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Everything posted by Higgs
The droopy nose has NOTHING to do with the delta wing of concorde. I found a picture of a view from the Concorde's Cockpit with the nose in the "droop" position. Not exactly a picture window view. The nose of the Concorde is exceptionally long and pointed. It has to be, as you did point out, Concorde was capable of supersonic flight, and the nose needed to elongated and pointed to cope with 1400+ MPH speeds. Take a look at the view: Like I said, this isnt because of the wing. its because the engineers had to compromise with the aircraft and flight crews needs while actually on the ground or coming in on final approach. They could have chosen to NOT do this, but, then, you would have had a LONG aircraft with almost NO visibility, and absolutely NONE for about 15 feet from that window out ahead of the aircraft.
1. so THATS how those spoilers work. Never have been able to get them to function lol. 2. given the time table in which i have been seeing issues with MechJeb brevity isnt my friend anymore. Ive found that I just need to bludgeon my issue with as many details as I can think of. Does this make for some...LONG posts? absolutely. 3. me and "dev build" mechjeb variants do not get along with them usually trying to microwave my saves. I had one nerf a save which stunk. And, for the record, 2.4.2 that was given on filedropper, was the version I was using direct from the curse webpage. at this point Jacke, I am nearing the: I just give up" phase of all this as it has hamstrung my ability to play. You do make one good point, and I sincerely HOPE that all of what I am experiencing is a facet of what you said: that there is a tremendous amount of things that got whacked with the change stick. if it ISNT part of that, it needs to be hunted down, regardless of just how rare this is proving to be. did it? if it did, thanks jacke!! all of this being said, is the error 1. mechjeb 2. my persistent save 3. my copy of the game? 4. something other?
Hello again. Long Post. I wanted to test MechJeb again after being away from it for about what 11 days give or take. Here is what I did prior to starting the 6 tests you see below: I deleted MechJeb 2.4.2 from the game. Deleted its dev variant. Deleted the zip files as well. I then went and re-down loaded MechJeb 2.4.2 and placed it into the game as per install instructions. I also, will re-list the version of KSP for these tests below this introduction as well as mods that are installed. KSP and the mods as listed are the most up-to-date versions I can locate for KSP I was attempting to see if my prior issues would occur. Those being: Failing to launch at the correct time, Pre-firing the Launch Clamps, Getting Locked into Auto-Warp. I was able to varify only a few of these, and two of the issues happened only ONCE out of 6 times. I want to go on record here, stating, that, there is an issue with MechJeb, as this was a fresh install of MechJeb and some of the bugs once again occurred. Below you will find: 6 Tests, their notes, and the related Output Log for that test. Below the tests and their respective logs, you will find a link to my vessel, a small imgur album OF said vessel. Below THAT, you shall find a copy of the persistent save file these tests were conducted in. Below THAT, you will find a copy of the MechJeb 2.4.2 that was used for these tests. My request is this: Is my save itself borked or possibly the game? If it is either, a full restart of the save and or game would be sad, but, would be done. If 100% needed, I can ask Steam to provide me with a fresh copy of the game, and I can re-install my mods and go on with my life in KSP. If this is in fact an issue with MechJeb, I hope it can be found and repaired as it is my fear that this will propagate further down the road and perhaps become a big issue at some point. To those who would suggest I learn to fly w/out MechJeb, I state this: Why should I? I can in fact perform all the required actions for a mission, just not as smoothly as MechJeb, but, prefer to use MechJeb. To me, MJ is as vital to my personal enjoyment of the game as what ever mod<s> YOU see as vital components to YOUR space program. If your a fan of FAR and I asked YOU to learn to fly w/out it, you would rightly laugh me right out of the conversation. As such, my use of MechJeb is akin to your use of what ever mod<s> YOU prefer to use. Second On Record Statement: I realize that my issues are exceptionally rare, with only one or two other players speaking up and saying they are seeing similar issues. Just because these issues are NOT replicating for you in YOUR save files does NOT mean they are NOT happening in MY save file. I am trying to provide all of you with as a detailed account of my findings tonight as I can, as