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Everything posted by Yski

  1. That would be because they haven't been updated to the newest version of ksp yet. Since the update didn't change anything that would break those mods, they still work just fine, but ckan has no way of knowing that until the authors test their mods and release a new version that is confirmed to be compatible with the current ksp version. Basically, "incompatible" means, "not confirmed to work". There's no way to know if it works until you try. You can still install them through the command line interface if you specifically tell ckan you want that version of the mod (ckan.exe install modName=VersionNumber), though I'm not sure if the GUI allows you to do the same.
  2. When using ckan through the command line, is there a way to get the "available" command to list all the mods as opposed to only the compatible ones? I know the GUI can do it, so I'm currently installing my out of date mods by checking the latest version via the GUI, then installing that specific version using the command line, but I feel kind of silly doing that. So, is there something like ckan.exe available --all?
  3. I managed to force AA on using the catalyst control center and fglrx drivers. Everything seems to work just fine, and the game looks gorgeous with a few mods added to the mix. I have had some issues with it before though, so try and see if it works I guess.
  4. I have to say I love your mods, simply because of the sheer scale of things. The game gets awfully laggy when you try to stuff hundreds of kerbals into one ship, so I decided I need a civilian population mod to expand my empires beyond mere dozens of kerbals. Until I stumbled across this gem I though I'd have to hack something together myself, but great minds think alike it seems. Keep them coming
  5. Could be. Try using a task manager to see how much memory ksp actually uses before it crashes.
  6. A good rule of thumb when it comes to computer things is that google search is your friend. First result for "ksp how to take a screenshot", hope this helps http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28342-How-does-one-Take-a-screenshot
  7. I'd say that's just KSP being KSP. My advice is to abuse the quick save button, that way you won't lose much when things decide to explode for no apparent reason.
  8. Can confirm, this is exactly what's happening to me. The mouse freezes as well if you try to move it outside the KSP window if you run it in windowed mode. Here are a few others with the same issue, no known fixes though: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92231-The-Linux-Thread?p=1711937&viewfull=1#post1711937 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92231-The-Linux-Thread?p=1680958&viewfull=1#post1680958 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92231-The-Linux-Thread?p=1701083&viewfull=1#post1701083 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109493-KSP-Freezing It's definitely an issue with the driver rather than KSP. Here's what I've figured out so far. Copy-pasted from one of the earlier threads:
  9. I recall having a similar issue, and I solved it by enabling some setting that was disabled by default in alsamixer. Try opening the terminal and typing in alsamixer and see if you can find something that fixes it - I'd love to give you the exact setting I changed, but I'm currently stuck with my laptop, and it doesn't seem to have the options I'm looking for. It definitely was some enabled/disabled type of thing though. As for unpacking mods, I don't think I specifically installed anything to do it, so you're probably good with the default program that ships with ubuntu unless you want something fancier.
  10. I can confirm this is a stock issue, I'm having the same problem. No fix so far.
  11. Glad to hear it's working for you. I don't suppose you've also managed to force anti aliasing with them? The lack of drivers capable of both running the game and providing anti aliasing is what has kept me mostly using windows so far.
  12. That's odd, though I have heard of some people having problems with it. I suppose you could try installing it manually, but you best ask someone else to explain that. I'm fine trying things on my computer, but I'm not risking someone else's.
  13. There's a way to do it automatically with just a few clicks in ubuntu. I can't recall the exact names of the menus, but it should be something along the lines of Control Panel -> Software -> Additional Drivers, after which you pick the one that isn't fglrx/fglrx-updates, click apply changes and reboot. That's not how a linux guru would do it, but it's fast and easy. That being said, I'm not sure if it'll allow you to do it after installing things manually, and if that's the case I better let someone who actually knows what they're doing do the explaining, just in case I accidentally break something
  14. That looks wrong. I have a feeling something went wrong when installing the driver.
  15. Same issue. It's not the KSP that freezes, it's the GPU/Xorg from what I can tell. First of all, have you tried the open source driver? It works for me, but the lack of anti aliasing makes the game kind of hideous. Here's what I know so far: -Nothing in ksp's log files -Nothing in kern.log based on time stamps. -Nothing I could find in Xorg.0.log, but no time stamps and I'm a linux noob so could've missed something. Not the whole thing since it wouldn't fit, but this should be the relevant part http://pastebin.com/pzG9KU3A -Same problem in the two latest versions of ubuntu, reinstalling ubuntu doesn't fix it. -Same problem in both Ubuntu and Mint. -Aimlessly fiddling with random settings doesn't fix it. Neither does trying again and praying Specs: GPU: Radeon HD 7800/ CPU: i5-3750k/ RAM: 16gb/ OS: two versions of Ubuntu, newest Mint/ Driver: fglrx, fglrx-updates and the newest driver from AMD website/ Resolution: 1920x1080 Apologies for the vague version numbers. I know I'd hate being given some, so if you think they actually make a difference, let me know and I'll go check them.
