what the mod is.
10 hours ago, NermNermNerm said:
Well yeah, but what if @/kerbal is not a string, but rather of type Kerbal? There's some shenanigans I could pull, e.g. Format("{0}", @kerbal).FirstWord(), but maybe there's a first-class way to get the name of the kerbal? @kerbal.name doesn't seem to be a thing...
There isn't a Name or FirstName method on Kerbal. Would be pretty easy to add, but I think @kerbal.ToString().FirstWord() should work (didn't test though).
5 hours ago, NermNermNerm said:
How do you break a string? I mean if @/kerbal is of type Kerbal, how do you get the *first* name? That is, I want "Jebediah", not "Jebediah Kerman".
Whoops, sorry. I got caught up with the second question and didn't realize that I never answered the first one. You can use the FirstWord() method on any string (from https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/String-Type):
Returns the first word in a space-seperated list (ie. pull Jebediah out of Jebediah Kerman). -
23 minutes ago, NermNermNerm said:
Is there a way, within the expression language, to use just the Kerbal's first name? E.g. to replicate things like we see in the stock rescue contracts, where it's "Fred's shipwreck" and not "Fred Kerman's shipwreck" ? I mean when the kerbal is generated, so the text would be "@/lostkerbal's derelict" Something like "@/lostkerbal.name()'s derelict". Is that a thing?
There's a couple ways. First is to break the string and use a + to concatenate them:
DATA { type = string cat = I am a cat catString = @cat + " and a bat" }
Second is to use the new Format method:
DATA { type = string formatString = Eat <<1>> and <<2>>. formattedString = Format(@formatString, ["oats", "goats"]) }
The second is what you'd want to use if you ever want to support localization (and probably just better overall in terms of performance and garbage generation).
23 minutes ago, NermNermNerm said:Also, is there an escaping sequence - like if I'm writing a sentence, the "." seems to sometimes get confused for language syntax, e.g. in "... from @/lostbody." The period is intended to be plain text, but in some cases it seems that the configurator thinks it's part of an expression.
Looks like no - I only ever added escaping for ".
1 hour ago, ussdefiant said:
I'm getting that Explore Mun contract from the World Record Society. Keeps respawning when it expires, too.And you can confirm that Exploration Contract is disabled in the difficulty menu? If so, please provide a KSP.log and I'll look from there.
9 hours ago, ussdefiant said:
So, i've been having a habit of using the Exploration Plus contract pack instead of the stock progression stuff for the past while. However, since i've started a new game in 1.9.1 to go with the new Kopernicus version, the CC option to disable the stock Exploration contracts no longer seems to work, and i get those served up to me alongside the Exploration Plus ones. I'm not really sure whether theres something else i should be doing to get rid of the stock contracts, or if this is simply some sort of CC/contract pack issue.
It works fine for me on 1.10.1. Can you provide a screenshot of the contract you are getting that you think shouldn't be getting?
On 9/26/2020 at 12:00 AM, Morphisor said:
@Nobody6 I'm not sure why antenna rating parameter is now only saying five instead of what it used to do fine - which is 5.00M for a moon relay mission. These contracts will always require a certain total combined antenna rating. If your probe has 4M, you're a little too low.
Whoops, this is a problem in Contract Configurator. I've fixed the parameter to use the right localization string for the next release.
On 9/26/2020 at 4:52 AM, kalmor said:
Really enjoying the contract pack. Unfortunately I upgraded my astronaut complex to level 5 in my career, and the Crewed Milestones: First Orbital EVA became unavailable saying that my astronaut complex is above level 3. I looked at the contract in your mod file, and deleted the AC min level 1 requirement and that solved the problem but it's interesting that a min lvl requirement imposes a max one as well...
Are you using a mod that changes the buildings? Otherwise you shouldn't be able to upgrade above 3.
3 hours ago, VoidSquid said:
So it's not just my imagination or my specific mod setup, glad to hear
Will do, thank you again for your time analyzing this odd bug so far.
Well, I'm playing the English version of KSP, no need for any localization for me. 1.29. is safe then, what do you think?
It's not the localization that is the problem, there's a bunch of bug fixes and stuff like that. So I'm guessing you're more likely to hit a bug that's worse than the flickering tooltip if you roll back. More importantly, I won't provide support if you go from 1.30.x => 1.29, so read the changlogs carefully and decide for yourself whether it's worth the risk.
9 hours ago, VoidSquid said:
Hey @nightingale, I found some more time for testing, interesting result: when I replace CC with the older 1.29.0 version, the bug is gone! As soon as I use any 1.30.x version, the bug appears.
Hope this helps to narrow down finding what's going on here.
Question: will it be save to continue using 1.29.0 for the time being, or will it ruin my career save game due to incompatibilities?