well as provide all the relevant files to aid in coming to some sort of conclusion and action plan for resolution of this and its similar issues. I am seeing this happen, and it is frustrating as it is making the game unenjoyable and unplayable for me. I do not wish to be forced to wait for .91 to come out and then HOPE that these issues somehow are resolved when Sarbian or r4m0n upgrade MechJeb to 2.4.3 <assuming thats the logical numbers progression for the next update of KSP when ever that is>. KSP 32 Bit for Windows. BETA Mods: MechJeb 2.4.2, Romfarers Lazor Docking Camera, NovaPunch, Procedural Fairings. Again, all mods updated to current versions for KSP Beta. 1. First Test: Target: Polar Orbtial Sciences One. Mission test MechJeb 2.4.2. Test flight 500km Polar orbit targeted to station. Launch To Rendezvous. MJ Prefired Launch Clamps and stayed in AUTO-WARP thru launch window. Terminating Auto-Warp resulted in a launch but so much time had elapsed that being on course to the target was not going to happen. Reverted to VAB, then to Main Menu. Closed KSP. Logged first output log. Test One Output Log: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog1 ----------------- 2. Second Test: Target P.O.S.O. Mission test MechJeb 2.4.2. Test Flight 500km polar orbit targeted to station. Launch into Plane of target. Results: Launch into Plane proved to work...this time. Launched smoothly...for the most part...perhaps I was overzealous with my launch clamps, as it caused it to buck wildly as it cleared. After Launch tower clear, launch went as expected and fairly smoothly. Discovered I need some RCS tanks on the test vehicle, but, after 2 tests, with 1 full mission profile, I think, I will not add them in order to keep things all equal. Should be noted that with each iteration I am shutting the game down completely. Test Two Output Log: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog2 ----------------- 3. Third Test: Target: K.I.S.S. Mission test MechJeb 2.4.2. Test Flight: 500km equatorial orbit targeted to station. Launch to Rendezvous. Results as was expected, MechJeb failed to perform a Launch to Rendezvous. I chose my K.I.S.S. which is in an equatorial orbit at 250km. To stay even with tests 1 and 2, I launched to 500KM or rather, targeted that altitude. Of note: There is an issue with LtR command. In all prior cases before KSP .90 no matter the target a LtR command would alter the orbital inclination box to match the targets orbital inclination. Now, it is not doing so. Perhaps the issue, or atleast ONE is with the coding of that particular function of the 2.4.2 mechjeb? That i suppose is for the coders to figure out. Suffice it to say, the next 3 tests will be interesting. Also of Note: Auto-Warp engaged and disengaged as per mod design. Test Three Output Log: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog3 ----------------- 4. Fourth Test: Target: K.I.S.S. Mission test MechJeb 2.4.2. Test Flight: 500km equatorial orbit targeted to station. Launch to Plane. Results as was expected MechJeb performed a full mission profile from launch, to orbital insertion, rendezvous to 100m from the target to a deorbit. As with tests 1-3 once the test was concluded, a revert to VAB was performed, followed by a quit to main menu then full shutdown of the game. Log was obtained and stored. Test Four Output Log: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog4 ----------------- 5. Fifth Test: Target: K.O.S.C. Mission test MechJeb 2.4.2. Test Flight: 500km inclined orbit, 43.47 degrees inclined, targeted to station. Launch to Rendezvous. Results as expected, the LtR failed to alter orbital Inclination box. Ship did launch, and as expected got hung up on the launch "tower" and flew oddly, but, MechJeb recovered and I allowed the flight to go to stage sep and gravity turn, however launched into the prior tests inclination. Given that Launch To Rendezvous is now as of KSP .90 failing to alter the inclination box, this was expected. Test Five Output Log: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog5 ----------------- 6. Sixth Test: Target: K.O.S.C. Mission test MechJeb 2.4.2. Test Flight: 500km inclined orbit, 43.47 degrees inclined, targeted to station. Launch into Plane. Results after 6 tests total and the third using Launch into Plane were as expected. Full launch profile, orbital insertion and rendezvous to 100m of the target were as completed as expected. I initiated a deorbit burn, then reverted to VAB, then main menu and finally closing down KSP completely. Test Six Output Log: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog6 ----------------- I want to state on the record: There IS an issue with MechJeb 2.4.2. There is no denying this. The issue that I can confirm at this time, is this. In prior KSP versions for MechJeb from