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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. B9PartSwitch v1.3.1 is now Available Fixes a bug where having info module on a root part would cause physics to break due to an exception (really a stock issue but no sense waiting for a fix)
  2. Okay, confirmed. This is really due to a dumb stock issue but no sense in waiting for a fix. Pretty easy to fix on my end though, this version of B9PartSwitch should resolve the issue.
  3. @raxo2222 I just had a chat with NathanKell, and it appears that there are currently compatibility issues between MFT/RF and Tweakscale which can cause negative mass. My impression is that this has to be fixed in Tweakscale, but I'm not super familiar with the issue.
  4. Well you certainly seem to be missing a bunch of B9's dependencies, no idea if that's the source of your issues. I don't see any error spam in the log ... could you maybe point me to that? There was a previous bug where having a switchable part as the root would cause issues, but this looks nothing like that, and in any case that bug was fixed.
  5. That's odd. Did you copy the entire KSP folder? Could you try installing Steam. Also probably not the cause of this issue (although maybe), but it's probably best to put it somewhere other than Program Files, as Windows puts certain restrictions on what it will allow in there.
  6. There are two stack nodes which are pretty close together. One has the 2.5m tankbutt and one does not.
  7. In addition to what sarbian said, it's also generally not a good idea to mod your Steam install (because Steam installs updates automatically which might not be compatible with installed mods). So yeah, copy KSP to another location and mod there.
  8. B9 has its own configs, yes (which I have been keeping up to date). But I don't see anything on B9's end that could be causing negative mass (fuel switchers are removed when MFT/RF are present, and even if they were present they only ever add mass in B9). It may have slipped through @raxo2222's post that Tweakscale is involved here ... should the current version of MFT be considered compatible with Tweakscale?
  9. Hi Ranger. Please read "how to get support" in my signature. It will guide you through troubleshooting and if that fails, uploading KSP's log so that I can inspect it. bac9 didn't quit per se, but is no longer active on this project (or KSP modding in general) Well there's nothing on B9's end that could be causing this, but I'll get in contact with taniwha and see what might be going on.
  10. All the stock jets have decreasing thrust with atmospheric pressure. It's not quite linear (there's a curve that buffs thrust in the upper atmosphere) but it's there. They flame out because the flow is reduced below flameoutBar, not because they're air deprived. Which is at least reasonably how real engines behave - you need a certain amount of pressure to support combustion.
  11. Hard to say really. I knew that Crzyrndm was maintaining the fork and that it was now on Github, and that's been the case for a while. Well, this time I got the link through CKAN's metadata, but that was just convenience as I could have found it by hand as well.
  12. @raxo2222 Yeah if MFT is involved then I'm inclined to think that's the culprit. Not much on B9's side that could produce negative mass.
  13. No worries, it's easy for questions to get lost on busy threads. The OP is out of date, releases can be downloaded here.
  14. Hi Ricardo That may be true, but given that the stock ion engine is only useful for tiny probes, I'm not sure that a variety of tanks are needed. Especially true for HX parts, which are massive to begin with. Other than Ore, those are all from some mod that I am unaware of. I don't like to try and support mods that I don't have experience with because I will inevitably get the balance wrong. It should work, but you have to add it to the parts as well. Also, I'd recommend doing it in a separate .cfg file (KSP treats them all equally). I will be releasing a CryoTanks patch with the next version probably (I do have a bit of experience with that mod but there will still probably be balance issues in the first pass). When that happens, you can take a look at it to figure out the best ways to implement such a thing. Not taking part requests right now, sorry. The artists responsible for B9 are away doing other things at the moment. I'm really just maintaining things, and trying to add bits of functionality where it's within the realm of my capabilities.
  15. @ruiluth Also consider that a smaller mass means you need less rocket to get it to orbit in the first place. Even if the payload is more expensive, you may still save money by requiring a smaller launch vehicle.
  16. It's easiest to just remove the patch that modifies a particular part. A lot of the other changes depend on stuff in the model.
  17. @Malich I found a bit of time to look for your log. I'm not quite sure what's causing that weird thing in the background but I did find a couple of errors on the FTP parts ( pinging @NecroBones ) I also see a couple of exceptions related to Kerbal Alarm Clock.
  18. Ah I see the issue now. When you increase the height of the atmosphere with SD, it doesn't just extend the atmosphere up, it scales the entire atmosphere. Given that everything is done with curves now I don't think there's a way to just increase the maximum height without modifying the rest. Kerbin's atmosphere is basically Earth's scaled down 80%, so if you wanted to scale it up realistically you would only multiply by 1.25. But for such a large system the very thin upper layers of the atmosphere matter more - RSS puts the atmosphere boundary at 140 km, even though the equivalent point where Kerbin's atmosphere cuts off is <90 km.
  19. I think that would only remove the first resource. !RESOURCE,* {} should work
  20. @Malich I'm away from home for a few days but feel free to remind me on Tuesday or so if I don't get back by then.
  21. Overheating probably has very little to do with the atmosphere height. Stock heating is balanced for re-entry at mach 7ish. In a 10x/Real system, re-entry is more like mach 25, so stock heating is going to cause just about everything to explode. I'd recommend turning down the re-entry heating in the difficulty settings or downloading RealHeat which makes heating realistic, i.e. sane in a full scale solar system.
  22. You also need to edit the patches so that it doesn't change the model.
  23. CKAN has the metadata for both new versions, and it looks fine to me. Have you refreshed CKAN recently?
  24. Welcome to the forums! I'm not quite sure what parts you're talking about. All the command pods are in the pods tab of the editor, and most of the fuselage parts are in the fuel tanks tab. If parts are missing, you might want to re-install B9. If that doesn't help, please read "How to get support" in my signature - it will tell you how to get KSP's log so that I can inspect it - the log usually reveals issues like this pretty quickly.
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