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Everything posted by waterlubber

  1. Oh god no, that episode was horrifying. However this is excellent news for a Mars colony.
  2. I've found all the hidden parts on occasion when something bugs out. Did the Magic Boulder get inside the VAB?
  3. It seems to me like Sampa was doing Soviet-style but you mentioned Kapitalism. Explain?
  4. My sig is most of the goodness, but on Kerbin I've rovered, boated and flew around to KSC2, desert pyramids, random monolith in the north, and both poles (SSTO satellite landings).
  5. Hey, Kuzzter's son, tell your dad that he should make more chapters and begone with these interludes!
  6. There's a law in the US the prohits kids under the age of 13 from doing anything on the Internet. It's stupid because kids are going to lie about their age, or we're are going to need to use a credit card for all the websites. IMHO if the parent allows it go ahead. Also, ask him if he wants you to proofread his grammer, but quite honestly the graphics were very well put together. Probably better than what I could do considering I don't have Powerpoint
  7. That explains the accidental cycler orbit that I set up on Sarnus. Nailed 3 flybys.
  8. I hear good things about SSD's here. How easy is it to migrate OS from one to the other? (Ubuntu)
  9. Personally, I use jet engines and have compact rovers that can operate upside down. Some emergency seperatons help too.
  10. That's what physics warp currently does. Lowers accuracy. Cuts corners. And I know they're running in seperate threads--that's why this is good. One of them running at 1/4 speed will have to force the rest down, because they can't be desynced. When others have the capability to run x10 except, say, thermal, then warp thermal and nothing else.
  11. This. So much this. We need this. SQUAD. Please. I don't need Unity 5. Just this. The contract satellites. Seriously, they need to go. Also, we need some kind of search/collapsable groups/sort by bodyin tracking center.
  12. Come to the Linux side, we have stable 64-bit and cookies. I should mention that that CPU has more cores than I would recommend. Multi-threading probably won't use all 6 Also, get another 8 gigs of ram. Slower if you need. I'm running into the hard RAM cap with Soundtrack editor and no enviro/aesthetics mods.
  13. Looks good to me. What OS will you be running on it? I recommend Linux because Linux
  14. Oh my gosh, UNO's skill set Either way, my friend had an identical GPU to me, and he said it was running at 200 degrees. (Metric users, 93.3 degrees). I was stunned and asked him why. He said he had a "makeshift" cooling system. After further inquiry, his response: [sic]
  15. Finished my board of review two days ago. Court of Honor coming up, so yeah, soon I'll be Star. (looks like OP hasn't been updated, also OA)
  16. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Also, bet the override code is one an idiot would have on his luggage.
  17. Things I know: Jeb is Comder Val "isn't" in on the plot. Emphasis on "". Kranefly has fuel, enough for a transfer...and Jeb also has said codes.
  18. Look up a sawtooth/square synth, or a synth with reverb.
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