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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Yep, known issue that I remembered after doing current release (what happen when things aren't in Github issues). Looks like a pretty simple fix to just duplicate the effects setup from the stock RCS.
  2. In general, if something is an error, every effort should be made to fix it in a timely manner.
  3. Have you reported this on any of those threads? Even if I can reproduce, I doubt there's much I can do about it - the cockpit is just a part after all.
  4. There can only be one pass specifier on each patch. :FIRST, :BEFORE[], :FOR[], :AFTER[], and :FINAL all specify a pass (i.e. when ModuleManager should run the patch). Also not the cause of the errors but this will not work: :AFTER[KSO|KerbalEngineer] - it will look for a single mod called KSO|KerbalEngineer and will not find one.
  5. The Legacy B9 Landing gear. It will only show up in the first place if you have KSPWheel installed.
  6. B9 Aerospace v6.5.0 for KSP 1.4.2 Release for KSP 1.4.2 Fix Tetragon Projects agency not having a title Fix incorrect bulkhead profiles Switch landing gear from FStextureSwitch2 to ModuleB9PartSwitch Shielding now costs and masses a bit more but gives better heat tolerance Fix HL Cockpit RCS transforms facing the wrong way Fix Mk5 cockpit having an invalid collider Fix not being able to exit Mk2b cockpit Fix face normal issues on Mk2b intake cockpit Smoothing adjustments on HL, Mk5, Mk2b, Mk2b intake cockpits Fix 6m HL Fuselage giving warnings about transforms that don't exist Disable props that no longer exist so they don't spam the log
  7. B9PartSwitch v2.2.2 for KSP 1.4.2 Fix texture replacements getting locked in when loading a craft in the editor if a part up the hierarchy renders procedural drag cubes
  8. Due to the way B9PartSwitch's AVC file is configured, you won't see an update notification if you upgrade KSP but keep an older version of B9PartSwitch.
  9. Does changing BSFC not change EC consumption?
  10. True. I think this has a simple fix though, FAR just needs to register for the variant changed game event. Also, EVA parachutes
  11. RealFuels v12.5.0 for KSP 1.3.1 Fix vesion checker which reported KSP 1.3.1 as incompatible Implement new entry cost system for RP-0/1 Disable thrust limiter when no throttling Implement min and max utilization support on tanks Sorry to anyone looking for a 1.4.x release for RF-stockalike, but Realism Overhaul needed one more release so here it is
  12. B9PartSwitch v2.2.1 for KSP 1.4.2 Recompile against KSP 1.4.2 Fix transforms incorrectly being disabled in the part icon if subtypes are in a particular order Fix transform in a TEXTURE node looking for renderers in child transforms too
  13. The wiki has been updated finally. Please let me know if it needs any clarifications.
  14. Unity is pretty smart about not wasting resources. If you create a copy of something and don't change it, it typically shares the resources. So all the materials and meshes shouldn't actually take up any more RAM.
  15. I don’t think the overhead is as much as you think it is. KSP loads all the models anyway, so they’re in memory regardless. And the inactive ones are not rendered or otherwise interacted with.
  16. @Electrocutor the reason it woks for @notquitehalf and not for you is because @notquitehalf's is not in a MM patch, so the parenthases and what's in them are preserved.
  17. KSP definitely ignores anything after parentheses or spaces in a node name, but in a value name it should work, I think. Does your config look something like this: E: I'm pretty sure this is a ModuleManager issue (it ignores stuff after the parenthases). I think it will be a quick fix.
  18. Right, because it ends up with the name "mod2/assets/model (Clone)" in the hierarchy. The name has to be exact. Please download DebugStuff, you'll see what I mean pretty quickly.
  19. Like I said, the models just get shoved into the hierarchy. Look at what the objects are named with DebugStuff and you'll be able to figure it out. Worst case, you can always use the transform that holds the entire model, it will have a weird name like Path/To/Model (Clone) but that still works
  20. If you can switch transforms, you can switch models (since models just end up as transforms in the hierarchy). You my have to use Sarbian's DebugStuff plugin to figure out what the right transform names are, but it's definitely doable.
  21. Yes, because FAR isn't released for KSP 1.4.1 yet. CKAN already has the metadata but it won't show up until FAR is there too.
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