KSP .21 thru .25 MechJeb would perform any flight operation you asked of it, regardless of what button or combination of buttons pressed there in. It would, if you chose, any of those stations and orbital inclinations from my 3 tests above as targets for orbital inclinations, would adjust the parameters for MechJeb accordingly. If I chose Launch to Rendezvous lets say, using the Polar orbital station, it would adjust the orbital inclination to match the targets inclination and launch accordingly. Now? It does not. I think this is an error in MechJeb to not do this. Launch to Plane now, oddly seems to function as LtR used to. This begs me ask: If Launch into Plane now functions as LtR did, why still have LtR on the mod as now, a launch to rendezvous requires some tweaks user side to work as desired. This isnt a big issue, but, it is something to take note of never the less. Also, I have as yet to reproduce prior reported issues, but, I will continue to track and record as I go along. My test vehicle is 100% stock with the single exception of MechJeb 2.4.2 being bolted to the side of the capsule. I have an RTG burried in the capsule itself for power. I have now provided with this post, 6 (SIX) varying output logs, each is provided with its particular test. Included below this, is the vehicle as well as the related persistent save file. What I ask now is this: what can be done to repair this issue. Sadly, the steps to reproduce the Auto-Warp lock, are unknown to me, as with each test, I did the same exact steps: Chose my launch vehicle inside the VAB, hit M, selected my target for the test, hit M to return to the visual of the vessel on the pad, hit the Launch to Rendezvous/into Plane (depending on which iteration of course) and then hit engage autopilot. ONLY ONCE this time in 6 tests did it Auto-Warp lock with a launch clamp pre-fire and that was test 1. I can upon request perform these tests again using the steps: engage autopilot THEN tell it which launch mode to use. Vessel Craft File: http://www.filedropper.com/mechjeb242experimental Picture of Mechjeb242experimental vessel: as you can see, I perhaps over did the struts and clamps, but, I wanted to make absolutely dead on certain that it wasnt going to sway in the SLIGHTEST on pad. IF you use this thing to test my tests, be warned: it is TOUCHY leaving the pad with all those blasted clamps. The persistent save file that the above tests were conducted in: http://www.filedropper.com/persistent Please take special note: IF you wish to actually USE this persistent save, you MUST have: MechJeb, Lazor Docking Camera, Procedural Fairings and NovaPunch installed or the file may act in undesirable ways and contaminate the bug hunt. The copy of MechJeb 2.4.2 that was used for these 6 tests: http://www.filedropper.com/mechjeb2-2420
Steve, wiping my game is a drastic step. One, for tonight, I am unwilling to take. I would like to state on record: I dont need a .25 copy to demonstrate proper behavior, as proper behavior can be shown by words in this case. Target any object you have in orbit. Tell MechJeb while on the launch pad awaiting launch, that you wish to go to an orbit that is ABOVE your target. Say your target is 300km circular, Polar. Tell it: 500km, then click, dealers choice: Launch To Rendezvous and engage autopilot, OR Launch into Plane of Target <either are acceptable launch criteria> and watch as the following occur: MechJeb <this is assuming you are say 90 degrees off plane from your target> engages auto-warp, bringing the KSC into a favorable position relative to your targets orbit and position with in that orbit. MechJeb keeps slowing auto warp down as the count draws to t-0. Finally at say t-10 seconds it cuts to 1x normal time scale and the clock runs to 0. MechJeb then <the following assumes: auto-stage has been enabled, launch to say rendezvous for this and your climbing to a 500km POLAR orbit> initiates launch. Reaches your gravity turn assigned altitude. MechJeb triggers your staging at the correct times and now, you are coasting to edge of atmosphere as it has finalized your AP to around 500KM give or take a bit for vehicle oddities during flight. You achieve AP and mechjeb has oriented you into the correct position for circularisation burn. With this done, your launch profile has concluded and MechJeb functioned exactly as advertised, anticipated and expected. The above held true for all versions between .21 KSP and .25 KSP. For me sadly, this after multiple reverts to both launch and vab is not possible. and again, with the 380 dev build, not even THIS was possible. Page 853 post 8526 contains several output logs and a persistent save. a page or so back has new output logs and a more current persistent. to use my persistent: mechjeb 2.4.2, novapunch, lazor docking cam, proc fairings.
