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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. It's configurable on a per-part basis, yes. I figured I'd make it large though because the practical limitations (large number of nodes and parts) no longer exist.
  2. Yes, still emerging technology. For the same CoM on a blunt-nosed re-entry vehicle, widening the aerodynamic surface makes it more stable (because the ratio of aerodynamic diameter to CoM offset increases).
  3. Inflatable heatshields exist. This would (1) Allow the heat shield to be large enough to provide stability while still fitting within the fairing and (2) Protect the rest of the stage more from what is likely a very high energy re-entry (probably GTO for most missions)
  4. All the dependencies are listed and linked in the OP. Just got to go through them all one by one
  5. Given that I only released this when KSP 1.2.2 was out, and I just released an update for KSP 1.3 (which didn't really have any changes that affected this mod other than needing a recompile), yes, it works. No relation to that other mod other than it uses the same models (the part mechanics have been completely reworked).
  6. Welcome to the forums! Fortunately no code changes were required for KSP 1.3, just recompiling the plugin against the KSP 1.3 DLLs
  7. Simple Adjustable Fairings - KW Rocketry Pack v1.0.1 for KSP 1.3 is now available Download includes a recompiled plugin for KSP 1.3
  8. I haven't thought about translation yet, but it's definitely something I can look into.
  9. It just slipped my mind. I'll release an updated version in the next dayish.
  10. They were really different versions of the engine though. The hydrolox version even needed a completely redesigned fuel pump to accommodate LH2 fuel
  11. I think the stock docking module may support some sort of alignment check now. I forget exactly how it works, but my recollection is that you can set it to only dock if the ports are aligned within some angle difference (which can be specified). It's not used on the stock docking ports of course.
  12. Is there a particular reason you're on KSP 1.2.0? Pretty much all mods that worked on that version should also work on 1.2.2. There was no release of RF for KSP 1.2.0
  13. Are you sure it's that? If you have any other plugin that isn't updated it could also cause this crash.
  14. I've pushed out a new version of B9 Animation Modules, so any enterprising individuals wishing to run B9 on KSP 1.3 can download all the updated dependencies and probably have it run fine now. RPM's release is still in beta though, so I am not going to publish a new release just yet.
  15. Sorry, could you clarify? How are you trying to install it? Exactly what gets to 80% and exactly what error message are you seeing? A screenshot might help. E: And welcome to the forums!
  16. It has been my observation that plugins require recompiling for KSP 1.3 even when no code changes are necessary. I wouldn't try to pull anything forward except for parts-only mods.
  17. No, it's talking about the specific ICPS/EUS parts which are fixed size and have integrated engines. E: ninja'd
  18. Latest release is marked as a prerelase on Github. Prereleases will not be indexed for CKAN.
  19. Regarding the lighting issue, Taniwha has a a script that can fix the models without re-exporting them.
  20. Looking at your log, you have several mods that are failing to load.
  21. It seems wrong to me. You are creating a new RESOURCE node but modifying values within it using @?
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