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Everything posted by tater

  1. "Sometimes up to five" includes dumb people talking. People who are actually using words more carefully use a couple to mean the 2 that it actually means. I can come up with all kinds of examples of English usage... look at all the people who cannot tell their, there, and they're apart... that does't make the misuse acceptable/correct.
  2. In English "a couple" means exactly two. It never means 1 or 4. A married couple is not 4 people. A few weeks would mean between 3 and 6, and Several would mean 7+.
  3. What about landing legs? I seem to recall seeing a possible fix for those in some thread, but cannot find it.
  4. I'm using the Mac version, and all I need to do is bump any of the three landing legs on EVA with a kerbal and they explode. It takes some work at KSC to make that happen, but in orbit, or on the Mun/Minmus no work at all. It happens every single time. Does this happen on other platforms?
  5. Dragging 84 metric tons of Orbiter to space to carry 25 tons of actual cargo to orbit made no sense whatsoever.
  6. Some updates break core functionality of the stock game, like the 1.1+ updates have.
  7. For me it's easy, I can have mods that bump my memory use to where I know it would have crashed before. That would be great, except now if you bump a landing leg during EVA, it explodes.
  8. I can run mods I could not before with 1.1.2, but it has critical, showstopper problems, so I'm seriously considering forgetting about it for a while (I still have my 1.0.5 copies).
  9. EVA, bump into gear... you'll rag doll, all right, after the gear explode and send you tumbling away from the craft at 50 m/s. If this is a unity problem they should not have "upgraded," it has me not playing at all since I discovered this.
  10. Is there a way to make landing legs not explode if you bump into them on EVA? I'd rather have them indestructible right now, they are currently a show-stopper.
  11. The landing legs and gear issues should have been show-stoppers, frankly.
  12. Does the fix include not having them explode if you so much as touch them on EVA?
  13. I just checked with stock, so yeah, it's there. Cannot believe they released with this issue, it's a show-stopper. Land on planet, EVA, touch landing leg, it explodes. WTH were they thinking? I'd managed to not see it till now simply because I don't tend to walk into my landing legs, then when I saw it, I thought it might be mod related... Wow.
  14. I have a couple mods installed, but right now if I so much as touch a stock landing gear on EVA, it explodes. Has anyone else seen this?
  15. It's pretty cheap, and worth the low cost, just buy it. If you are a kid with limited funds, explain to your parents that it has an educational component, for while not incredibly accurate in terms of how it treats spaceflight, it absolutely gives you a gut "feel" for orbital mechanics in a way that is rather difficult just doing such problems on paper. I got my daughter's science teacher hooked, and there are numerous technical people poking around on the forum here. I'm happy when my kids are playing KSP vs watching youtube vids.
  16. In stock you can launch probes anywhere with 1.25m parts.
  17. I already answered before I remembered how awful rockets look. I started using SSTU, and I haven't used a single stock part except the mk1 pod early in a test career since.
  18. It's also important to remember that we have Sandbox and Science modes. It would be nice if the Sandbox mode could add in as much or as little Career as desired. Career is supposed to be management at some level, but the boring bits can simply be abstracted---they should just be abstracted well, instead of the lousy way they are now.
  19. Given the awful fixed costs of just keeping the program in place, a delay of even 6 months would probably in fact cost more than the SM itself.
  20. Brilliant idea to have ESA do the SM The problem is that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing ourselves---and Orion isn't worth doing.
  21. Yeah, I tried HARD when it first appeared, but it was pure grind to me, and went back towards "Normal," but with LS, a modded tech tree, and scaled up Kerbol system, etc. LS alone adds a lot of difficulty/complexity.
  22. Perhaps Werner could pop up now and again (and/or Linus) and let people know when a good transfer is, and sort of walk them through the first one of each type. The two types generally speaking being inner bodies (Moho/Eve) and outer bodies (all the others). A little graphic could teach players what to look for in terms of geometry. It could show the desired exit direction from Kerbin SoI, too (your escape aimed retrograde to Kerbin orbit, for example). All this could be a "hints" sort of thing that could be turned off for advanced players. The Mission (contract) system could be tuned to this, and perhaps suggest probes, etc.
  23. I have never used transfer window or node management mods. When I first started (0.24), I did interplanetary transfers by leaving Kerbin SoI, then tweaking the node (and experimenting with position on my solar orbit) until I got an encounter. I was watching to guesstimate opposition at encounter, past that, trial and error. It's basically the same skill set.
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