For the record. I am in Steam Version and have tried MJ 2.4.2 and Dev Build 380 i think it is. For the second record, Mechjeb that is compatible for .25 FUNCTIONED EXACTLY as EXPECTED. Issue lies with MJ 2.4.2 and Dev Build 380. Trying to duplicate this set of issues on a MechJeb and KSP NOT of versions 2.4.2 and KSP 0.90 is a task that is not needed, as, I have stated many times, in the litany of posts where I list the versions in which MechJeb functioned exactly as predicted and expected are not relevant to the issues I am seeing in .90 with the current dev build and MJ 2.4.2. Thanks for trying Star, I really mean that. side note: i KNOW my issue is exceptionally rare and seems to be effecting only me. I have given multiple copies of my persistent save, multiple output logs. All i want to know is, is this issue because of a corrupted save on my end? I honestly do not know. Is this something because of the new parts in KSP? again, I do not know. Is this something in the code of mechjeb? again, I do not know. I am not beyond unwilling to totally nuke my copy of KSP and start from just opening the box again, IF the issue is ON MY END, but, I cant know that if you folks dont help me. I KNOW you folks are not seeing and are having issues even trying to REPLICATE the issues I am seeing, but, that does NOT mean they are not happening. Why would I be putting myself out on display if they were not happening? I am honestly wanting help. Please help me out.
It would seem I am FORCED into reposting my most recent issue with MechJeb in the blind hopes that Sarbian or someone with computer programming skills can find my issue with mechjeb. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...v2-4-2/page853 THIS is where you can locate the initial batch of output logs as well as a copy of my persistent save as of THAT date. here is where you can get a fresh copy of my output log from last night: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_6 here is where you can get a fresh copy of my persistent save from last night: http://www.filedropper.com/persistent_3 With the reposts of my saves/logs out of the way, I begin again with reposting my most recent issue with the Dev Build 380 i think it is. I begin this again, by stating on record, I have used procedures that I know to work and have worked for mechjebs that are or rather were compatible with KSP versions: .21, .22, .23, .23.5, .24, .25. Those procedures as far as the current issues at hand: Launch to Rendezvous and Launch into Plane of Target. 1. IN ALL PRIOR VERSIONS, regardless of orbit, inclination or any other factors, going to the map, selecting a target, and then giving the 2 commands: Launch to Rendezvous and Engage Auto-Pilot, would for the record, fill in orbital inclination and then fly the appropriate launch profile into the proper plane and orbit. Inclined, Elliptical, polar, equatorial, retrograde, prograde did not matter. It would find and fly said path. .90 and mechjeb 2.4.2/dev build 380 it is sketchy at best if it does this. 2. IN ALL PRIOR VERSIONS, regardless of orbit, inclination or any other factors going to the map, selecting a target, and then giving the 2 commands: Launch into PLANE of Target and Engage Auto-Pilot, would for the record, fill in the orbital inclination and then fly the appropriate launch profile into the proper plane and orbit. Inclined, Elliptical, polar, equatorial, retrograde, prograde did not matter. It would find and fly said path. .90 and mechjeb 2.4.2/dev build 380 it is sketchy at best if it does this. 3. I can or rather could, get one to two flights in where things would act as expected. But, multiple reverts into VAB or back to the Pad for fixes or retries would degrade the functionality of MechJeb. When I ran the DEV BUILD 380, regardless of what I targeted, and as of lately, trying to sort this out, I kept choosing my station in POLAR orbit <an album to follow this list, and before you tell me it is doing what I told it to do, because orbital inclination says 0 degrees, please remember your mechjebs and what it does when you select a target for a times launch, it is SUPPOSED to rewrite that box. The dev build does not, at least for me> it would fly an equatorial orbit, or in the case of the pictures, TRIED, had a sketchy staging issue and the thing got wonky and flew wonky. FOR THE RECORD, I chose my polar orbit station, CHOSE LAUNCH INTO PLANE OF TARGET then engaged the autopilot. it saddens me to have to repost this particular issue. I also state, I am sick of being told I am in the wrong with how I am using the mod, that this is somehow MY fault. The issue is real. Just because YOU are not having this happen does NOT mean that I am making this up. I have come to believe that we are all here because we love this game, and that we come together to HELP each other.
