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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Thought in stock they each have their own itinerary. But I admit it's been a long time since I looked at them.
  2. For Tourism Plus they need to be on the same flight to complete the contract (which is why they all have the same itinerary).
  3. @BigFatStupidHead - I couldn't reproduce the issue, but I think it was one of the changes that I'd already made that fixed it. So give the new release a try. That being said - new release, download here! Strategia 1.2.3 Corrected minimum Contract Configurator version checking. Fixed moon probe strategies to not be mutually exclusive (thanks westamastaflash). CurrencyOperationByContract now looks at child groups as well. Fixed broken Custom Barn Kit check. Allow splashed or landed for probe contracts (thanks Norcalplanner). Moon probe strategies stop being offered once the moon in quest is orbited, not just reached.
  4. @TheReadPanda - Looks like something didn't get fixed correctly in 1.12.0. New release to fix that issue here! Contract Configurator 1.12.1 Fixed backwards compatibility for Wheel PartModuleType (thanks TheReadPanda).
  5. Big release with lots of bug fixes, and a few new features for contract authors. Download here! Contract Configurator 1.12.0 Added support for NextKerbalHireCost() expression function. Added HasCrew.excludeKerbal. Fixed exception in the Expression behaviour (thanks severedsolo). Fixed deriving primary situation for biomes with a space in the name. Fixed exception in science util functions (thanks Chippy the Space Dog). Fixed exception when docking (thanks Lennartos and others). Fixed logic for setting contract weights that was broken by 1.1.x changes (thanks severedsolo). Removed some broken validation (thanks linuxgurugamer). Fixed exception when removing certain contract packs (thanks rasta013). Fixed edge case where AwardExperience was late awarding the experience (thanks severedsolo). Fixed exception with Contracts Window + (thanks sidfu). Improved accuracy of VesselNotDestroyed checks (thanks inigma). Fixed bug in barycenter logic when using Sigma Binary (thanks sentania). Improved backwards compatibility with contract packs using the old Wheel module name (thanks galenmacil). Re-generate PQS offset coordinates when flight begins (workaround for Kopernicus waypoint offset issue).
  6. @BigFatStupidHead - Actually, can you post up a log and let me know which mod it is that removes the moons?
  7. @FirroSeranel - Next release of Contract Configurator will fix the issues with not enough contracts getting generated.
  8. New Horizons is a fairly common planet mod, so I specifically catered for that situation. I wasn't aware of any mods where there were no moons though, so I never considered that. I'll take a look at at that for the next release.
  9. Yes - in that the Contract Configurator contracts will take up the space that those rescue contracts would otherwise take up.
  10. I'm going to be releasing an update soon that fixes the ratios for Contract Configurator vs. stock contracts that are offered. Give the dev version a try and let me know if that fixes the issue.
  11. @Paranoid Shark - you can either cancel other contracts, wait or use the debug menu to clear existing offered/active contracts. That should cause the contract you want (assuming you meet the requirements) to show up.
  12. Part of the problem is that there used to be the save/cancel buttons near the text editing areas, but I think the UI hinting is also a problem. The styling of the text changes when you click into it to edit and then again when you click out. That combined with the fact that there is a singular undo button implies to me something that is automatically saving in the background (which is not an uncommon web paradigm these days). If you're going to have the save button at the bottom of the page, I'd suggest making it more clear that the entire page is in edit mode (eg. changing it entirely to edit boxes, and not changing back until its saved). Better yet, would be just to auto-save when the user clicks out of the edit box (which is what I infer from the current UI anyway). Also, a big bonus would be if you can have it do a "this page has not been saved" style popup when the user tries to navigate away (although if you're going to automatically save this might not be necessary).
  13. New release with a couple bug fixes. Download here. Waypoint Manager 2.5.2 Remove waypoints from the waypoint list when they no longer active (thanks severedsolo). Move config file to PluginData to prevent unneccessesary Module Manager cache rebuilds (thanks galenmacil).
  14. Yup, been an issue with Kopernicus for a long while. I'm going to try to get a workaround into one of the next releases.
  15. @sidfu - Seems like Contracts Window + is calling some contract stuff before the contract system is fully up, which isn't something that normally happens. I've corrected the issue for the next Contract Configurator release.
  16. @rasta013 - #1 is due to a bug that's due to be fixed in the next release (basically, the Contract Configurator contracts don't get a high enough weight). #2 is a big issue... with ResearchBodies. I'd raise it on that thread.
  17. Hmmm.... doesn't seem to be working for me - there's no save/cancel buttons, only an undo one, so I can't save any new entries.
  18. Sure, use PartValidation for the part check with a Module Manager condition to check that the mod is installed.
  19. It's possible to write contracts that are difficult or impossible to finish with Contract Configurator. From the screenshot alone, I have no idea which contract pack that's from, so I have difficulty helping you without seeing the config. I'd suggest trying on the thread for whichever contract pack that is from. @rasta013 - thanks, I've fixed that for the next release.
  20. Sure, changed it from a reached check to an orbit check for next release.
  21. @brainy - I had a look at your issue, and it's most likely due to a part mod that hasn't been updated to 1.1.x. What happens is that the part fails to load and leaves an invalid entry in the list that messed up other mods. I'd need to see a full log to be able to investigate further.
  22. I'd need to see a log. Also, what contracts are those? DMagic has a lot of stuff that doesn't use Contract Configurator, so please be specific. EDIT: Actually, more than likely this is the same issue as reported in #519.
  23. There's a hard limit of contracts - the default is 15, but you can increase it in contracts.cfg
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