Pretty questionable to continue on 1.29.0, I don't know what will happen. Looking at the diffs now to see if something jumps out. Problem is that localization happened between those two versions... so there's a lot to diff. I'm going to try to repro first, so if you're around, @VoidSquid and can post your save file it may help make that go a little quicker.
EDIT: No need for the save, I managed to reproduce.
EDIT: I think this is a SCANsat bug. I haven't identified it completely, but I have enough for @DMagic to take a look. What's happening is that SCANsat builds its tooltip based off a cached StringBuilder using a SCANSat specific caching framework. The place that reads the tooltip releases the StringBuilder, which is questionable, but may or may not be the cause.
So what *seems* to be happening is that Contract Configurator and SCANsat are using the same cached StringBuilder (as part of some performance enhancements, I started using a StringBuilder using the stock caching framework in 1.30.0, which is why rolling back past that "fixes" the issue).
Now, I don't 100% know how/why this could be, since SCANsat does it's own caching and I use the stock StringBuilderCache. I did see a spot where SCANsat uses the stock one, and found a questionable method that could allow injecting the stock one into the SCANsat framework (but I didn't see a call to it, so not sure if that's correct or not).
So there it is - I don't completely know what/where the issue is, but I'm fairly certain the fix needs to happen in SCANsat. DMagic hasn't been on the forums for a couple weeks - so if we don't get a response from him then I'd suggest linking this thread from a SCANsat GitHub issue.
@VoidSquid - I have a vague sense of what's going on here. The Contracts appis a bit silly and doesn't have the ability to support dynamic text. Contract Configurator fakes this the same way it does everything else - through hacking internals. In this case it walks through the UI elements associated to the contracts app, and then updates it when it finds it based on what has changed. I don't really know how it could get crossed up though, as Contract Configurator looks for children of the Contracts App. I'll have a look later tonight to see if I can reproduce, unless @DMagic knows off the top of their head what could possibly be causing this.
3 minutes ago, VoidSquid said:
Hey @nightingale,
Since a couple of days I have an quite interesting issue between CC and the new ScanSat (20.4 atm), though this also happened with the two or three previous CC versions.
What happens is, when I accept a new contract (seems independent of the contract pack), fly the rocket, switch to map view, and active a ScanSat overlay (terrain, or biome, makes no difference), the terrain info under the mouse pointer flickers alternating with the initial contract duration time (e.g. recover a satellite after 60 days, the ScanSat terrain info alternates with a small box displaying 60:00:00) several times a second. Finishing the contract, all all is back to normal.
Console doesn't give any output about this, and before I bother you with any logs: any at least faint idea what's going, or have you heard / seen this ever before?
I have never heard of anything like this. Those things sound like they should not be related in any way. Can you post some screenshots (or a video) and I'll take a closer look?
12 hours ago, DuoDex said:
Hi @nightingale.
It seems that when using Contract Slot Machine, the contract rewards are re-randomized upon loading the save. I'm not sure why this is.Hmmm.... I think that's an old bug that's come back. I'll have to take a look at why it's not persistent anymore. Going to be working on Anomaly Surveyor for a while, and then I've got a laundry list of Strategia issues to look at. Mind raising this one up on the GitHub tracker so I don't forget?
4 hours ago, DuoDex said:
Worth my while to put in a PR to remove SSPX science and the stock Comet stuff while we're working on it?
Stock comet stuff is already done. I was undecided on SSPX, but I don't need much of a push (and having someone else do it is enough of a push). Just toss it in the pile with the others.
1 hour ago, boribori said:
I still see a KeyNotFoundException in the log, but no more crashes, so I guess it's fine. Thanks!
Player.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q9W-ocaPuA2Ek87ZoNyEAuo8_2ZA35_o/view?usp=sharing(The log shows ContractConfigurator v1.0.0.0 / v1.30.3, but the version file shows 1.30.4)
I fixed the downloaded (the version that was up just had the version number wrong in one part, nothing else).
The KeyNotFoundException where it's happening now shouldn't have any adverse effect (but I've still cleaned it up for next release).
11 minutes ago, Morphisor said:
That pretty much has the same result, indeed. Though I dare say it may actually be even worse - it threw loads of nullref exceptions on basically everything that was reloaded, except the part models. It also takes way longer than the original game startup.
Yaaaaaaah.... okay, that's why it was disabled. It's funny because in my one (very quick) test it seemed okay. I'll still try to play around with it, but it may just be a lost cause.
New release!
- Fixed major issue when Breaking Ground wasn't installed (thanks boribori).
[1.12] KerbalSports Returns! Everyone's favorite KSP fishing mod
in KSP1 Mod Releases
This is my favorite mod on the forum.