Jacke logs and persistent save have already been proffered. Page 853 post 8526. If a rebuild is what i need to do so be it, but before i go to that extreme i would like someone with coding skills (sarbian or r4m0n seeing as its happening with mechjeb) tho the issue is starting to crop up less but has not fully dissipated to see if something shows in those files. Thx again
the HIGHEST ever recorded G-Force WITH SURVIVAL happened in Ft Worth Texas in 2003 with an Indy Race Car Driver surviving 214G's of deceleration. Citation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenny_Br%C3%A4ck
i would like to ask again: does anyone have ANY idea what is causing my issues with mechjeb? the long run down of everything, including output logs and a copy of the persistent save is available here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-90-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-4-2/page853 it is post number 8526. I deleted the craft from kerbalx. the output logs/persistent however are still valid. I am getting mechjeb to function right for periods, then, it goes psycho on me as listed in the rundown at that link. I have 0 clue what is going on. I am tired of this issue. I just want to play this game and be happy, but, this issue is not a happy one. For the record, I am not a programmer, so, explaining things to me by showing me lines of code may as well be speaking to me in chinese or arabic for all the good it will do. Look, I will boil my question down to the following: 1. Is my copy of MechJeb some how borked? <assuming this sorta thing shows up in the output logs or save file> 2. Is my PERSISTENT save borked? <assuming that can be determined by mucking about in it> 3. Is it some combo of the two? 4. Did downloading MechJeb 2.4.2 twice on accident do something to the first download <the one I actually installed, also, my lack of knowledge of code may make coders laugh at this question, and good on you if it does, im at a loss here> 5. please help <give sad sad sad sad puppy dog eyes>
Serbian can you explain WHY in MY copy of KSP mechjeb is doing the things it's doing? OBVIOUSLY it's behaving for YOU but for me, it's decidedly not behaving and exhibiting all things I have mentioned? I know why that rocket flew apart btw, over powered SRBs combined with inadequate strutting. But NONE of this speaks to why, mechjeb did the following: 1. Premature launches either hours or seconds (varies by try) prior to window. 2. Stays stuck in Autowarp thru MULTIPLE LAUNCH WINDOWS 3. Starts glitching for ME after multiple reverts 4. Is not glitching for you look have access to my persistent save what am I missing? Is my save borked or is my copy of mechjeb borked or is mechjeb borked? THAT is what all this boils down to. What is and WHERE is the issue in all this.
You folks called me crazy, said there is no issue with mechjeb. Well, I am happy to say: YES THERE IS. I have concrete PROOF in picture FORM. This is an imgur album. One picture shows you my ship, which is ALL STOCK with the ONE SINGLE exception of MECHJEB. The rest show the target in a POLAR ORBIT, yes, this is a NEW save, and the target, is a 2.5m probecore, 2 2.5 meter STOCK batteries, a STOCK 2.5 meter SAS wheel, a STOCK ORANGE TANK, a Main Sail Engine at 350KM POLAR ORBIT. The pictures speak for themselves. Now, PLEASE HELP ME FIND THIS BUG AND ITS SOLUTION. Steps: 1. Loaded Game 2. Made a NEW sandbox Save. 3. Made a simple target to use, launched it to 350KM POLAR Orbit. Consists of the description above. 4. Made the Test Rocket, description is in the album. 5. Did a test launch, everything went well. 6. Reverted to LAUNCH <as this seems to CAUSE the issue> 7. Launched AGAIN, everything SORTA went well. 8. REVERTED AGAIN TO LAUNCH. 9. Laughed as MECHJEB GAVE UP WAITING FOR FULL TERM, Launches Prematurely. 10. Reminds people of the order in which I clicked buttons: LAUNCH TO RENDEZVOUS, ENGAGE AUTO-PILOT 11. Makes Imgur album, posts below. 12. Makes THIS post. 13. Embeds album. 14. waits for someone to help find this bug. Now, I am not TRYING to be rude, but, I am SICK of being rebuffed, treated with disrespect as people claim that either it is MY ship, or ME. I have undeniable PROOF there is an issue. Now, OBVIOUSLY this is NOT occurring for EVERYONE, but, it IS happening for ME. THERE IS a PROBLEM with MechJeb. My ONLY guess is it has SOMETHING to with the game going to BETA mode. I am NOT a coder and thusly have 0 clue. But to outright dismiss me, call my crafts pieces of <expletive word was implied by a diff forum member> and then mock me some more, by saying I am doing something wrong, is insulting and hurtful. I am having an issue that is causing me to NOT be able to play a game that I love. I am beseeching ALL OF YOU for help, instead I am treated like scum or ignored or something else. There is CLEARLY something wrong with MechJeb, and I am TRULY SORRY if my finding this issue has insulted you, but, do not be derisive to me for it. Help me solve this. We all love this game. I am willing to BET MY ENTIRE GAME ON IT. But, again, to be anything other than helpful in this matter is, well, not helpful, and it is not the way of the community in which I hold in such high esteem.
