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  1. If I could do a spiritual successor (which I cannot!), I would probably call it something like "Jebediah's Space Program" - or "Projekt" or whatever. Just to annoy TakeAllYouMoney Initiative (or whatever they are called nowadays). Although naming it that would of course set the bar and expectations very high. So I'd feel obliged and pressured to really to deliver a good game... Glad I can't even attempt it.
  2. I don't think it's even close to a beta stage - despite what we were told prior to the EA release or years ago. So no beta, no beta password.
  3. Maybe I should talk about Nate's Mün Landing and that it has been a hoax. It was only a recording made in some VFX studios... You think it would get me some steam forum points?
  4. I wasn't talking about "defending his honor" or something. As I said, this is not what I would have expected. I was more referring to something along the line of "that's it for me, unfortunately. I still hope that you guys get the game you deserve. you were great. thanks for your continuous support." Something a person with common decency would say. But looking at the date, it looks like he got his two weeks notice, shrugged his shoulder, and went on. (again, just saying that it *looks* this way.) And to me, this says a lot about his "investment" into the project. Such a goodbye wouldn't have been broken any NDAs.
  5. I really dislike how Nate hasn't even been online in this forum since June 11th, much less said goodbye. It's not like I would have expected an apology for not being up to the task or for all the (very obvious) repurposed bovine waste he presented us over the past few years. But the fact that he just silently took off, not looking back. Apparently not caring about this awesome community, not feeling at the least bit connected to it. I think it says a lot.
  6. This title might be a little bit ironic - or due to the fact that there will likely never be an official note about KSP2 being shelfed/mothballed. Interpret it however you like.
  7. If they killed the forum to cut costs, that would be the worst, most short-sighted decision they ever made. They still have the IP and seemingly hope to sell it (as there are rumors they already tried to sell it but allegedly asked for too much). Shutting down this forum would in my opinion kill the community and drastically decrease the value of the IP! As long as KSP 1 is alive and there is activity in these forums, new people will always have a reference. Old players might stick around or ocassionally come back. Who would care about the IP for KSP in 3-5 years if the KSP community was effectively disbanded by TTI? The realistic value would probably drop to 5-10% of what it is right now. Just my opinion though. They would loose more money if they shut down the forum by the loss of value than they would save from the reduced server costs.
  8. I got a refund about 3 or 4 weeks after the game entered EA. I was above the 2 week refund limit. But the game had more negative than positive reviews back then and I argued that the trailers etc. are not even close to what the game looks and feels like. Bottom line, they refunded me the money without arguing even though I exceeded the usual refund requirements. Not sure if Steam still refunds it after much more than a year of EA though. I sure as hell would try though if I still had it right now.
  9. I think it'll be a race between Portal 3 and KSP3. Let's see which game will be first. =)
  10. Damn. I came back here after 3 months and did my usual 3-month-pulse check on KSP2. So am I reading and seeing it correctly that KSP2 is effectively dead for now? All devs being fired for now. KSP2 having a 7% recent approval rate on Steam (i.e. 93% of the recent reviews are negative). Daaaaaamn. It's not like we didn't see it coming from the moment it entered Early Access. Even if some of us were still hopeful until the bitter end and didn't want to see it. It's so sad to see this awesome game being run against the wall and being milked for pennies. :-( I wish I would have been wrong about it and that they would have still pulled if off. I really do! Still playing KSP1 ocassionally because I just love that game concept so much. Oh well, trying to see the positive side here: At least I got my money back from Steam even after 4 weeks after purchase when KSP2 first entered EA. :-/ I seriously hope that this endeavor didn't kill the franchise though. Also, looking forward to whatever HarvesteR is doing next. =)
  11. This is all the advertisement and endorsement any mod ever needed! I love that you put that in the title. Thank you for sharing. I will give it a try the next time I decide to fire up KSP again. =)
  12. I just wanted to chime in to say how awesome your new parts look. I always loved your designs and parts (not just yours, of course, there are many other great and skilled modders out there - just saying). If I look at the new release, it makes me want to install KSP again. It's awesome that you still add new and exciting content after all these years. I love those wrapper parts in particular. =)
  13. @Minmus Taster Is that your video or did you just link it? Because I'm definitely not gonna watch it. Too much clickbait attributes in the title and the thumbnail. I'm not rewarding such behavior. It's too superficial for my taste.
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