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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. B9PartSwitch v2.3.0 for KSP 1.4.3 Recompile against KSP 1.4.3 Remove a couple of hacky workarounds as fixes/improvements were added in KSP 1.4.3 Use resource display names rather than identifiers in module description Extract all hard-coded UI strings into localization table NOTE: DO NOT USE THIS VERSION WITH ANY PREVIOUS VERSION OF KSP. It will not work. It uses methods that were added in KSP 1.4.3. On localization - I won't be translating the localization table into any other languages myself, but if anyone wants to do so and submit localization in their language of choice, I will gladly add it. The localization table is short here, let me know if you need help understanding how any of the strings are used. Also I'm aware of an issue with engine shrouds disappearing if you have model switching on the same part. This was due to a change in KSP 1.4+ with respect to how the engine shrouds worked which ended up breaking my implementation of procedural drag cubes. I know what the fix will look like, but it involves a significant amount of new code so it's not done yet. The workaround for now is to set affectsDragCubes = false on ModuleB9PartSwitch or useMultipleDragCubes = false on ModuleJettison
  2. I really have no way to tell what's wrong without seeing KSP's log. If you don't know how to find that, look in the first link in my signature.
  3. Hmm, yeah, it's intrepreting * as the operator. I think in order to support wildcards in value names fully, we will need to require at least one space before the operator (zero spaces was not allowed until recently, so hopefully not too bad a change)
  4. First, put the patch in code tags so that it's easier to read. Second, fix all the indentation. I don't know what might be causing the specific issue you see, but I can definitely see some issues with this patch, and I think consistent indentation will make them more obvious.
  5. It really has nothing to do with Mechjeb and everything to do with the height vs delta-v required to achieve orbit and the sorts of rockets that tend to be built. You need much, much more horizontal velocity to achieve orbit in real life. That being said, there are partially and fully solid-fueled rockets in real life that do coast to apogee, and it is possible to build a rocket in KSP with a long-burning 2nd stage that will burn continuously into orbit.
  6. It's not currently possible. There's an issue open for it: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/issues/75 but it won't be practical to implement until the code is cleaned up some.
  7. Not currently possible. KSP localizes the entire game database before MM even runs. I think MM would have to reload every .cfg from files with localization explicitly turned off, then patch, then re-initialize KSP's localization, then re-localize the entire game database. It might be feasible, but I don't currently have a sense of what the loading time impact would be for installs with a lot of mods.
  8. It's will give the most help on the first launch in most cases. It makes KSP read files more efficiently from disk, but assuming your computer has available RAM the files will probably be cached in RAM after the first run at which point the change in this mod won't make much of a difference.
  9. Sure, here you go: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B9H2WSbpjx_G7ZNn25OaGZ53D5H5n_Ss I'll think about setting up a mirror at some point in the future. Github isn't 100% reliable anyway.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Unfortunately it would be too much work for me to support every request like this. I can help you through the process though. B9 is structures such that every subdirectory in B9_Aerospace/Parts can be deleted without affecting anything else.
  11. Not currently supported for root nodes, no. There end up being some weird implications for e.g. how parts find models if you allow stuff like that.
  12. @G'th I see this [LOG 19:55:56.532] DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for bluedog.explorer7probe So I very much suspect procedural drag cubes are involved either way. B9PartSwitch is a common reason that procedural drag cubes might be rendered in flight, but I guess not the only one (not sure exactly what's calling that)
  13. Yeah, I meant to update at some point but glad it works regardless. Texture switching - definitely possible, would require some code and fairings/texture options that are compatible (you can't just slap the stock textures on KW fairings for instance). I've been messing with a set of fairings based on the stock ones but haven't gotten anything I really like yet.
  14. Okay, it looks like drag cubes are rendered on the "DragRender" layer. Is that enough information to go on? I can try to pester someone at Squad for more info if need be.
  15. @Temeriki Your LF/LFO/LH2/LH2O parts are coming from CryoTanks, so I’d look there. B9PartSwitch doesn’t configure any parts on its own.
  16. blackrack and I are aware of the issue and discussing it in the Scatterer thread. I think any additional reports are redundant at this point.
  17. @blackrack let me know if there's anything I can do to help with compatibility on the B9PartSwitch side. If there's an issue, I have a suspicion it may have to do with rendering procedural drag cubes (since that has caused a lot of weird issues). It's technically stock functionality, but B9PartSwitch uses it in an uncommon way and I've definitely had to work through some oddities (and outright bugs) in how KSP does this.
  18. Are you sure there wasn't some file caching also going on there? Most OSes cache files in RAM if you have enough spare, so loading KSP the 2nd time will always be faster if you haven't done much else in between.
  19. AdvancedJetEngine v2.11.3 for KSP 1.4.2 Recompile against KSP 1.4.2
  20. SolverEngines v3.6.1 for KSP 1.4.2 Recompile against KSP 1.4.2 Moving to a 3 number version now since KSPAssembly fully supports that
  21. It's semi-extensible, but not very flexible. You can register for the variant changed GameEvent and then grab some custom data from the variant. ModuleProceduralFairing does this for instance. It's pretty limited though, and unless there's a very compelling need to integrate with stock variants I'd say it's not worth it.
  22. I’d like to help you but there’s nothing I can do without logs.
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