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Everything posted by Serratus

  1. Serratus


    Nope. Still standard ugly vB logo. My Chrome browser is cheating on me! :'(
  2. Where did that come from? O_o Not that I'm against, but do Kerbals even have elder gods? I do recall a thread with fan-fiction a long time ago...
  3. Hate to break Your party. Harv is against adding the option of manual assembly in orbit AFAIK He did say he would prefer to have VAB in orbit that works just like VAB on the planet. That was a good idea thou. Would love to see it in action
  4. Serratus


    May I ask a humble question to Cpt Skunky? What about that idea of mine, the one with forum achievements? Just wondering if it's even feasible, now that we're comfy in vB forum
  5. Well, if I was to be honest I'd say that using IE is the source of 50% of Your problems, You stubborn boy You Edit: Me grandpa uses IE too. He encountered that same problem, and found a "workaround" of sorts... He formats the whole system and reinstalls it every month. I'm not even kidding. Try it, I'm sure it will help. If not, then You at least know it's equipment-related, or bandwidth issue...
  6. My first hypothesis would bee to clear cookies. If that does nothing try killing rundll32 process. Works for me anyway...
  7. Hey there. I have a quick question. Why does [suggestion] forum tells me that my posts will not be displayed until they are 'approved by moderator'? Glitch or just 'were just setting up, have patients' kind of think?

