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Everything posted by Serratus

  1. AFAIK it was never on the list (or maybe it was on the old one), and my link to Harv post explaining it no longer works (it's a link to old forum which idk how to access). Basically he clearly stated that he already has a working and tested mechanic of how and why warp drive works but also made it clear that the actual 'part' employing that mechanic won't be included in the game until there's somewhere to go. He then proceeded to explain in length how he made it, what problems did he encounter (kraken!) and how he managed to work around them. Basically warp drive in KSP will be nothing more than game creating a "bubble" of space around the ship. The ship will be completely stationary in reference to the bubble, which will be the one being moved around the universe. It was done that way because in pre-kraken-dead times, accelerating to ftl speed would crash the ship. But this way the ship actually remains stationary - it's the bubble that's moving, and since from game engine perspective it's a solid object with no collision mesh and durability, kraken couldn't destroy it. That's the short version as I remember it. Just keep in mind I might forgotten something. PS. You may notice that this "bubble" technology sounds somewhat similar to how time warp works, doesn't it? PPS. From this day on, I challenge everyone to refer to FTL in KSP as "Bubble technology".
  2. To clarify - I wasn't in anyway talking about binary systems! Only of completely separate stars and my previous comment only applied to interstellar travel. Besides as I said the FTL would be only useful after leaving Star/stars SoI (btw is travelling between stars in binary system and "interstellar" travel?) so it would have no aplication in binary sys. anyway. However! Binary (or more) star systems are an example of n-body physics which is on the list of "do-not-suggest-ever-at-all-no-I'm-serious-don't-even-try-it" and SQUAD made it perfectly clear that this is an issue they will not discus again, no matter how many ppl start wining about it. So there's Your answer about close distance stars. The only way we get any other systems is with single stars, far away. The closest star to our system is (from wiki) Andromeda - 10.322 ly. (let's assume 10 ly). KSP universe is at scale factor x0.1 That means that travelling at light speed (not just 2%) would take a year in-game. At 2% ~40 years in-game (this maths was done with 'MyBrain" tm so it could be very wrong somewhere). We would need what I call "stupid-warp-speeds" (a notch higher from "ridiculous-warp-speed") to even get near it in a day-long playing session. Not fun, not playable, not a game. A simulator. Tedious in other words.
  3. OK. Now THAT just breaks the realism completely. One thing that KSP has that few other games out there have is consistency of scales. It would not. FTL Kerbal style is - as Harv explained LONG ago - only operational far away from any grav source (because it's based on it in a smaller scale). You need to leave Jools orbit far behind to go FTL, otherwise it'll rip the ship apart. So it only becomes useful when all standard technology stops to make a difference. And that is a good compromise to keep the game both reasonably realistic and keep gameplay value at high level. If ppl want ultra realistic simulation they can play Orbiter.
  4. Jeez... Get over it guys. FTL is a fact. A feature that has been planned and will happen, period. Get over it. I've been away for a couple of months and the first thing I see when I come back is the same topic ppl were complaining all the way back from 0.10 to 0.20. Get over Yourselves! FTL is happening, but no one has to use it. You don't have to move one inch from Kerbin sys. So let's all just chill guys.
  5. OK, I did the .cfg thing but parts don't show up. Thoughts? EDIT: Kethane map grid overlay works tho.
  6. Finally we're getting close (hopefully ?!). I can't move on with my current project without a working crane so I was forced to play ME trilogy to fill the void. Oh the horror!
  7. Can You blame us? We are after all Kerbonauts at heart. Half the time we start doing something it blows up in our face *Afraid to open fridge*
  8. Great, thx! Can't wait My Konstelation project (see what I did there? eh?) won't make it without those parts :/
  9. OK, but will there be a new version of damned robotics for 0.21? A new pack that's easy to install and doesn't require us to do all that? Or is the mod disavowed now?
  10. Here is the fix for that. Apparently it's some sort of conflict with MJ2 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/23979-Kethane-Pack-0-7-4-Find-it-mine-it-burn-it%21-Compatible-with-KSP-0-21?p=550735&viewfull=1#post550735
  11. Set orbit inclination to 90 deg. if You are using MJ. If You fly manually just go into the polar orbit. You should get that whole planet scanned in about 2h IRL. (Assuming You have one medium detector in orbit at 50x warp speed).
  12. I have the exact same problem. It's the newest version. I had grid overlay in Com center but not in map view during flight. It's only visible for a split second when I zoom out but it starts getting smaller and smaller until it disappears :/ Any help? EDIT: Just noticed the grid is momentarily seen in micro-version when I pan the camera around in map view. EDIT2: Also when cycklyng view in map with 'Tab' I get to Eeloo and it stops there... I can't focus view on my vessel any more EDIT3: *sigh* Aaaaand just noticed that the center of the grid 'sphere' is not centred on the planet but on the vessel.
  13. See? Told You I wouldn't know even if I was looking straight at it.
  14. Both are dependent on grav force of the body underneath You. 100Km orbit over Kerbin will require higher speed than over Mun for ex. The second thing is the same - depends on the body You orbit. Look in Wikipedia for formulas. That's where I learned all my stuff. But TBH I never came across what You're looking for. To be more honest, I wouldn't know it even if I was to stare at it for a day.
  15. Have anyone noticed that while all parts were re-scaled in .16 the KSC buildings weren't?
  16. You take a rocket and jam some wings on it here and there. Was that specific enough?
  17. I'm with @shadownailshot on this one. External force would put more pressure on liquid causing it to either overflow (if we're talking about a cup 'o water) or pull the atoms closer together (in case of a whole planet). Density IS dependant on pressure and in turn - on gravity.
  18. alt+ctrl+del+d... or something like that (I'm not sure about that 'd')
  19. Nope. He has a point. Even adding 1 planet with moons would be enough exploring for one release. Think how long did we play with Kerbin+its moons. Moving planets to other releases would give us all time to properly explore what we get. If You get 5 planets, You'll just go to each body once, and that will be it, because You still need to get to the others ASAP
  20. If You're trying to build SSTO, I'd say that You need BIGGER wings, and MORE rocket thrust. Replacing current engine with Aero-spike would probably get You to sub-orbital trajectory. But if I were You, I'd add two of theme with 2 separate fuel tanks each.
  21. Most of those things are minor issues. Mechanics are mostly in. Scenarios, and pre-builds can be done in 2-3 days. And Last time we heard from C7, the internal cockpits were being developed. I think new parts will just be cut from this release, along with some planets, and moved to .18 So the only thing would be the visual representation of drag, and You can wrap up .17 I think that the test group is or will be shortly very busy...
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