  16. I'm having the exact same issue. The open source driver works for me, but since it lacks the option to force anti aliasing like the AMD drivers do, the game looks kind of horrible with all the jagged edges. Still, it's an option if you really want to run more mods than the 32bit version can handle. In my experience, installing newest drivers from the AMD website didn't do the trick. I've also tried re-installing Ubuntu as well as swapping over to Mint, mostly due to lack of any better ideas than any real hope it would fix it. I haven't found anything in any of the KSP log files, nor was there anything near the time of the crash looking at the time stamps in kern.log. I've also tried looking at Xorg.0.log, but I'm too much of a linux noob to get anything useful out of it. That pretty much sums up my adventure so far, let me know if you find a way to somehow make the fglrx drivers work for you
  17. I am not alone! So far I've figured out there's nothing in kern.log either, judging by time stamps. That's about it. But hey, at least I've finally found some scary linux logs that are about as useless as their ksp counterparts
  18. Installed the latest beta driver, still freezing. It's really odd though, I can move around the menus and go to the settings just fine, but it always freezes in the menu after "Start Game". What's so different there? kern.log has nothing near the time of the crash - I booted the computer, left it for a few minutes, froze everything with ksp and shut down the computer, waited a few minutes and booted it again, and all I see are the times I booted it and nothing in between. Here's kern.log - I couldn't fit everything to pastebin, so I took the two latest boots. KSP did its thing at 11:37. http://pastebin.com/sTdVqQga Xorg.0.log has no time stamps I can read, so I can't tell if something there is relevant. Here's the file: http://pastebin.com/pzG9KU3A EDIT: I'll be away from this particular computer for a few days, so I can't try anything new until sunday evening. I can still read and reply to messages, but that's about it. Thanks for all the help so far, even if everything is still freezing, at least I know I'm not making an obvious novice mistake here
  19. Here's my Player.log, nothing unusual as far as I can tell. It's getting late (well, early), so I'll leave the driver experiments until tomorrow, but if worst comes to worst I do have my windows install to fall back to, thought trying to squeeze all the delicious mods into such a small amount of ram is a nightmare http://pastebin.com/saCbPKe8
  20. I suppose I could try looking for an older version then, I'll give it a go and see what happens. Thanks for the quick response
  21. I seem to be having some driver issues. When using the AMD proprietary fglrx (or fglrx-updates) drivers my entire screen freezes soon after clicking "Start Game" in the main menu - the transition plays just fine, the second menu appears, and after that, nothing. I have to reboot the entire computer to recover. Sometimes I can move my mouse around for a while, but usually that too freezes soon after, particularly when trying to move it outside the KSP window. The worst part is, it's not KSP that's crashing, so there's nothing in its log files, and I'm too much of linux noob to find anything else that might be of use. Here's what I know: -I'm using Radeon HD 7800, and the driver is supposed to support that. -It's definitely the driver - the open source variant works just fine, but the lack of anti aliasing is killing me. -Changing distros doesn't seem to help - I've tried Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04 and Mint 17.1, all of which were 64 bit and fresh installs; all I did was install ksp, swap to proprietary drivers and whisper a silent prayer to the Kraken before starting KSP. Basically, I have no idea what's actually happening, and my "abandon ship!" strategy to solving it hasn't worked either. Does anyone have any ideas?
  22. There's also an in game menu for that, Ctrl + B if I recall correctly.
  23. Sounds great, I was just thinking I'd have to either edit Kerbals into my colonies every few years to simulate reproduction or code something myself
  24. This mod got me thinking, there's no mod out there with a Kuiper belt -equivalent, or anything with large-ish rocks in general. Looking at our solar system, there are 600k+ known minor planets, and all we have is a few asteroids smaller than any of my space stations. I wonder how well ksp would run with a couple of thousand brand new small celestial bodies..?
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