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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Instructions are in the "How to get support" link in my signature.
  2. Are you sure that SmokeScreen is installed and working correctly? As usual I can't really help if you don't provide logs.
  3. I'm not able to see where this food TankType is coming from @Ben0 would you mind posting your GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache ?
  4. Or does not work in a :HAS block (only a :NEEDS block) It's something I would like to work on eventually, but the code is not currently in a state where I would feel comfortable making that change without potentially breaking something else.
  5. Maybe keep this in the SSPX thread (since you already posted there)? I don't think it's a B9PartSwitch issue specifically. Maybe post the log there too. Also, this is exactly the reason why it's a bad idea to mod you steam install. You can copy KSP out of the Steam directory and mod it there, that won't risk KSP updates breaking things.
  6. Well it looks a lot like you don't have ModuleManager installed now. Did you remove it by accident?
  7. Thanks for the log. MetalOre is not a stock resource, so you problem is in fact different. It comes from Extraplanetary Launchpads, so you probably need to reinstall that. I see a bunch of exceptions from other mods too. Extraplanetary Launchpads's plugin is not loading correctly, ModularFlightIntegrator is not loading correctly, Firespitter's plugin is not loading correctly, RastePropMonitor is too. BDArmory is running into at least one exception.
  8. Copy your mods and saves out of your KSP install, uninstall it, and then reinstall? I really don't know how Steam's verification system works, but if you're really missing the stock resources then I don't know what else to recommend
  9. Really nothing in B9 itself should have to change, it's just a question of the dependencies. And other than B9 Animation Modules (which will probably just work) I think they're all updated at this point. I'll get around to a real release at some point soon - just not the sort of thing you can rush.
  10. Go to the first post in this thread, search for the word "download" using your browser's find function.
  11. The reddish flame is actually due to the ablative nozzle extension - color comes from the ablator burning off. Nearly all hydrolox engines do. Full (stoichiometric) combustion would be an O/F ratio of 8, real hydrolox engines are usually in the 5.5-6.5 range. But yes, as you say, there's no technical reason why a hydrolox engine can't be used for liftoff. It's just that the higher Isp and lower TWR lend themselves more to being a long-burning sustainer with solid or kerolox boosters.
  12. Yeah, no suspension. In my experience it usually works fine though.
  13. They're not configured as landing legs, just as a simple animation. I looked briefly into what it might take to configure them as actual legs a while ago and it looks like it would be a lot of work.
  14. AJE v2.11.0 for KSP 1.4.1 Recompile for KSP 1.4.1 Fix spelling of pitot tube Add missing SXT inlet
  15. SolverEngines v3.6 for KSP 1.4.1 Recompile for KSP 1.4.1
  16. I don't see that exception in your log (it would show up if it happened). Are you sure that's from the same run? You have a ton of mods generating exceptions though. I would recommend a clean install at some point.
  17. You might be right. I didn't see any mention of it in the OP of the thread, but it does seem to be in the repo.
  18. Thanks! As a workaround for now you can install Community Resource Pack. @Nertea I think this might be a bug. The tank type shows up if you have CRP installed: https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/StationPartsExpansionRedux/blob/1eb80a9a4364b64aabc43af7291b09b789ecd18b/GameData/StationPartsExpansionRedux/Patches/SSPXR-B9TankTypes.cfg#L76 but the subtype with it is added if MKS is installed: https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/StationPartsExpansionRedux/blob/1eb80a9a4364b64aabc43af7291b09b789ecd18b/GameData/StationPartsExpansionRedux/Patches/SSPXR-Containers-Switches.cfg#L98 - so if you have MKS but not CRP, this will error.
  19. Please provide logs, as the error message says, the real cause is probably in there somewhere.
  20. Here's a temporary Google Drive link for now. Spacedock or Curseforge would take more time to set up. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1G1mWX06BbmzTs_OzduIyLHknytpEQkWK I'm now aware of any location-dependent rate limiting for Github. I know that it slows downloads after you have already downloaded a lot (but it will go back to normal after a little while)
  21. Mind entering an issue at Github so I don't forget? Any idea what's going wrong? I don't think anyone else has reported issues downloading from Github. It does have a rate limiter - have you downloaded a bunch of things from Github very recently? E: And welcome to the forums!
  22. Isn't what's happening with :AFTER exactly what you want? VenStockRevamp is not found, so the patch is not run.
  23. @Apaseall spaces break node names (KSP limitation, not MM). @PART[B|C|D] will work, @PART[ B | C | D ] will not
  24. Sounds like B9 Part Switch might be missing or installed incorrectly. Could you try reinstalling it? If that doesn't work, could you provide logs so I can take a look at what's going on? Instructions on how to find and upload logs are in the "how to get support" link in my signature.
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