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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. The engines, and really the entire R7-derived booster/core stages haven't changed all that much since the early days. Same engine design really with moderate upgrades, but no substantial redesign. Soyuz 2.1v is a different matter of course.
  2. Attention Modders I have been working for a while on some changes to ModuleManager (with sarbian's knowledge) The Good News Patch loading (without cache) is faster. About 10-30% depending on the number and composition of mods involved. Code changes made here will make it much easier to add new features in the future. Many tests have been added which can be run after ModuleManager is compiled. This will help ensure that future changes don't break existing functionality. The Less Awesome Bit Some errors which were previously silent will now cause loud failures (error messages in the loading screen and cache will not be generated). Most of them have to do with patches that have more than one pass specified (e.g. :FOR[xxx]:AFTER[yyy]). So I'm posting a test build so that y'all can identify if any of your mods might have this error before ModuleManager is released and users start reporting this. If you search for "error" in the logs you should be able to find them pretty quickly. I've already identified a few mods that have this issue (so no need to report them): RealFuels: https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/commit/187dd941bec420370202454d7842ea24d563d634 SXT: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SXTContinued/pull/34 RealismOverhaul: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/pull/1786 RP-0: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/pull/776 BARIS: https://github.com/Angel-125/BARIS/issues/6 E: Dev build removed, changes have been included in MM 3.0.0 Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
  3. Based on the filename this is OSX, and probably would have gone through TextEdit (OSX's appropriately named basic text editor). But TextEdit does have limited rich text functionality including the ability to save as RTF, you just have to know to save as plain text.
  4. Well now that you mention it, saving as rtf would probably mess things up a bit...
  5. Nothing seems immediately wrong. Could you maybe upload that .cfg file somewhere as opposed to posting the content? Might be something subtile about the formatting.
  6. It comes with Procedural Parts, which is a separate mod.
  7. Looks like RealFuels v12.4.1 is now on CKAN
  8. Just to clarify what we're seeing here, looking at http://status.ksp-ckan.org/ it appears that most mods haven't been checked in 8 days. netkan-bot does seem to have been making more commits (though these don't seem to show on the status page). The mod in particular that brought this to our attention is RealFuels, which has been updated to v12.4.1 but no .ckan has been put in CKAN-meta for this version. I verified that running NetKAN on my computer generated the .ckan correctly without any errors.
  9. Hmm, I'm not convinced that any of the issues here have to do with AJE ... was there something in particular that made you think that?
  10. Looks like the job that pulls new updates to mods (NetKAN) hasn't been run for about a week. Might be something to ask in the CKAN thread.
  11. It looks like you might have an outdated version of the Firespitter plugin. Could you try reinstalling that?
  12. Welcome to the forums, and thanks for providing logs! The crash is likely the result of a module on the part BDArmory/Parts/AmmoBox/BDAcUniversalAmmoBox/UniversalAmmoBoxBDA . Could you verify that all the plugins you have installed are for at least KSP 1.3.0? These days, that is usually the cause of this sort of crash.
  13. After turning the contrast waaay up I can kind of see a brighter patch there. It looks like there may have been an update to the lightfix script (not mine) since I ran it. Please create an issue at Github so I don't forget...
  14. Sorry, I don't see where the light is illuminating the planet. I see the vessel being illuminated but all I can see in the background are some city lights in both screeshots.
  15. I'm tempted to just remove the battery option from that part. It's the only one using the battery tank type... There's a dedicated B9 Procedural Wings thread, no idea here.
  16. RealFuels v12.4.1 for KSP 1.3.1 Don't double heat flux (workaround which is no longer necessary in KSP 1.3.1) Actually update .version file
  17. RealFuels v12.4.0 for KSP 1.3.1 Recompile for KSP 1.3.1 Fix MM configs with more than one pass in kethane tanks config
  18. SolverEngines v3.4 for KSP 1.3.1 Recompile for KSP 1.3.1
  19. The mass of unburnt oxygen does act as a heat synk! Just as the unburnt mass of fuel acts as a heat synk in a fuel-rich setup. Unburnt oxidizer is a bit harder to deal with since it's corrosive, but you can't do staged combustion with a fuel-rich preburner on a kerolox engine because the unburnt fuel forms soot and then can't be burnt.
  20. They ran the gas generator so fuel-rich to keep the turbine cool. If they ran it at the same O/F ratio as the main combustion chamber, the turbine would melt. The SSME is a different beast - for one it's hydrolox, and the exhaust mostly emits in the UV as opposed to visible light, for two it's staged combustion so the exhaust is more or less uniform (as opposed to the F-1 which as the turbine exhaust as the outer layer). But even in the SSME the preburners are much more fuel-rich than the main combustion chamber to keep the turbine cool. If turbine temperature was not an issue we wouldn't have gas generators or staged combustion engines - all the fuel and oxidizer would be burnt at once and then fed through the turbine (this is the most efficient thing to do).
  21. @vossiewulf Something to consider about the exhaust color is that the gas generator must be more fuel-rich than the main chamber (to keeep the turbine from melting), meaning that the turbopump exhaust is very sooty (kerosene readily forms soot in a fuel-rich environment). So the change in color you see in those videos might be initially the sooty outer layer of turbine exhaust giving way to the inner core of less fuel-rich (and therefore less sooty) main exhaust.
  22. Just to clarify what's going on here, the problem is that B9 Part Switch does its own icon setup, i.e. enabling objects on the default subtype and disabling them on every other subtype. But then KSP also looks for transforms with the Icon_Hidden tag and removes them. So if the transforms associated withthe default subtype has the Icon_Hidden tag, they won't show up.
  23. You should comment out the entire node, otherwise KSP will see it as a node with no name. Many editors will allow you to select the beginning of all those lines at once so that you can commend them all at the same time.
  24. All the original artists have left unfortunately, and I'm not much of an artist myself. So for now it's just maintenance.
  25. Yeah, it's a known issue. Unfortunately I don't have access to any of the original model sources so fixing it is going to be a ton of work (why I haven't gotten to it yet)
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