Which is fine, but, why the refusal of mechjeb with either launch to rendezvous OR plane of target to come off auto-warp and launch? That fun cropped up after iteration 10. And no one can tell me THAT is intended behavior of mechjeb to flatly refuse to stop autowarp and refuse to launch even the MOST BASIC rocket possible. MechJeb has an issue but i know not what the cause or why
Sarbian POSO is an acronym. You need to understand mechjeb refuses to fly at all. You can explore my files to find out why. The issue is real. Im sad its not showing for you but its there. The further issue is about MECHJEB not my ship but MECHJEB not working. Oh Sarbin also, if MechJeb is fine according to you, answer me this: why then, using the STOCK 1 man capsule, a STOCK nose cone parachute, a STOCK RTG, a STOCK SRB from ARM and a STOCK decoupler with 1 mod part MechJeb 2.4.2 it refused to launch and kept auto warping after the target for a timed launch went sailing by? No really why
Nukeboy and eleven the second ship has a PROVEN successful flight in my persistent. As to the original this issue showed up with, to stay at a reasonable part count necessitates the use of novapunch to get aloft. Stock boosters sadly lack the power to keep sizes reasonable. Only thing ive seen start the problem is a revert to vab or launch. Awaiting information that coders can dig out of the supplied files in my other post.
This is one LONG post, but, the length is 100% needed as this is a complicated issue. With that said, please, read the whole thing before the logs or craft files or the persistent save file way at the bottom. Thanks. I will start off by saying the following again. I have a target station in about a 350-370km POLAR ORBIT. I have a vessel designed in KSP BETA that uses STOCK PARTS, MechJeb 2.4.2, NovaPunch 2.08 for its COMPONENTS. I just started the game today after it not having been run for roughly 24 HOURS. I can say, that for this iteration that, MechJeb is NOT functioning as intended in KSP V0.90.0.705 BETA. for a clear idea of what is happening, I will take from a prior post of mine: 1. As I have stated multiple times MechJeb is not working as designed. 2. Mechjeb is acting on its OWN WHIMS. 3. MechJeb is either launch rockets the INSTANT engage auto pilot is hit 4. Mechjeb is either "waiting" but firing launch clamps prematurely then launching as soon as 17 SECONDS EARLY 5. Mechjeb is either "waiting" until "proper" time to launch but spasm fires ALL STAGES IN RAPID SEQUENCE WHILE STILL BURNING PRIOR STAGES. 6. Debug menu SHOWS NO FAULTS. That is as concise and clear as I can get on what I am seeing. Vital Stats concerning KSP: I run in 32 Bit. KSP V0.90.0.705 MODS INSTALLED: Romfarers Lazor Docking Camera .90 Compatible Variant. Nova Punch 2.08 .90 Compatible. MECHJEB 2.4.2 supposed to be .90 Compatible? Procedural Fairings 3.11. Procedure Followed for Iteration 1 Data: 1. Loaded Game. 2. Took Note of CURRENT KSP Version Number. 3. From the INITIAL SCENE went DIRECT TO LAUNCH PAD. 4. Selected Vessel that started this. 5. HIT M. Targeted The Station in POLAR ORBIT. 6. HIT ENGAGE AUTO PILOT 7. Sat in COMPLETE LACK OF SURPRISE AS MECHJEB LAUNCHED THE VESSEL. AN/DN NODES it should be noted are 90 and -90 RESPECTIVELY TO TARGET. 8. Watched the Launch fly the rocket apart. <this little bit requires a slight fix of struts for anyone wanting to see this catastrophe using my ship if you dont want the Nova Punch ADV SRB 4 segment from tearing the thing to ribbons> 9. Reverted to VAB. 10. CLOSED VAB 11. CLOSED KSP 12. Obtained output log. 13. Posted Iteration 1 output log here: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_1 14. Posted Iteration 1 Vessel: vessel was deleted from kerbalx Procedure Followed for Iteration 2 Data: <this vessel, the one for iteration 2 has a successful mission under it, hence my choice for choosing it for this> 1. Loaded Game. 2. Confirmed Iteration 1 KSP Version Number. 3. From the INITIAL SCENE went DIRECT TO LAUNCH PAD. 4. Selected a Vessel Constructed for the SAME TARGET in version .25 5. HIT M. Targeted The Station in POLAR ORBIT. 