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Everything posted by Varsi

  1. Without ground scatter Laythe is as alive as Kerbin is
  2. Usually just for SOI changes to see where I need to start accelerating. Everything else seems less trouble to just do without.
  3. Normal but with all general options disabled. Don't like the grind hard mode would cause but I still have some consequences when I fail to be plan things well enough. Once during my career a kerbal got lost due to ragdolling to minmus' surface and game crashed (both the craft and kerbal disappeared) but other than that all losses have been due to my own incompetence.
  4. If your rockets tend to flip while going up add more wings and control surfaces to the tail. May not look pretty but should always work. Of course it's not the most optimal thing to do but is easy at least.
  5. When I saw the "There is nothing concerning about this vessel" for the first time I stared at it for a moment, then looked at my ship and laughed for a while... The engineers report has pointed out some mistakes a couple of times.
  6. First time I made a rocket with orange tanks with mainsails as core and boosters I had to next go and check what Delta IV Heavy looked like... I've been wondering about the 50% thing too. Usually my rockets will explode a lot faster at 50% than at 100%. Needless to say 0% would be even faster way to get fireworks.
  7. Indeed. There were issues that made playing harder than old players expected it to be but not gamebreaking. It's not like it was impossible to get in orbit and return to surface. Game crashing when you hit spacebar to launch would be gamebreaking. KSP has been very stable after 1.0.
  8. It was pointed out that Squad didn't want time based stuff like this in their game and suddenly they put this in... Fortunately it's not necessary to use. I still bring everything back like I used to. I may lose some doing this but I like it more that way.
  9. Usually my 3rd career launch that leaves the atmosphere is a Mun landing. Then I move to Minmus and never go back.
  10. I don't think going over 1000m/s in atmosphere counts as exploding for no apparent reason. Fair points tho. Most of the games these days are designed so you can just start playing them and the game guides player thru all the stuff. People stopped looking for manuals a long time ago and even if you include tutorials in the game some will always ignore them too.
  11. In my opinion we always had that... Try counting down yourself and then press space. You can even stage it so that you can start engines a bit earlier and release the rocket at 0.
  12. My first thought was clouds as well. That would change the look a lot. You'd need some other stuff too to have Kerbin not look so barren but it would be a start.
  13. They've been doing a lot of optimizations so 1.0 could run better than 0.9 did. At least loading times have been reduced.
  14. You could also try just removing parts you never use and see how that goes. Might be a lot of work tho.
  15. I wonder if you could have built a ship out of those parts using Kerbal Inventory System. Unfortunately you'd have to ship a screwdriver there now.
  16. I've been wondering the same. Don't people usually drop fairings while still suborbital? I don't want the nose to blow up in a dozen pieces tho. That looks terrible.
  17. This mod has been a lot fun! Managed to switch Skipper engine to a Sr. docking port in space. Was somewhat tricky to have 3 kerbals near the engine but then I remembered I had some ladders nearby to move as well.
  18. You can also use Kerbal Inventory System mod to remove parts that are not necessary for the station anymore (struts and such too).
  19. I think I've had a situation when ctrl+z didn't work. Not home to try it out but might have been something to do with subassemblies (dropping stuff in wrong place and not in the area to add one). //edit Now that I thought of this I'll have to check if I can actually reproduce that and if it's an actual bug.
  20. I thought landing was the real problem on that runway... It does seem a bit extreme when rest of the planet is so smooth.
  21. I guess someone can come up with somekind of an approximation on this but it will depend on the kind of mods you want. You could have hundreds of mods like kerbal engineer while a few part heavy mods like B9 or basically any mod that adds a lot of textures will quickly bring you to the memory limit. 1.0 might allow you to use a few part mods more if they manage to get rid of the memory leaks.
  22. There is at least the hangar extension mod. This shouldn't be possible without mods. Edit: I'm slow
  23. Can you save Kerbals using the Klaw? Would be somewhat harder than switching conrol to Kerbal tho.
  24. I've had this as well. Was right in front of Minmus and it didn't show the encounter. SOI change did happen just as it should when I was close enough (Minmus caught up on me).
  25. Tried CKAN and returned to manual immediately. I just don't feel comfortable if I don't know exactly what changes.
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