  8. And main planet with 2 moons? I suspect that at some point (which is long way away), SQUAD will find a way to have 1:1 scale. BTW I KNOW there\'s no indicator of it now, and that Unity probably couldn\'t do it. It\'s just a guess based on how SQUAD works AFAIK. Some day, someone will say 'Guys I have an idea...'
  9. I agree, in-code there\'s really no hard connection between atmosphere and weather. And I\'d rather see new planets
  10. Try \'Shift\'+\'f5\' in that page. If that doesn\'t help, go to options in Your browser and delete cookies. SHOULD do the trick.
  11. For those unfortunate, I\'ll give you guys what you desire: , . / < > ? ; \' : ' [ ] { } \ | _ - + = ( ) * & ^ % $ # @ ! [ ] (space bar) Feel free to copy what you need
  12. @willitstimothy OK, I\'ve gotta ask you - why would you want parts to have their own gravity SOI? It\'s just hard for me to find a god reason for it. Maybe if you explain what exactly you want to do with it, someone will come across a good idea on how to do that.
  13. Basically like @rusty wrote: if you are any closer to anything, the gravity of that part would get overwritten by that anything. If you are a billion lightyears away from a sun and are trying to make an orbit around another rocket ~100km away - you won\'t be able because its gravity is still to non-existent compared to that sun. I don\'t see how that would be useful. Now 500m asteroid has gravity pull so weak that you could get to its orbit by jumping up, and if you drop something while standing on it, it will fall for hours... And that\'s a 500m (!) asteroid. 100m rocket would be irrelevant...
  14. Ah, now I get it. So the kraken started to mess with your apo/per and warp system read it as ship being under acceleration. That sucks. can you warp over x2 at all now? And if yes - does your speed gets >9km/s when you get closer to apoapsis? You could try and burn at apo to get periapsis further from the sun - and if your lucky then your speed wouldn\'t get over 9km/s. That way you could retain some control at peri and slowly bring apo down to target distane? Ps. Kerbol system marked in red
  15. It doesn\'t matter where you are, you just can\'t go over 2x warp while accelerating (that includes sas current workload). It has nothing to do with how near to something you are. The thing that interests me the most in this, is that I\'m much further away from anything than you, and yet I do not experience ANY kraken... right now I\'m 404.000M at 6600m/s. It would mean that kraken only depends on vessels speed, and not distance... interesting, I didn\'t know that.
  16. Well of course you are closer. You are 140.000K away from Kerbol. I\'m 302.000M = 302.000.000K from Kerbol. I can\'t even see the star at this point. I\'m just saying, that kraken is tolerable actually non-existent where I am now. Or at least I thought it was, but obviously I can\'t see my orbit (which doesn\'t exist) and apo/periapsis, so you maybe right. I called if 'Farlander' for a reason Edit:Also there is no object there, hence no atmosphere. You can\'t collide with anything out there, so I wouldn\'t expect to get message on warp limit, now would I...
  17. Physics engine is fine even 302,000M away where one of my 'Farlander' class is at the moment, so there must be solar breaking... OK. I may be like an 60 year old gramps, but you must be 90yo walking zombie of a kerbonaut... I didn\'t know there was a world before .9 !
  18. Huh. So I can say now that I\'m such an old kerbonaut that I remember when you could fly trough the sun? I feel old... Edit: 'Sundiving? What do YOU know \'bout sundiving?! In my days... blah, blah, blah, kraken, blah blah, 5km from the center, blah, blah, bright like hell, blah, blah. You kids these days don\'t know nothing'. =D
  19. I liked that idea so congrats. You just named a constellation BTW. Feel free to submit stuff you find. I can\'t name EVERYTHING...
  20. That goes without saying OK, I was with you until that last part. 'Zephram expanse' sounds good. Legit. Has some sort of \'feel\' to it. And it just might be a cool way to remember the biggest/oldest veterans of this universe biggest catastrophe a.k.a. a space program that kerbals run (down to the ground usually) Obviously no one with nick like 'Flying_penis' will be allowed to name anything after themselves (unless he finds one O_o). Well, we do have constellation 'Twins'. Kerbals obviously do things half-a**. So there you go. I was looking for triplets but... well I\'m still looking (and 275.000M 302.000M away in the process). Not much philosophy here but I feel like kerbals need some sort of mythology. This is a start. Bit of trivia here: Jebediach was born under 'Not-Twin'. That\'s why he always stands out from the crowd (of 3).
  21. So, I\'ve been wandering the space around Kerbol for some time now, and have noticed some stuff out there in the background. Where there\'s stuff, there have to be names for that stuff. Therfore I\'d like to start and encourage my fellow kerbonauts to do the same. As long as the object(s) you are submitting, have not been named before - you get to name them! Maybe one day those objects will actually land in-game and Squad just might take a peek in here for inspiration Don\'t make up crazy names or FaC3b00k style names. Obviously don\'t use swear words. You may call object after yourself as long as the name is not offending, or can be pronounced by a normal person who did not learned to write on Facebook/Twitter... Name nebulae, stars, constellations (zodiacs), geological areas like lakes, seas, oceans, mountains, etc. List of named objects: Nebulae: 'Devil' nebula (Dev nebula for short). Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus Devil nebula is the most prominent visual marker on Kerbin night sky and therefore is used as navigation reference while looking for other objects. 'Bird-scull' nebula (B-S nebula for short) Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus Located above Devil nebula, it encompass Kerbol system on one side. 'Chorkaleys hand' nebula Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus Located beneath Devil nebula, it encompass Kerbol system on one side. The name comes from Chorkaley - the goddess of the church Enyr Austari - one of the oldest and biggest religions on Kerbin, who believe the nebula to be a 'protecting' hand of the goddess. Stars: Constellations (Zodiacs): 'Seagull' belt Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus Located above Devil nebula, between it\'s \'ears\', the belt consist of 4 stars (not named as of this moment). 'Separatus' Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Max Grant Located to the left of the Devil nebula \'face\', this constellation is rotated 180deg compared to Devil. It consist of 10 stars (not named as of this moment) 'Umbrella' (and other names) Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Dalfite/Kosmo/Serratus(?) Located between Devil and Bird-scull nebulae, it consists of 5 stars (not named as of this moment) Kerbal scientist Dalfite disputes that the same area is in fact a constellation called the 'Kraken', while Dr Kosmo believes the constellation to represent his face. 'Fish' Located between 'Chorkaleys hand' and 'Bird-scull' nebulae, Fish constelation consists of 7 stars. Legend: 1. Star Kerbol - dimmest in constellation. 1 known planet (Kerbin) +1 known moon (Mun) 2-7 unknown at this time. Kerbin geography: 'Bunny bay' Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus Location: ??:??:??. Part of Sea of Kolus, it goes inwards into Old Kolus continent in norther hemisphere. The tiny island that makes up the \'eye\' of the \'Bunny\' is named after kerbal scientist who invented Munar rocks, St. Munor (location: ??:??:??) Mun geography: 'Dumbbell' craters Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus Location: Small crater estimated center alt. 445m; coord. 4 2\' 43' S; 138 20\' 5' E; lowest known point 191m; coord. 6 8\' 53' S; 139 30\' 30' E; estimated diameter of ~25km +/- 5km Big crater estimated center alt. 162m; coord. 22 36\' 51' S; 134 54\' 12' E; lowest known point 122m; coord. 20 30\' 57' S; 133 1\' 29' E; estimated diameter of ~60km +/- 8km Ravine estimated length of ~27km +/- 5km estimated width of ~3km +/- 1km 'Mun face' Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus Located to the north-west of bigger Dumbbell crater, this natural formation has been long speculated as proof of different gods existence, and - more recently - a source of most ridiculous conspiracy and/or alien stories; the most popular saying that tall, pale, aliens with small eyes and big feet, are abducting kerbals for the purpose of -=NOT PG=- studies... 'Great rift' Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus Location: Crater estimated center alt. 306m; coord. 35 30\' 29' N; 46 49\' 23' W; lowest known point 178m; coord. 34 48\' 7' N; 46 40\' 20' W; estimated diameter of ~13km +/- 3km Rift estimated length of ~63km +/- 5km estimated width of ~2km +/- 500m Once believed to be reminder of a collision between Mun and small but fast asteroid at a steep angle, the event took place around 37mln years ago. However, recently KSP astrogeology team determined that the asteroid was actually solid, pure chunk of uranium. Where did it came from remains a mystery at this time. Good hunting to all fellow explorers!
  22. Yeah, but mods are people too. And when boss is not around for 2 weeks... they can let off for a bit. You are human, right mods? Right?
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