6. HIT ENGAGE AUTOPILOT 7. Sat in bewilderment for a moment as the vessel held firm. 8. Hit LAUNCH INTO PLANE OF TARGET. Held my breath. 9. Watched it wait until the correct moment to launch. 10. Watched the flight until circularize orbit maneuver. 11. Reverted to VAB. 12. CLOSED VAB. 13. CLOSED KSP. 14. Obtained output log. 15. Posted Iteration 2 output log here: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_2 16. Posted Iteration 2 Vessel: vesel was deleted from kerbalx Given that Iteration 2 APPEARS to have flown correctly, as to why THIS flew right, and the first did not, I know not. I will await the word of those smarter than I in terms of Computer Language. Something is CLEARLY wrong here. I do not know what it is. BOTH vessels have Clampotron SENIOR docking ports for what it is worth, IF you intend on trying to fly a full mission profile from launch to docking with either vessel. They have action groups, but I neglected to take note. They are NOT flight critical as all operations can be done by hand. I await word as to what this gremlin in the works is. Iterations 3/4/5: Reused the craft from Iteration 1 and the results are scary. THE FIRST Time I re-used for Iteration 3, it actually held firm until things lined up. I had a rapid unplanned disassembly mid-flight. Reverted to VAB to adjust some struts and relaunched. Iteration 4: same as 3 with regards to craft used. Hit ENGAGE AUTOPILOT. I DID NOT TOUCH SPACE BAR. Had 0 time to wait to do anything else, because as SOON as I HIT ENGAGE AUTO-PILOT, MechJeb was off to the races again. No waiting, no NOTHING, just hit ENGAGE AUTOPILOT and the thing LAUNCHED. Iteration 5 is currently Paused as I write this. While, it DID THE SAME THING: LAUNCHED THE INSTANT I clicked: ENGAGE AUTO-PILOT, I am seeing if it will fly the full flight profile, even tho, its currently something like 65 DEGREES OFF OF COURSE, just to see IF MechJeb will get the bugger into orbit. Will Update when I finish Iteration 5. Iteration 5 is currently in an orbit. It is NOT the orbit I asked for, nor the orbit I desire. Here is a small album with 3 images of the 5th iteration. Image 1 is moments after hitting engage autopilot. Image 2 is mid way through ascent. Image 3 is after circularizing with one of the Nodes highlighted to show just how FAR OFF MechJeb is because it launched when I hit ENGAGE AUTO-Pilot. Iteration um? where am I? 6, 7, 8 and 9. MechJeb has COMPLETELY BROKEN. It now, on ALL of these last tries, with what, amounts to the most SIMPLE ROCKET: A 1 man command pod, a decoupler, a parachute, a MECHJEB and an RTG, will NOT FLY. I chose the station from all prior iterations as my test target. Iterations 6-9 ALL went the same EXACT WAY: I target the station, I choose: Launch to rendezvous, and I hit Engage Auto-Pilot. It starts promising: it actually waits, and then it CONTINUES to wait. All I hear is the sound of the engine activating <iterations 6 and 7 were LIQUID/OXY fueled, 8 and 9 were SRB powered> and it waits and waits and waits and waits and waits and waits and waits and waits some MORE. I am about to re-launch KSP to grab an output log for my 10th and FINAL Iteration, as I am going to declare MechJeb 2.4.2 NOT COMPATIBLE WITH KSP V BETA. I am sorry to the makers and maintainers of this wonderful mod, but, SOMETHING IS CLEARLY wrong with the mod. Iteration 10 Data: 1. Load Game. 2. Go to VAB 3. Design Rocket to test. 4. Design Specifications: 1 Stock 1 man Capsule. 1 Stock Nose Mounted Parachute, 1, RTG for power, 1 1.5m NovaPunch Decoupler, 1, MechJeb 2.4.2 5. Click Launch button in VAB 6. Hit M, Select station in POLAR ORBIT. 7. Hit Launch to Rendezvous 8. Watch the endless procession of night into day into night. 9. Get bored after "3 days" of waiting for mechjeb to actually launch. <mechjeb's auto-warp is NOT cutting off as the launch time hits, which is why its not launching, why this is going on, again, not a programmer, so I cant begin to speculate, but, this may or may not be helpful info, so i hope it helps. manually killing auto-warp seems to allow it to launch fwiw> 10. Revert to VAB. 11. Close VAB 12. Close KSP 13. Get Copy of Output log. 14. Post output log here: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_3 15. In pure frustration at the situation offers up the SAVE FILE this is happening in here: http://www.filedropper.com/persistent_1 16. Remind ANYONE who tries to help of the mods needed for that file to function: NovaPunch, Procedural Fairings, MechJeb, Lazor Docking Camera. 17. enter a final comment below this list: This has been an utterly infuriating, frustrating and quite frankly depressing turn of events. I am so sorry to Sarbian, the person whom seemingly handles MechJeb now, but, I will contradict you now sir. No, MechJeb 2.4.2 is NOT working fine in KSP V If it were, I would not be making what is amounting to a small novel for you and others to look at and TRY to help me. I have used MechJeb RELIGIOUSLY for ALL ASPECTS of my game since I came to KSP back at .21. I use it as religiously as others use FAR or KER, and it is as vital to MY space program as those 2 mods are to others space programs, and asking me to fly with out it, is like asking them to not use THOSE mods. Look, the long and short of this is, MechJeb 2.4.2 is NOT working as it should. SOMETHING is wrong with it. I can state, that it USED to work before .90 came out when mechjeb was like version 2.4.0 or so, and since then, it has been a nightmare after going to .90 and MJ 2.4.2. I am seeking help, not derision or condescension or anything else. I am sorry to have had to say the previous line, but, I felt it needed, sorry if that offends, but, im at my breaking point with this issue as it is 100% game breaking for me. There is a CLEAR and PRESENT issue going on. This post contains multiple output logs, craft files, a specification of my final test rocket, my PERSISTENT save from the save that this is happening in. SOMETHING is wrong with the mod, and help is needed. I really hope this issue can be fixed, found and fixed. Yes, I said fixed twice, because with this gremlin, I think its gonna need two whacks or MORE with the bug swatter.
2.4.2 is the variant thats being bad. 2.4.1 was listed as .25 but stated to be .90 compat but all reports on curse said it was buggy. Saw 2.4.2 state supports .90 which is why I DLd it. I tried 2.4.0 but .90 kept crying foul. Red Iron Crown I will get you the requested .craft and log this evening after holiday activities as well as other infos
1. As I have stated multiple times MechJeb is not working as designed. 2. Mechjeb is acting on its OWN WHIMS. 3. MechJeb is either launch rockets the INSTANT engage auto pilot is hit 4. Mechjeb is either "waiting" but firing launch clamps prematurely then launching as soon as 17 SECONDS EARLY 5. Mechjeb is either "waiting" until "proper" time to launch but spasm fires ALL STAGES IN RAPID SEQUENCE WHILE STILL BURNING PRIOR STAGES. 6. Debug menu SHOWS NO FAULTS. 7. Something in .90 has rendered the current 2.4.2 MechJeb unusable to me. NOT a programmer so idk what is wrong. I have stated ALL OF THIS already. All I have gotten by and large is derision and mockery. I went directly to seek help to no avail. I will make two statements implicitly clear again. This is GAME BREAKING for me and as such has rendered the game unplayable. I am NOT A PROGRAMMER. Editing code is not an option for me. Flying with out mechjeb is not possible as it is a CORE element to my value in the game. I have faith that either you sarbian or r4m0n know what is wrong. It is my faultering hope at this point you know of a fix for this because until one comes this game is not playable.
sorry. no they are not. if your talking a crude rocket motor with simple black powder, like say a bottle rocket, then, yea, simple. BUT, a Rocket Motor that is designed to lift things into orbit and BEYOND are anything BUT simple. Rocket motors and rocket science in general, is one of the most COMPLEX things humanity has done todate, and even given modern RM's safety and reliability, each and every time you put a rocket motor into action, you risk it flying apart. So, no, dead simple? far from it. Even the motors in THIS game are not "dead simple" so, starting unmanned is about as reasonable as asking you to not drink and drive and wear a seat belt.